Saturday, September 30, 2006

Allergy Season Strikes Again

More than 20% of Americans suffer from the oh-so-lovely symptoms of allergies. You know what they are: itchy, watery eyes, sore throats, sneezing, just to name a few. Those who are affected deeply also experience headaches and low-grade fevers. (This is their body's way of trying to fight the attack.)

The Truth:
Allergies are genetic. This means if your parents had allergies, you have a higher chance of getting them too.

The Bad and the Good News
Over the counter drugs have side affects, as do prescription medicines. Before you get to the point of: “I don’t care I just want to get my nose to stop running!” check out these natural methods to lessen the symptoms of allergies.

Close those Windows!
The weather is nice and open windows let you enjoy the cool breeze. Unfortunately, the nice breeze brings pollens and molds, which are often allergy culprits. During peak pollen season, drive with your car windows closed.

Spring Clean
Since allergy season tends to be during spring and fall, take the time to thoroughly clean your home at least twice a year.Be sure to dust off those bookshelves and clean your air conditioning and heating vents. When not in use, they are well-loved resting places for dust and mold.

Bring Home Spiders
Spider Plants, that is. These plants are incredible - they are able to absorb many of the toxins in your home. They are also very easy to take care of. And for those of us who may forget to water a plant here and there, take heart: spider plants are very forgiving and low maintenance.

Wash that Pollen Out of Your Hair
Mitzi Gaynor may have needed to wash a man out of her hair - to no avail. Luckily, washing pollen out is much easier. Consider taking showers at night to get rid of your daily pollen collection. Pets (and children!) can be pollen carriers too, so be sure to suds them up!

Keep Your Immune System Up
Restful sleep and eating whole foods will be the boost your body needs to stay strong. Supplements and daily vitamins are necessary to keep your immune system running top-notch. If your body’s running at its best, it will be able to combat those pollens, molds, and spores much easier.

Mold Allergies

Mold allergies are one of the major health problems that can affect people of different age groups. It is a risk factor to all persons who live in cold climates and in humid regions. This is because of the fact that molds grow in humid regions, as they need moisture to live. The allergies are caused by the mold spores or small particles of mold growths entering through the nose while breathing. The spores travel through the respiratory tract and stay somewhere on the way in the upper respiratory system or stay in the lungs. They may cause irritation while breathing.

Some of the common symptoms of mold allergies are watery and itchy eyes, stuffed up nose, nasal congestion, sneezing, coughing, and difficulty in breathing. Certain mold allergies can lead to asthma and other lung diseases. In severe conditions, these allergies can even lead the infected person to a coma stage or to death. Moreover, a person with mold allergies is more likely to get other allergies also.

Mold allergies can be controlled to a certain extent by removing the molds at home. This is done by preventing moisture wherever found. Humidity level should be kept below 40 percent. An air conditioner or a dehumidifier can be used to regulate the humidity level in rooms. It is necessary to have proper ventilation in bathrooms and kitchens. Those persons who have HEPA (high efficiency particulate absorbing) filter should change the filters regularly. Otherwise, the filters may be clogged and will filter properly.

Even though there are thousands and thousands of molds, it is found that only 12 varieties cause allergies. Among these, black mold (also called Stachybotys) is a major threat, especially in the southern regions of the nation. It is found that the southern regions have foam board insulations installed without proper ventilations. This improper ventilation may be the major cause for the growth of black molds. As black molds are toxic, symptoms of such mold allergies are more severe than the traditional mold allergies.

Friday, September 29, 2006

How To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs Get Rid Of Bed Bugs Quick

If you know what the Bed bugs are, you probably need to know how to get rid of Bed bugs. According to an estimate only 2% of all known species of insects is considered as pests. Insects are considered pests only if they adversely affect people. If we learn about the Bed bugs, their evolution, breeding pattern and their feeding pattern we can know better how to get rid of Bed bugs.

There may be many creative ideas to get rid of Bed bugs, and the most common among people is the use of insecticide to kill the Bed bug. Insecticide also can be of various types

Chemical insecticides are used for quick killing of bugs, however these insecticide not only kills the Bed bugs but also the good bugs. The cost of this insecticide is also high and you should read the instructions provided with these insecticide before using them. Some toxic materials may remain after use of these insecticides and therefore should be used with care.

Another method to get rid of Bed bugs is to use biological insecticide. Biological insecticide is the organism that kills Bed bugs and these do not harm the good bugs. The other main benefit of this insecticide is that these do not leave any toxic material after use.

We sometimes can also use insecticide soap that when applied with water can kill the bugs. These soap solutions are only effective on soft bodies bugs as the solution penetrates the cell bodies of insects.

As we have already mentioned that there are good as well as Bed bugs and we must understand the difference between good and Bed bugs. Many insects can control these Bed bugs. Many insects kill these Bed bugs and therefore maintaining a balance between good and Bed bugs is sometimes desirable in certain cases where we unable to kill all the Bed bugs. However if we can destroy all the Bed bugs it is highly beneficial. Use of pesticide sometimes may kill good bugs also and that in long term may lead to increase the population of Bed bug. Therefore we must avoid the use of pesticide as far as possible as we do not want to kill the good bugs.

Discover Allergy Cures That Can Help You

Allergies are a very common disorder that can bring misery and discomfort to one’s daily life. People who suffer from this affliction constantly seek out different allergy cures to ease their symptoms. Firstly one should try and determine the actual cause of symptoms in order to properly treat any allergy problems.

Common causes are pet dander, dust, mold, as well as outdoor elements like pollen. Once you determine the cause behind your symptoms, finding a possible allergy cures to try becomes easier. While there are some over the counter medications that can be quite helpful others find respite after a visit to a specialist. Or there are some who don’t find relief at all.

Homeopathy is a viable option especially for those who don’t seem to find any reprieve from commonly used allergy cures. Adopting an all-natural approach to medicine and health, Homeopathy is a subject matter of some argument and controversy. While some argue that homeopathy is a hoax and that no allergy cures can be possibly found through natural elements. Others affirm that they have experienced instantaneous relief from their symptoms through homeopathic remedies.

Allergies include symptoms such as congestion, headaches and colds. An allergy symptom can develop into a more severe condition like bronchitis and pneumonia. For all those who experience symptoms in particular the more severe condition on a daily basis, finding the right allergy cure is essential to health and general well-being.

The medical community makes use of traditional methods regularly in order to address various allergy symptoms. This includes painful shots, medications that can leave the patient both groggy and miserable or even surgery in severe cases.

Traditional methods of treating allergy symptoms are quite disheartening to many people who want to discover an allergy cure that doesn’t include medication or taking shots. Surgery offers relief to many, though not everyone may really want to do it.

Homeopathy methods suggest that the allergy cures lie in the substances that cause the allergic reactions in the first place. These substances are diluted and administered to the body in little doses. Thus this enables the body to form the proper antibodies to protect against the abrasive substances effectively without producing an allergic reaction.

The whole process is fairly similar to getting a vaccine. When we get a vaccination shot, we are actually injecting the virus or threatening substance into our systems. The weakened substances are introduced to our systems in small doses that can be fought off by our immune systems. As soon as our bodies shows signs that they can fight the virus, we are immune. Homeopathy follows the general logic we use behind vaccines hence it is probably well worth a try!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

How The Food You Eat Help You Cure Diabetes

Every food is a medicine. What you eat is very important from the point of view of your health. There are no cut and dry methods and medicines by which you can cure diabetes. In fact, perfect cure for diabetes is yet to be found, in any system of medicine. But, Ayurvedic medicines are far near to the point of curing diabetes. This disease can certainly be controlled by Ayurveduic medicines.

The prime concern in controlling diabetes is to see that the sugar level does not cross the recommended level. This means you need to avoid certain types of food and take regularly those food which are good for controlling diabetes.

In short, processed foods and junk food, must be totally given up. Avoid sweets, glucose, fruit sugar, cakes, ice cream, chocolates, soft drinks, cream and fried foods. White sugar and white flour also cause further damage to the health of diabetes patients. Anything that contains harmful preservatives and too much salt should be avoided. Smoking and alcohol are taboo as well. So, in conclusion, your food is your medicine.

Instead of the commercial tea, take green tea, parsley tea and blueberry leaf. Cook the kidney bean pods and drink that water—it is very good in the treatment of diabetes. Replace white sugar with palm sugar, dates and honey. Unpolished rice, sprouted grain should be taken in moderate quantity. Fats like olive. oil and peanut oil are good in diabetes. Drink abundant water, at least 8 to 10 glasses per day. If you can make the habit of it, raw vegetables need to be taken in large quantity. Cooked food raise the level of blood sugar fast. This apart, cooking destroys vitamins, enzymes and minerals in the vegetables and fruits.

The real treatment of diabetes is through the fruits that you take. Take grapes, Indian blackberry, fig, kiwi fruits and citrus fruits and pomegranate juice. Let these things be your morning breakfast. As for vegetables, onion, garlic, radish, cucumber, carrot, tomato, cabbage and cucumber are excellent in the treatment of diabetes. Moong sprouted and unripe banana cooked, are also recommended.

The next important part of the diet is to take those fruits and vegetables in which fiber content is very high. Such type of food lowers the need for insulin, the reason being it releases energy into the body cells slowly. High fiber diet means more chromium which is very helpful in the treatment of diabetes. Some herbs and vegetables are specifically prescribed for diabetes, like Bitter Gourd and bitter melon juice.

Soak 50 gms of fenugreek seeds in a glass of water at night and drink the water early in the morning, after grinding the seeds in it. Draw a schedule, depending upon the level of your diabetes.

Diabetes Treatment Maintain Your Normal and Healthy Lifestyle Even With Your Disease

In the early days, it is hard to treat diabetes to save the lives of the patients. In fact, the absence of proper treatment or medication resulted to the patient’s death one year following the diagnosis.

Today, however, evolution in the medical science has completely changed that. With the discovery of newer treatment and diabetic management methods, patients are no longer doomed to cut their lives sooner than needed. If they could be administered with these treatments properly and earlier, they could live longer years as they can.

The first conventional medical treatment

Insulin is, by far, the primary and the first medication applied to people with diabetes. Method is applied by subcutaneous injections. Since insulin may get destroyed from gastric stomach secretions, it should not be taken by mouth. It should be injected through the skin and is taken in a daily basis with one or more dosage.

Generally, insulin injection is a treatment to regulate and control blood sugar/glucose content. Initial dosage is established with the patient’s initial condition and severity of the disease. After which, succeeding dosage will be dependent upon the progress of the patient.

Food intake as well as daily activities should compromise with the injection. To monitor if there is no irregularity in terms of the relationship between your insulin injection and diet/daily activities, blood sugar testing activity should make it a frequent tour to the doctor.

Regular treatment for diabetes

Aside from the medical treatment, which is the insulin, patients should undergo diabetes management to lessen higher risks of diabetes complications. Specifically, these are:

· Diabetic diet – diets of diabetic patients may be the same with people without the illness. However, heavy concentration on the healthy food and beverages is the lone approach that diabetic patient should follow. Similarly, it is also necessary to check on the nutrition label to ensure that the patient does not exceed or limit on the intake of proper nutrition content. Diets are typically provided by the medical doctors to the patients so they only need to follow these in order for them to be effective.

· Regular physical exercise – regular workouts may lessen the dosage of insulin injection. It is, however, important to note that the patient should follow a regular routine of the workout in a daily basis.

· Diabetic medication – this is now the insulin injection. There are two types of injection that you can take and can be administered by you or with other people capable enough. Dosage is dependent upon the severity of your illness.

· Obtaining ideal weight – healthy weight may not only lessen the risks for diabetes complication but will affect your physical appearance. This aspect is, of course, dependent on your diet and exercise.

What is the medical cost attributing to diabetes treatment?

Cost for treating diabetic patients may be higher due to the frequency of visits to the doctor, physician, and hospital and, of course, the maintenance of daily insulin intake. In the USA alone, there was an estimation that American people who have undergone treatment has reached their health-care costs and was pooled to approximately $100 billion yearly.

With different forms of diabetes treatment, people with this disease will no longer have to worry whether they should live normally as possible as people with the ailment. By strictly following to the methods of diabetic diets, diabetic exercises, medication treatments, and maintaining body weight, there is no reason to worry over severe diabetes complication onset.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Practice Yoga for Anger Management

Anger is such a powerful, negative emotion. It is much similar to an amusement park ride you wish you had never tried. Many of us believe anger must just run its natural course. How could Yoga really help you with anger management?

Yoga helps develop awareness at all levels, and you must be able to identify the “triggers” to losing self-control. This technique cannot prepare you for every situation in life, but it can help you with knowing the source of your problems.

For example: Let’s say we have constant fits of anger in traffic. We have identified part of the problem. To go a bit deeper: Are we worried about being late or do we just get anxiety in crowds and traffic jams? Once we know the answer, we can work toward a solution.

Depending upon the exact source of our anger, there could be a Yoga technique to solve it. If the problem is anxiety, while in a crowd or traffic jam, we can work on Yoga breathing techniques. In some cases, we may want to work on our Yoga breathing (Pranayama) - before we get into the car.

Attending Yoga classes will bring your mental, physical, and spiritual well-being into focus. You will learn Yogic relaxation techniques at the end of most Yoga classes.

You will also become much more aware of being short of breath, chest pains, feeling over anxious, heart palpitations, and any other unhealthy side effects that can be associated with fits of anger.

Due to your new-found awareness from Yoga practice, you may start to realize that an extra cup of coffee could be “digging an early grave” for you. Yoga practitioners are much more aware of their blood pressure than people who do not practice Yoga.

Hatha Yoga practice will allow your body to vent anger. Whether you practice a Restorative Yoga style that holds postures, or you practice a flowing Vinyasa Yoga style - the unhealthy negative feelings of anger, and its side effects, can be released from your body within a Yoga class.

Anger is similar to a mental toxin, which must be purged from your body on a daily basis. Pranayama, meditation, relaxation techniques, Yoga postures, and Yoga philosophy, may also help you with the power of forgiveness.

Forgiveness allows you to let past issues go. You must let anger go, with your past, for your own heath and well-being. It is extremely unhealthy to hold onto hate and anger.

In cases of extreme anger, a Yoga class might not be enough to help you rid your body, and mind, of your angry feelings. In such a case, you should seek professional counseling. Some psychologists, and psychiatrists, recommend Yoga and counseling to their patients. Only you will truly know which method, or combination of methods, gives you the best results.

Universal Principles of Yoga The Law of Karma

Karma Yoga has many principles, which are interchangeable with any religion. Many people think of karma as fate; but karma is action, not fate. Karma is also known as, “The law of cause and effect.”

We are responsible for our actions in this life and beyond. In contemporary terms we say, “What goes around; comes around.” Does this seem like a law that is specific to a certain religion?

Some would say, “Yes,” but this is a universal Yogic principle within all religions. There is no religion which has exclusive rights to the law of karma, but all religions address karma, in principle, even though the word, “karma,” may not be mentioned. Giving to those in need, without seeking a reward, creates good karma.

Karma Yogis exist in all cultures, religions, and races. In the twentieth century, we had Mohandas Gandhi, Anwar Sadat, and Martin Luther King, Jr,. as famous examples of Karma Yogis. Each man practiced a different religion.

In the words of Mohandas Ghandi: “Gentleness, self-sacrifice, and generosity are the exclusive possession of no one race or religion.”

Throughout time, inspirational religious leaders have referred to self-sacrifice, charity, and generosity, which create good karma. The following are a few timeless quotes to ponder:

Jesus said, "Be careful not to do your 'acts of righteousness before men, to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven. So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by men. I tell you the truth; they have received their reward in full. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand, know what your right hand is doing. So that you’re giving, may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you."

Mohammed said, "God does not judge you according to your bodies and appearances, but He looks into your hearts and observes your deeds." He also said,’ “Charity does not diminish wealth.”

Buddha said, “If you knew what I know about the power of giving, you would not let a single meal pass without sharing it in some way.”

Selfless Service, which we know as Karma Yoga can be practiced by anyone. It does not matter, which religion you practice; that is entirely your own prerogative.

You do not have to be materially rich in order to help people. You do not have to be a religious leader, famous person, politician, messiah, prophet, or Yoga teacher to practice Karma Yoga, but each of us can easily start by practicing acts of kindness toward everyone. Let go of demands, anger, swearing, intolerance, and “road rage.”

Help your family, friends, co-workers, and anyone who is in need. It is as simple as listening, helping, giving a card, showing a gesture, or telling your family that you love them.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Upper Back Pain

There can be many other causes— injury, accidents, upper disc displacement and many more.

There is a great deal of stability and less motion in the upper back, which is thoracic spine region. So, spinal disorders are not very common. Conditions like herniated disc, spinal stenosis, degenerative disc disease and spinal disability can cause upper back pain, but such cases are few. This being the case, it is difficult to identify the causes for the upper back pain, precisely. Even an MRI Scan or CT Scan will not be of much help. So, it is not easy for the doctor to find a surgical solution, if the pain persists for a long period.

Modern amenities are not without the accompanying problems. A poor posture over a period of time creates strain in a particular region and that region happens to be your upper back, in case you are a computer operator and work throughout the day in front of your PC. Neck pain and shoulder pain are the comrades -in arms -of the upper back pain.

Here are some more causes of upper back pain:

1. Lack of strength in the particular region.

2. Injuries and damage to the muscles of the region caused through repetitive motions i.e. working in a particular machine in a particular manner. Take for example, hand molding machines. On an average a person does 1500 hand-operated motions in a working schedule of 8 hours.

3. Muscle strains and sports injuries.

Here again. You have to understand your back pain. With the nature of your work known to you, identify the area of your upper back, which is mostly strained. Do such yoga asanas, which help to ease the stress in that area. Do regular oil massage. If this is done in a systematic manner, there would not be any cause for the upper back pain to happen.

Because upper back is a big area, and also 'muscle junction', you have to adapt to a system of doing several stretching and strengthening exercises.

If you get the upper back pain, do not panic. Avoid hard medications and painkillers at any cost. Even best of the hospitals, the renowned specialists, have understood the virtue of physio-therapy. Follow it now, for your suffering is due to your past failings and negligence!

Tips To Get Relief From Chronic Back Pain

Whether the brain controls the chronic back pain or the chronic back pain controls the brain? The research findings say that as much as 11% shrinkage is noticed in the brains of such individuals who suffer from chronic back pain. The total quality of the brain also undergoes a major change. Chronic back pains are responsible to get the brains aged 20 times that of normal healthy brains. The longer one suffers from the pain, the greater is the loss.

The negative mood, attitude and vibrations are associated with the chronic back pain. Especially, the unfortunate belief and conclusion that you will never be able to get success in the treatment of the chronic back pain worsen the situation further. Your nerve cells are overworked without the real work, and they are in a constant state of negative activity.

Researchers are of the view that, if the patients watch their own live brain scan, they are in a better position to control their chronic back pain. They are able to understand both pain perception and pain modulation.

If you are able to send strong signals to the brain and goad it into believing for a positive change, that change can be translated into a reality. The brain accepts and submits before power of suggestion. Hypnosis and auto-suggestion mean and do the same.

Chronic back pain could as well be hereditary. Just because it is hereditary, do not conclude that it can never be cured. Having a positive attitude is far better than adopting the negative attitude that you will fail.

If your beliefs are strong, very strong indeed, truth has no other alternative, but to emerge out of it. Same is the story with the chronic back pain relief. Your motivation and behaviors has got a lot to do with it.

Now you come to the core treatment of your back pain. Physical fitness and mental fitness are the alternative beats of the same heart. In consultation with your physician, do some breathing and physical exercises regularly. You need to seek relief from the chronic back pain, step by step. Hit and run methods and short-sighted approach will damage you in the end. Pain killer medications have always done their allotted job sincerely. They give you temporary relief and cause specific side effects.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Antiaging Antioxidants Can They Make You Younger

Antioxidants are a popular trend now. In almost any healthy lifestyle publication you hear how beneficial they are to your health, how they fill you with energy and even can slow the process of aging. But what antiaging antioxidants really are and how to make them work for you?

During antiaging research it was observed that people who consumed sufficient amount of antioxidant food showed lesser signs of aging than those who did not. Antioxidants make your immune system stronger and healthier, which combats the natural process of aging.

What are anti-aging antioxidants?

Antioxidants are certain vitamins, minerals and enzymes that fight free radicals. Some scientists believe that free radicals greatly contribute to aging and weaken immune system, so naturally antioxidants that neutralize them are called anti-aging food.

Here is the list of most commonly known antioxidants:

- Vitamin A
- Vitamin B-6
- Vitamin B-12
- Beta carotene
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin E
- Selenium
- Folic acid

Antiaging foods - where can you find antioxidants

Raw fruits and vegetables are the best source of antioxidant vitamins and minerals. Almost any fruit or vegetable contains antioxidants, some more, some less.

Vegetables high in antioxidants are kale, spinach, Brussels sprouts, broccoli florets, beets, onions, corn.

Certain fruits and almost all berries also contain antioxidants; top performers are prunes, raisins, blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, raspberries, plums, oranges, apples, red grapes and cherries.

Vitamin C and B group vitamins are water soluble, so they could be destroyed if you soak or boil your food. They are susceptible to heat, so try minimizing cooking time of your vegetables. Also most vitamins are destroyed by light - that is why it is recommended that you keep all your veggies in the fridge. And, of course, the fresher the fruit is the more vitamins are preserved in it.

Antioxidant supplements - are they as good as antioxidant food?

There are also antioxidant supplements, ORAC for examples. You can even order it online. Some studies show positive results with it, but there is still no 100 percent proof that antioxidant supplement is as effective as vitamins you get with your food. Also, you should be careful with vitamin A and E supplements. These vitamins are not water soluble, which means that if there is too much of them in your body they can be toxic. It is a good idea to consult your doctor, before taking any antiaging antioxidant supplements.

If you are not sure how to fit antiaging food into your diet consult a dietitian, who can develop a diet plan for you. Or you can simply add one apple, orange or a bunch of grapes to your everyday menu. Not that hard is it? To make antiaging antioxidants really work for you, you will have to be persistent and consume them every day. Soon you will see how younger and more energetic you look and feel.

Health Considerations and Philosophy on Healthy Living

So many people are concerned with their health these days and so they will take herbal nutrition supplements and work hard to stay on their diets. Both men and women are concerned with their health these days and one of the most searched word sets on the Internet are; womens health, mens health and vitamin nutritional supplements.

In fact these words are searched even more than many popular movie star names believe it or not. Perhaps you have considered taking herbal nutrition supplements or buying natural skin care products? This generation of aging baby boomers are busy out buying anti aging skin care products and anti aging natural supplements such as antioxidants.

Whether it is online or on the shelves of Wal-Mart you can find them purchasing products to keep them healthy, fit, young and looking great. But why are our citizens attempting to get back in the zone of their athletic bodies in their youth? They refuse to grow up or get old. They count calories and are well aware of an epidemic of heat disease, diabetes and arthritis and they want to avoid it all at all costs.