Friday, September 29, 2006

How To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs Get Rid Of Bed Bugs Quick

If you know what the Bed bugs are, you probably need to know how to get rid of Bed bugs. According to an estimate only 2% of all known species of insects is considered as pests. Insects are considered pests only if they adversely affect people. If we learn about the Bed bugs, their evolution, breeding pattern and their feeding pattern we can know better how to get rid of Bed bugs.

There may be many creative ideas to get rid of Bed bugs, and the most common among people is the use of insecticide to kill the Bed bug. Insecticide also can be of various types

Chemical insecticides are used for quick killing of bugs, however these insecticide not only kills the Bed bugs but also the good bugs. The cost of this insecticide is also high and you should read the instructions provided with these insecticide before using them. Some toxic materials may remain after use of these insecticides and therefore should be used with care.

Another method to get rid of Bed bugs is to use biological insecticide. Biological insecticide is the organism that kills Bed bugs and these do not harm the good bugs. The other main benefit of this insecticide is that these do not leave any toxic material after use.

We sometimes can also use insecticide soap that when applied with water can kill the bugs. These soap solutions are only effective on soft bodies bugs as the solution penetrates the cell bodies of insects.

As we have already mentioned that there are good as well as Bed bugs and we must understand the difference between good and Bed bugs. Many insects can control these Bed bugs. Many insects kill these Bed bugs and therefore maintaining a balance between good and Bed bugs is sometimes desirable in certain cases where we unable to kill all the Bed bugs. However if we can destroy all the Bed bugs it is highly beneficial. Use of pesticide sometimes may kill good bugs also and that in long term may lead to increase the population of Bed bug. Therefore we must avoid the use of pesticide as far as possible as we do not want to kill the good bugs.