Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Clinical Depression Symptoms

Clinical depression, sometimes known as unipolar depression or major depression, can be described as a type of depression where the symptoms are persistent and severe enough to warrant clinical intervention by a health professional. This is not the same as feeling fed up, down in the dumps or being moody. When someone is suffering from clinical depression, the individual's daily life is filled with sadness and despair to the point that it interferes with their ability to get on with their normal daily routines. It differs from normal depression in that although a person who feels they are depressed can have feelings of sadness, lethargy and lack interest in things that used to give them pleasure; the symptoms associated with clinical depression are much more severe.

Diagnostic Criteria

To be diagnosed with clinical depression, at least five of the following symptoms of clinical depression must have existed for longer than two weeks and with a tendency to last for between four and six months, which are also accompanied by a depressed mood or anhedonia. Anhedonia can be described as an inability to find pleasure in events that would normally be considered pleasurable, for example, social interactions, eating and sex. The symptoms must also not be related to any obvious cause such as bereavement.

• Overwhelming feelings of sadness and despair, perhaps accompanied by fear, or feeling empty. Someone who feels empty may feel devoid of emotion, numb, unable to feel anything emotionally.

• Feeling less interested or completely uninterested in nearly all daily activities and unable to find any pleasure in carrying out normal daily routines or activities that were previously enjoyed.

• Changes in appetite resulting in either an increase or decrease in weight. This could take the form of eating too much, comfort eating and cravings for carbohydrates or chocolate, or having little or no appetite and unable to face food.

• Disturbed sleep patterns. This might involve an inability to sleep (insomnia) where the person often lies awake at night, or is sleeping too much (hypersomnia) and can't get out of bed in the morning

• Feeling agitated or experiencing psychomotor retardations almost every day. Agitation can manifest itself in many ways including extreme restlessness, pacing up and down a room, wringing hands, masturbating, indulging in purposeless pursuits, or any similar type of behaviour. Psychomotor retardation is where thoughts and physical movement slow right down so everything is happening at a slower pace

• Mental or physical fatigue and a lack of energy, which could mean difficulty in finding the strength or motivation to do anything, even the simplest of tasks

• Overwhelming feelings of guilt and hopelessness, feeling worthless, lonely and isolated possibly accompanied by feelings of anxiety too

• Finding it difficult to concentrate or focus or make decisions, perhaps less able to take things in and possibly suffering from memory lapses such as forgetting appointments etc.

• Recurrent thoughts of death, but not fear of death, and suicide with or without a plan to carry this out, or an attempted suicide

• Feelings of abandonment or fear of being abandoned by loved ones

A person who is depressed may also suffer from other symptoms including:

• Low self esteem and self loathing
• Neglect of appearance and personal hygiene
• Physical aches and pains with no obvious physical cause
• Fear of going mad or ‘losing it'
• Emotional outbursts
• Feeling aggressive or irritable
• Alcohol or substance abuse

Some people may suffer from a milder form of depression known as Dysthymia before going on to develop more major depressive episodes. Dysthymia is characterised by lack of enjoyment or pleasure in life that has continued for a period of two years. The difference between this type of depression and clinical depression is in the severity of the symptoms. Sometimes, a person can suffer from Dysthymia with episodes of major depressing occurring alongside, which is known as double depression.

Possible triggers of clinical depression

Although depression can strike any one of us at any time and for no apparent reason, there are certain factors that are known to increase the risk of triggering a depressive episode and these include:

• Stressful situations or events
• Relationship problems
• Long term illness
• Having a negative or pessimistic outlook on life
• Alcohol and substance abuse
• A history of depression in the family
• Chemical imbalances in the brain

Selecting The Right Pilates Exercise Machine

There are so many different machines that you may use when it comes to finding the perfect Pilates exercise machine.

But when consider an Winsor Pilates exercise machine it depends on what type of exercise you want to work on what size you are, there are lots of different aspects too.

For instance, the fitness circle pro, it is a ring that is used by people that are slightly shorter than 5’2” in height, this piece of equipment will help the individual move easier during exercise and you can use it when you want to work on specific muscles by placing it on the muscle then squeezing it.

This Pilates exercise machine is so easy to use and it is extremely comfortable due to the fact that it has latex free grips that are molded and firm resistant.

This product is best to be used when doing the group exercises. If you think this is a great product and it might work for you but you are taller than 5’2”, that’s no problem because there is also a 14” circle pro that would work just great for you even if you are taller than the rest!

The Hard Decision With Selecting A Winsor Pilates Exercise Machine

When it comes to the best Pilates exercise machines it has to be a hard decision which one to choose but this stamina Pilates performer will do you just great!

It is really affordable, it is sturdy and stable and it is portable, it folds up so compactly that you can take it just about anywhere you like!

This machine proves to be extremely fun and also easy to use while it exercises your muscles, improving your circulation and increasing your flexibility as well as your muscle strength for the look you have always dreamt about!

When you buy this machine you will also receive a video that will help you to master your exercise routine and also a color chart that will show you your progression throughout the time that you are using this wonderful Winsor Pilates exercise machine.

It will also come with a stand that will make this machine even more convenient for you to use because it will elevate the way you mount and dismount it which will allow you to exercise more thoroughly due to ground clearance.

The mounting and dismounting is also extremely easy and you can manage it on your own, by removing the six pull pins you may set up your machine and get to work!

By using this Pilates exercise machine you will develop a firmer stronger chest, flat hard abdominal muscles, stronger shoulders, tight firm buttocks and triceps, you will shape your thighs and tone your calves and you will have slimmer hips.

A Healthy Life Starts With a Happy Life

A healthy life does start with a happy life. Let’s face it when one is happy there is no stress and better yet no complications to our lives. We live in a society that is going a hundred miles per hour and seems to never stop to refuel.

Having a happy life starts with making your surroundings enjoyable and your abode a pleasant place to live in. When we come home from work we want to kick off our shoes and place ourselves in a relaxing state. If your surroundings are messy then it is hard to relax. A clean quiet room is the place to start to relax.

After you sit back and are relaxing and feeling calmed from the days work or activities it is time to think of a place that makes you happy. Be it a field of daisies or a swimming pool floating on a raft. Making you feel happy and relaxed is a crucial part to a healthy life.

In a healthy life, relaxing and meditation can be a part of you day, even at work. You can sit back in your chair and think of your relaxing place. At times doing this technique several times a day you will find you are able to deal with the work stresses in a better manner. Becoming irate toward others just makes your day bad as well as theirs.

In conclusion it does not cost you anything to relax and think of a calm place to be. Just take a bit of time in your busy schedule to do this and soon your days will be more at an even keel. You will find that you are calmer when you are faced with hectic problems!

Powerful Related Pilate's Exercise Is What You Need

Related Pilate's exercises are one of the best methods to stay fit and toned. These powerful yet low impact exercises make a real difference in your body in a short amount of time. For most people, the image of Pilate's is a women's only exercise that's too easy to do any real good. This could not be further from the truth.

Related Pilate's exercise is a form of isometric exercise designed to simultaneously stretch, strengthen, tone, and align the body. At the same time, they are eliminating excess tension and strain on the joints. Pilate's routines have been used by dancers and athletes for decades.

Whether you're trying to lose weight, build muscle, tone muscles, improve flexibility, or recover form an injury, using the correct related Pilate's exercise can get you results in quick order.

The great part about using these related Pilate's exercises is the fact they get results without stressing or harming the body. Any age group can benefit from doing related Pilate's exercise. From beginner to advanced you can learn and implement Pilate's exercises at your own pace. Its not like attempting to run a mile when you haven't run in years, or trying to do fifty pushups on your first attempt.

Pilate's are designed as low impact. This means your joints, ligaments, and tendons wont risk injury. Your muscles may feel the affects of your Pilate's workout immediately, but as long as you follow a suggested plan, you wont hurt yourself.

There are several ways you can learn Pilate's Tapes, books, and classes are the most popular ways to incorporate Pilate's into your fitness routine.

No matter which method you choose to learn Pilate's you owe it to yourself to give Pilate's a try. You get aerobic and muscle strengthening benefits from Pilate's and anyone on a regular fitness plan will incorporate a variety of related Pilate's exercises in with other forms of exercise. This helps keep from reaching a plateau in your exercise results and offers a variety.

Pilate's was created by Joseph Pilate's (1880-1967). He was a sickly and somewhat scrawny child. In his youth, he dedicated himself to becoming stronger and healthier. The now world famous Pilate's exercises are the result of that dedication. Flexibility, strength, tone, circulation, and energy levels are all improved by related Pilate's exercise routines.

Swara Yoga For Health Wealth And Happiness

Swara Yoga is an ancient science of nasal breathing that correlates the breath with sun, moon and five elements. The practice of allows us to synchronize our breath with the universal rhythm. This alignment removes undue efforts, stress and strain from our daily activities. Swara Yoga practice helps us to change unwanted physical, mental or emotional states at will, create favourable conditions for one’s life by changing the internal environment thus improving one’s attitude towards life through increased awareness.

Before we get focused on Health, Wealth & Happiness, let us have some basic understanding of three Swaras or Nadies through Swara Yoga. If you observe your breath, you will notice that at a given time, any one nostril is more dominant and the other one relatively congested. This keeps changing every one to two hours and during the transition period, both nostrils may be equally dominant for few seconds. The right nostril dominance is associated with pingala nadi or surya nadi. The pingala, which is the masculine or solar principle, is associated with the left hemisphere of the brain that controls the right side of the body. The left nostril dominance is associated with the Ida nadi or chandra nadi, the feminine or lunar principle, associated with the right hemisphere of the brain and controlling the left side of the body. Just by observing the direct effect of solar and lunar currents of breath on human behavior, swara yogis were able to ascertain the activities best suited during the left nostril dominance and activities best suited during the right nostril dominance. The nose can be seen as the main switch of cerebral hemispheres. It can stimulate electromagnetic activity on one side of the body and it can switch the hemispheric activity on and off at will. The third nadi is “shushumna”, where the left and the right are perfectly balanced. It represents “Shiva” (pure consciousness) in the state of “so-hum”. Whenever the nostrils switch, both are open for seven to eight breaths. That is the time when the shushumna breath flows. No worldly activities are recommended in Shiva swara. One must meditate. Intuitive knowledge is received best during this state. In the original manuscript of Shiva Swarodaya there are 395 sutras, many of them deal with Health, Wealth & Happiness.

Health: One can easily maintain good health with the knowledge of Swara Yoga. Here are few tips to help you.

*If you want to alter an unwanted physical, emotional or mental state, just breathe through the more congested nostril. This prevents worsening of the symptoms and promotes rapid recovery. Swara yoga advises changing of the active nostril at the first sign of any physical, emotional or mental disturbance.

* To cure the common cold, breathe through the right nostril 21 times by blocking the left nostril. Also sleeping on the left side gives considerable relief; as it activates the right nostril.

* In case of acidity and fever, activating the left nostril helps. You can block the right nostril and breathe through the left nostril 21 times. Also sleeping on the right side helps to reduce fever.

* Swara medicines can be prepared with the knowledge of swara yoga. Swara medicines work at the vibrational level and can help the patients without any side effects. Sutra no. 391 of Shiva Swarodaya says about the health and medicines that, he who has first hand knowledge and awareness of three nadies and five elements, to him even the million times more powerful rasayana itself would not be able to equate.

Wealth: Normally it is understood that one can earn good amount of wealth based on one’s Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes and Strategy. But Swara knowledge goes much deeper than these normal understanding. According to Swara Yoga, to assure success in world, one must enter the cosmic rhythm and stay tuned to it… and you get success with effortless ease! But how does one align with the cosmic rhythm? Here is the simple way to do it. Get up each day at least half an hour before the sunrise. Find out the dominating nostril. Kiss the corresponding hand. With the same hand, touch or rub face, neck, chest, thighs and feet. Then while stepping out of the bed, the foot that corresponds to the operating nostril should be placed onto the ground first. Then one can proceed for the morning activities. This simple practice helps you align the subtle flow of energy that ensures success in everything that happens for that day. Swara yoga also helps to influence people… Whenever it is desirable to influence the other person, if one’s right nostril is operating, the person to be influenced should be positioned onto the right, below or behind. In case of left operating nostril, onto left, above or in the front. Sutra no. 214 of Shiva Swarodaya says that the knowledge of swara is a secret wealth. There is no other wealth higher than that as because of the knowledge of swara, one can approach anything and indeed could get the fruit, without an effort! Sutra no. 53 of Shiva Swarodaya is about giving Dana (Charity). It says, if a wise man performs an act of charity at the time of inhalation through left nostril, it bestows upon him a crore ( ten millions) fold auspicious fruits in this very lifetime! Sutra no. 389 of Shiva Swarodaya is about health & wealth. It says that the person who is well versed with the knowledge and awareness of Swara Yoga, the Goddess Lakshami is at his feet and to him there would be happiness all over the body!

Happiness: Normally it is understood that happiness is a state of mind… but Swara Yoga delves much deeper. It says… happiness is the natural by product of the enlightened consciousness! In fact, ultimately the very aim of Swara Yoga is to get enlightened. Sutra no. 27 of Shiva Swarodaya says that the knowledge of Swarodaya is the best among all the things, the best science and is like the flame of lamp, and is ultimately for the enlightenment of the receptacle in the form of the body. The phrase used is Atma-ghata-prakasarthe… indicating self-illumination, self-realization or the knowledge of the self in Indian sense. Swara yoga is a practical science that can help us to get attuned to cosmic rhythms to get Health, Wealth & Happiness. Make the best use of it!