Monday, September 25, 2006

Antiaging Antioxidants Can They Make You Younger

Antioxidants are a popular trend now. In almost any healthy lifestyle publication you hear how beneficial they are to your health, how they fill you with energy and even can slow the process of aging. But what antiaging antioxidants really are and how to make them work for you?

During antiaging research it was observed that people who consumed sufficient amount of antioxidant food showed lesser signs of aging than those who did not. Antioxidants make your immune system stronger and healthier, which combats the natural process of aging.

What are anti-aging antioxidants?

Antioxidants are certain vitamins, minerals and enzymes that fight free radicals. Some scientists believe that free radicals greatly contribute to aging and weaken immune system, so naturally antioxidants that neutralize them are called anti-aging food.

Here is the list of most commonly known antioxidants:

- Vitamin A
- Vitamin B-6
- Vitamin B-12
- Beta carotene
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin E
- Selenium
- Folic acid

Antiaging foods - where can you find antioxidants

Raw fruits and vegetables are the best source of antioxidant vitamins and minerals. Almost any fruit or vegetable contains antioxidants, some more, some less.

Vegetables high in antioxidants are kale, spinach, Brussels sprouts, broccoli florets, beets, onions, corn.

Certain fruits and almost all berries also contain antioxidants; top performers are prunes, raisins, blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, raspberries, plums, oranges, apples, red grapes and cherries.

Vitamin C and B group vitamins are water soluble, so they could be destroyed if you soak or boil your food. They are susceptible to heat, so try minimizing cooking time of your vegetables. Also most vitamins are destroyed by light - that is why it is recommended that you keep all your veggies in the fridge. And, of course, the fresher the fruit is the more vitamins are preserved in it.

Antioxidant supplements - are they as good as antioxidant food?

There are also antioxidant supplements, ORAC for examples. You can even order it online. Some studies show positive results with it, but there is still no 100 percent proof that antioxidant supplement is as effective as vitamins you get with your food. Also, you should be careful with vitamin A and E supplements. These vitamins are not water soluble, which means that if there is too much of them in your body they can be toxic. It is a good idea to consult your doctor, before taking any antiaging antioxidant supplements.

If you are not sure how to fit antiaging food into your diet consult a dietitian, who can develop a diet plan for you. Or you can simply add one apple, orange or a bunch of grapes to your everyday menu. Not that hard is it? To make antiaging antioxidants really work for you, you will have to be persistent and consume them every day. Soon you will see how younger and more energetic you look and feel.