Saturday, December 16, 2006

Gastric Bypass Surgery

Gastric bypass surgery has become increasingly common over the past five years. The surgery is usually reserved for those that are morbidly obese and who are disabled by being overweight. The definition of morbidly obese is having a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or more. The surgery is definitely not something that should be taken lightly. Counseling is often a requirement once it is determined that the prospective surgery candidate even qualifies physically. Usually gastric bypass surgery is a last resort after all other possibilities, including medication, have been exhausted.

There usually is a six to eight-week waiting period where the patient is extensively counseled on their condition. They are asked questions such as "Has being overweight affected your job performance?" "Has your condition affected your mental stability and general quality of life?" These may seem like very simple questions, but it is necessary to get to the root of why the person feels they need this sort of extreme method of weight loss. Gastric bypass surgery is not something to be taken lightly. There can be severe and life threatening consequences to having this performed. There also needs to be a complete change in attitude about food and why you eat. Further questions that the counselor may ask are, "Do you overeat when you are depressed?" "Do you overeat when happy or good things are happening?" Some people use food as a "feel good mechanism" and rely on it to compliment their emotions. This needs to be overcome through counseling before any surgery takes place.

The reason this is so important is the stomach is actually cut to a quarter of its original size. If the patient were to continue eating the way they had previous to the surgery, they could become deathly ill. This is why they are counseled and asked the questions such as above. A lifestyle change needs to take place before they are submitted for surgery.

The surgery changes the patient's digestive system permanently even when the simplest of procedures are performed. There are many long term effects of gastric bypass including various difficulties with the digestive system, as one could imagine. Gas, bowel problems and vitamin deficiencies are all common. Often, food allergies develop and do not go away. Patients may become allergic to dairy or wheat products. They can become ill on a regular basis just from being allergic to the aforementioned.

In conclusion, gastric bypass surgery is not something to be taken lightly. Once preformed, though it can have great health advantages, can also create new problems for the patient. Only after every other alternative has been exhausted, such as diet and exercise, should this surgery be considered.

Magnesium Stearate

Magnesium stearate is the magnesium salt of stearic acid, which is chemically known as octadecanoic acid. Its chemical formula is (C18H35O2)2Mg. It is a white soapy powder with an alkaline pH. Magnesium stearate is obtained from stearic acid, which is mostly derived from plant sources. However, some manufacturers derive stearic acid from animal sources, pork included.

Its major use is in the industry as a lubricant, dusting powder, emulsifier, binder and paint and varnish drier. Magnesium stearate is used in the pharmaceutical drugs in order to bind tablets and make them smooth. It is also a common additive in several foods as it is cheaply available.

When used as an industrial binder, magnesium stearate is always taken in lower concentrations. It is an effective binder and even concentrations as low as 5 to 15%. Higher concentrations can cause compaction problems. As a lubricant, it is added in the powder blend. This is done so that the powder blend does not adhere to the capsule or mould when it becomes compact.

Magnesium stearate is a hydrophobic substance, i.e. it has negative affinity with water. Hence, it can be used in designing firefighting equipment. However, it cannot be used in large proportion as its particles may form an explosive mixture in air. An overdose of magnesium stearate can also give off toxic fumes resulting in asphyxia.

Magnesium stearate has been graded to be a safe chemical compound, with no side effects known. Several foods use magnesium stearate as an additive or preservative. Magnesium stearate is an effective emulsifier used in syrups, ketchups, sauces, etc. It is also used as an anti-caking agent in preparing certain foods. Confectionaries use magnesium stearate for binding candies, etc. Baby cosmetic powder contains magnesium stearate as it provides a softer texture than talcum powder.

Magnesium stearate is retailed in the form of a powder. As a food additive, it is not available in pure form, but it is always mixed with some other additive. It is mentioned on the label whether it is derived from vegetarian or animal sources.

Friday, December 15, 2006

The Difficulties Of Making An Attention Deficit Disorder Diagnosis With Infants

Correctly diagnosing Attention Deficit Disorder early with children is very important for their lifelong wellbeing; however it's easier said than done. This debility often affects young ones from four years old and older. One of the biggest difficulties is the fact that many of the symptoms are the same things infants normally do. Among them include running all around their home, screaming as loud as they can, becoming bored fast at any particular thing and impatient TV viewing. Would you find any of these alarming? These are things that little ones do.

Attention deficit disorder is a condition generally found in young ones until recently when adults were diagnosed, sometimes through their own youngsterss disorder.

Attention Deficit Disorder Diagnosis Why Early Diagnosis is Important

Infants with untreated Attention Deficit Disorder will often wear on all those that have to take care of them. Often running about, being loud, interrupting, and constantly on the go will often clash with structured environments. Those around them will often ridicule, stay detached from, or otherwise push them away for the behavior they really have no control over. This will have serious negative long term emotional effects on the child with Attention Deficit Disorder. Without diagnosis and treatment early these effects will consequence their whole life.

Attention deficit disorder can confuse both the child as well those that care for him or her and to this end becoming more knowledgeable about it might help in understanding and coping with attention deficit disorder better.

Attention Deficit Disorder Diagnosis Determining

Medically speaking diagnosis of attention deficit disorder isn't that complicated. However diagnosing it in youngsters is much more difficult. It requires stringent attention from the parent(s), guardian(s), and others closest to the child. These are the people that observe the child enough to see all the symptoms of ADD. They are often more seen in emotions than actions, making it even more difficult for these people. Young little ones, seldom converse at deeper levels. Often their replies are simple single syllable words. Even for these people, stringent observation will be needed for a good qualified Attention Deficit Disorder diagnosis.

Even though much research on attention deficit disorder in childhood years have been undertaken there is yet no definitive test that may determine whether attention deficit disorder exists or not.

The signs that need to be observed are hyperactivity, low attention span, and often impulsive acts in big ways. These at times are things all children do, however for those that basically are given an attention deficit disorder diagnosis, they will often go overboard on them.

Often teachers can be more instrumental in finding an attention deficit disorder diagnosis. They see the child in a structured environment, interacting with a number of peers. In this controlled setting they can observe behavior in various activities. Signs show in the child's attention to learning, behaviors, and interactions. Observations at school can help encourage a referral for a gp to create a professional attention deficit disorder diagnosis.

The Natural Skin Care Option

Special care is needed for problematic skin, while at the same time care should be taken to avoid damaging the skin with ultra violet rays. No chemicals have been proven to be smart enough to give desired results despite the loads of options that can be found in the market meant for skin care. In addition, severe side effects on the skin can be caused by these chemicals which tend to turn the problem in a different direction.

The natural skin care solution is the best option as far as skin care is concerned that one must consider. Basically this is due to the fact that natural skin care is a gentle approach to drive out the problems with a great effectiveness. In almost all cases of skin problems the natural skin care solutions are quite effective, putting more emphasis on making the skin able to repair itself by bringing out the skin’s own balancing mechanism Beauty Tips.

How Do These Natural Skin Care Solutions Solve Problems?

A wide range of general skin care product categories focus on clarity products that nourish the skin to get fervor of vitality and balance. Typically these type of clarity products are medicated organic herbal waters containing essential oils, trace minerals, desired antioxidants and natural vitamins.

These natural skin care ingredients help feed the starving skin to strengthen the cells, repair the worn out condition by making the skin capable to heal and soothe and detoxify itself. One of the most desired foods for the skin are those with antioxidants along with Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin E which help to fight the free radicals that have been proven to be the worst for the skin regardless of the category of the skin.

The best and most effective modes of treating the acne and the oily skins is by balancing the sebum oil secretion which can be accomplished by the natural floral oils extracted from the trees and the flowers of Lavender, Cedar Wood, Tea and Naiouli. These flowers also have oils extracted that can be astoundingly capable enough to fight the skin infections.

The scientifically planned skin treatment by the dint of the floral extractions that are involved in the natural skin care system hardly have any side effects like the harsh chemicals. Generally, renowned skin specialists avoid prescribing chemical drugs, ointments or solutions to apply on the skin. The best option to give skin a perfect touch of passionate beauty has been proven to be cleansers that combine oats, honey and earth Natural Skin Care.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

The Demand for Massage Therapy Chairs

Massage therapists are in high demand. Consumers recognize the physical and mental health benefits of a good massage. Americans are overworked and overstressed. Massage is a way to decrease tension and relief from back and neck pain. Many companies have instituted on-site massage therapists for their employees, and those therapists typically shop for durable and lightweight massage therapy chairs to enhance customer satisfaction.

Therapists have a wide variety of massage therapy chairs to choose from. From basic models, which allow the customer to sit comfortably during the massage to expensive high-tech models, virtually every avenue has been explored. As more is understood about the body’s response to ergonomic techniques, the advancement of designs of these chairs will certainly evolve as well.

Most of the massage therapy chairs available have been designed with both the customer and the therapist in mind. A popular option among therapists is the folding massage therapy chair; this model allows for convenient transport and storage. It is lightweight and not bulky. In smaller office settings, these foldable chairs are an ideal way to save space and offer a neater appearance in the massage room.

Massage therapy chairs are considered to be viable alternatives to lying on a massage table. Today’s models are designed to be comfortable and ergonomic. Ergonomic chairs are ideal for those with severe pain or neck pain since they are designed with those ailments in mind.

These chairs are also available in a variety of price ranges. For students or beginning massage therapists, model can start out at just under $200. Some of the portable models even come with a carrying case for easy travel. Students and professionals alike seem to be leaning more toward using massage therapy chairs in their practices. Because they are easily transported and versatile, therapists can expand their business and satisfy their customers’ needs with simple solutions.

6 Steps to Handling Food Cravings

A client wrote, "Help me! I thought I was finally getting a handle on my weight issue but the sugar is killing me. I had an awful day. I won't even tell you what I ate today because it is just so unbelievable. All I will say is that 90% of my food today consisted of sugar! I really, really need some help getting past these cravings. I am no doubt a sugar addict. If I could get past this there is no doubt that I will reach my goal."

If you see a little of yourself in this message, you're not alone. Many describe themselves as sugar addicts. They believe if it were only for that one thing, then they could reach their weight loss goals. If you believe only one thing stands in your way of losing weight, consider this: What if that one thing (an addiction to sugar for instance) were gone? Do you really believe, "If I could get past this, there is no doubt that I will reach my goal," or is it an easy excuse to stay stuck? If I told you I could show you a way to stop craving sugar, would you want me to show you how?

Think about that for a moment. Close your eyes and really think it through. You've said if only you didn't crave sugar, then you could lose weight, but is that really true for you? Ask yourself these questions:

Would you eat differently, and if so how? Would you act differently, and if so how? What else would change, and what would stay the same? What would you lose? What would you gain?Until you know what you want, know you can achieve it, and know what else will change (i.e. how your life may be different), you can't discover any obstacles that first must be considered. For instance, you may want to stop eating anything after 7 PM yet your husband doesn't come home from work until 8 and he wants you to join him for dinner. That's an obstacle.

If you've got a habit of watching your favorite TV show with a bowl of ice cream, then breaking that habit is another obstacle.

If you don't work out ways to overcome your obstacles perhaps through discussion and compromise with your husband, or habit breaking exercises for your ice cream habit, there's bound to be a problem. Just saying you're not going to do something any more rarely works. Instead determine what might stand in the way of achieving your goals, find a way around them, and you're much more likely to actually achieve those goals once and for all.

The statement, "if this one thing were handled, then everything else would fall into place" is an "If Then" statement and gets people into trouble. They want a fairy godmother to make it all better. A strong belief that one single thing such as, "eating sugar is my problem," sets you up to fail, especially if you really like eating sugary foods.

Getting a handle on your cravings is not an all-or-nothing proposition. You must leave room for occasional deviations. It's not the occasional side trip that causes weight trouble, it's the road we usually travel.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Silicone Breast Implants to Beat Out Saline?

Well, it's official. The FDA has finally lifted their almost 14 year ban on silicone breast implants which had resulted after overwhelming health complaints from women who had this implant device.

Now, the FDA is backing the return of the infamously more natural feeling and looking breast implant, and two lucky manufacturers seem to have the corner on the market right now.

A company called Inamed is currently one the sole producers of this supposedly newer and safer implant device for women who get breast implants, with the original manufacturer, Dow Corning, now a defunct company after being inundated with litigation over the silicone implant, having to file bankruptcy. The other manufacturer to gain FDA approval to start almost immediately marketing their implant was Mentor Corp.

So why now has the FDA decided to lift this ban with only a few restrictions on the silicone implant? Well, although they have met with a lot of resistance from consumer advocacy groups who say the device is nowhere near proven to again be safe, the FDA has agreed to pretty much widely offer the silicone option again.

The only restrictions will be that the person opting for silicone over saline must be at least 22 years of age, which is when experts agree the breast has fully matured on a woman, and there are no restrictions at all if the surgery in reconstructive in nature.

Reconstructive breast implant surgery may be due to a cancer that resulted in removal or partial removal of a breast, or other circumstances where the breasts are seriously deformed or maimed.

Many analysts believe that this new, almost carte blanche approval of the silicone breast implant will lead to the eventual takeover of saline implants, the only currently approved breast implant on the market.

They believe this to be true because many women have actually requested to have the silicone implants, and most women want a more natural feel to their breast implants and look than the saline breast implant can currently offer in their eyes.

The silicone offers a more natural look because it is a gel-like substance which actually mimics the look of real breast tissue fairly well, and "moves" more like a real breast than saline does.

They also are reported to drop more naturally and lay more naturally than a saline implant does. Not only that, but women with silicone breast implants report that both they and their partners think the silicone implant feels natural.

But at what cost? Many silicone-implanted women complained of health issues and complications, and there was an alarmingly high rupture rate on these implants, which led to lawsuits and FDA complaints, and ultimately led to the 14 year ban.

The interesting part here though is that years of research were conducted to see if silicone breast implants had any medical correlation to the reported health issues, which ranged from lupus and cancer, to autoimmune diseases and other complications that could not even be pinpointed.

What is a Defibrillator?

A cardiac or heart defibrillator is a device that delivers an electric shock or pulse to the heart in order to alleviate certain disturbances or failures. Typically the goal is to change a fibrillation, or rapid and irregular rhythm, into a slower and steadier beat that can be managed by a care provider. The shock comes from an electric current that is channeled through the patient’s chest via electrodes or paddles. The current causes the heart muscle to contract, hopefully jolting it back to a more natural pace.

When a person is experiencing cardiac arrest, the most common cause is ventricular fibrillation. Here, the ventricles are contracting in a chaotic fashion that causes the heart to stop pumping sufficient blood. The other form of fibrillation, atrial fibrillation, is more common and much less deadly. It is a disorder found in approximately two million Americans and causes the small upper chambers of the heart, or atria, to quiver rather than beat steadily. Though this isn’t normally a life-threatening condition, atrial fibrillation can cause blood to pool and clot. If this clot becomes lodged in the brain or artery, a stroke can result.

In years past, the image of a cardiac defibrillator has been that of a last resort, life saving measure undertaken in an emergency room by doctors or surgeons. Although this is still often the setting in which they are used, recent years have seen heart defibrillators become increasing common in the general public for life saving measures.

Specifically, the automated external defibrillator has become a fixture in places such as airports, casinos and various sports arenas. When using the automated external defibrillator, the machine automatically determines whether a shock is needed and selects the appropriate level of energy. Therefore they are an effective tool for those not in the medical field who wish to keep a defibrillator on hand is case of a sudden cardiac attack.

Heart defibrillators have even become common in the home as a method of saving lives. Studies have shown that the vast majority of heart attacks or cardiac arrests occur within the home, but until recently the defibrillator was too bulky and cumbersome an apparatus to keep there. Now with portable cardiac defibrillators, family members have more methods for saving the life of a loved one than simple CPR.

The American Heart Association has sought to continue broadening access to and education on the use of cardiac defibrillators in hopes of helping regular citizens save the lives of victims of cardiac arrest when professional medical attention is unavailable. Though some experts have expressed concern over possible misuse or over-reliance on portable or automated defibrillators, it can surely be said that any device that promotes education and readiness for life saving measures among the general public can only be a good thing.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Various Types of Aromatherapy Electric Diffusers

Potpourri, candles, sprays and even wacky jars called reed diffusers stuffed with weeds are just a few of the many ways to make a room smell terrific. Those who like essential oils may have trouble finding ways to let the oil scent fill a desired room. Using cool evaporation and plugging in an aromatherapy electric diffuser are two of the most popular methods.


Since the days of the Egyptians the technique of using cool air to carry the fragrance of an essential oil has been around and it may have even been used earlier. All you have to do for this technique is fill a shallow stone, wood or metal bowl with fifteen to twenty drops of your favorite essential oil blend. Sniff the air after letting it sit. For use in your car as air fresheners you can also use wood discs impregnated with oils.

Placing a thin metal bowl on a stand that sits over a votive candle is a method some products use to take advantage of heat.

Aromatherapy Electric Diffuser

Many aromatherapy electric diffusers look like small egg shaped, space age buildings. A cotton pad is held at the bottom of the aromatherapy electric diffuser on a small tray. Slide the tray shut and plug in the diffuser after you place about twenty drops of your favorite essential oil on the pad. To create a gentle air current a fan will begin to run to help the scent of the oil spread throughout the room in a matter of minutes.

Every couple of hours you will need to add essential oil drops to the pad again. After about thirty minutes you may find that you can no longer smell the fragrance. This doesn’t mean that the aromatherapy electric diffuser is no longer working. Rather the human sense of smell adapts to continuous scents and essentially begins to stop registering it. Return to the room after walking outside for a couple of deep breaths. As a result the fragrance will come back to you.

If you want to fill your entire house with a fragrance then a nebulizing diffuser is the right choice. Essential oil is turned into a mist with nebulizers and then sprayed into the air by a pump. To match with décor these diffusers come in many design and color options.

If portability is a concern you can find aromatherapy electric diffusers that run on batteries. To create a cozy atmosphere many travelers will set up diffusers in their hotel rooms.

What is a serodiscordant relationship?

A serodiscordant relationship is that relationship in which one partner is HIV positive and the other is HIV negative. It is a relationship that involves a lot of emotions and anxieties. When in a relationship a partner is aware of being infected with a disease that could cause death, brings in a lot of anxieties. It is obvious not only at the time of diagnosis but throughout the relationship.

The serodiscordant relationship undergoes a number of difficulties. Such a relationship is under constant threat of infecting the partner who is HIV negative when you have sexual relationship. There is always the fear of either infecting or being infected by the partner. The fear is natural as none would like to harm either of the partners. More than the issue of HIV there are other issues that need to be faced and discussed. In many serodiscordant relationships the negative partner can take care of the positive, but it could not always be taken in a positive way by the HIV infected partner as a feeling of dependence.

In a serodiscordant relationship it is very difficult for the HIV infected person to tell the sexual partner about the HIV infection. There are a number of questions and thoughts going continuously in the mind, such as how to tell the partner about being HIV positive? What will my partner think about me? Will I be accepted or rejected? And many other such related questions. The infected person has to be honest with the partner. Although it is a difficult and complex task but the person has to be brave enough to tell the truth. If he or she feels it impossible the infected person can take help of the doctor or the AIDS organization.

The person with HIV infection in such a relationship may also feel estranged within the relationship. The partner could feel this due to internal emotions of being infected by such a disease and constantly being under the pressure of harming the partner as well. Moreover the negative partner often hesitates to maintain the relationship out of fear of being infected.

The HIV virus is transmitted through body fluids such as blood, ejaculate, pre-ejaculate, vaginal and cervical fluids. It is also transmitted by breast milk. Therefore it is very important to prevent the transfer of this virus in the body fluids. So such couples should always use precaution during sex. Though it can be frustrating but it is better to play save than harm the partner.

Many times people infected with HIV do not prefer to come into any relationship or they prefer to be in the relationship with people who are HIV positive. They do this so as to reduce the risk of spreading HIV virus and thus not creating new HIV infected people. The stigma of being infected by the HIV virus is now not the same as it was earlier. A combination of improved theories as well as better diagnosis and treatment have made the life of such people much better and the length of life of the people living with HIV/AIDS. There are many HIV positive people who are now considering for forming a relationship. The HIV negative people are also entering into the serodiscondant relationship.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Mesotherapy Side Effects

As with any other form of treatment, Mesotherapy can have Side Effects. Some mild and transient Side Effects that may occur after a Mesotherapy session include swelling, bruising and pain or itching at the injection site. These typically subside in a few hours to a few days. One compound that causes such swelling when injected is the compound lecithin. Some mesotherapists recommend the homeopathic drug arnica to reduce swelling. However, its action has not been scientifically proven. More often, patients are advised to wear loose-fitting clothing, and to avoid exercise for up to two or three days following a Mesotherapy treatment.

Other Side Effects at the injection site can include scarring, pigmentation, or ulcer formation. Sometimes, patients may feel a small lump under the injection site, which reduces or disappears after a few weeks. When non-sterile injection techniques are used, infections may occur, some of which may be potentially serious. Most of these infections have been reported from some South American countries, where unlicensed individuals administer Mesotherapy treatments. It is therefore preferable to receive Mesotherapy from a board-certified physician who practices good infection control.

Mesotherapy patients may have local or systemic allergic reactions to any of the compounds that are injected. These can range from mild to potentially life-threatening. Trained clinicians know how to recognize such reactions, and can promptly administer appropriate treatment. This is another reason it is advisable to go to reputable Mesotherapy clinics. There are occasional reports of unusual skin conditions, including psoriasis, in the scientific literature. Some of these are attributed to the mixing of compounds that may interact with each other.

It is unclear what exactly happens to the fat that is dissolved in Mesotherapy treatments for cellulite and localized fat removal. While Mesotherapy advocates claim this fat is broken down and excreted, such claims remain scientifically unproven.

Laser Stretch Marks Removal

There is a lot of controversy about the efficacy of laser removal of stretch marks. The main bone of contention is that lasers are only useful in breaking down or vaporizing tissue, not in actually repairing it. In fact, even surgical intervention is apparently only useful if actual skin is excised. This goes along with the general medical standpoint – there is no cure for stretch marks.

The school of thought that does advocate cosmetic laser treatment for stretch marks holds a different view. According to this scripture, lasers can be useful in stimulating renewed growth of depleted collagen and will therefore ‘fill in’ stretch marks. The process is supposed to direct laser energy into the lower strata of the skin and thereby encourage collagen production.

Its exponents also promote the usefulness of laser treatment in treating stretch marks because it can remove damaged skin tissue, seal broken blood vessels and remodel the fibers of the affected middle skin. Lasers have certainly found extensive application in smoothing wrinkled skin

There seems to be some evidence that cosmetic laser surgery has some utility in making stretch marks fade, though not entirely disappear. Even then, this would be effective only in the early stages, the fundament being that lasers work well only to darker skin tones.

This means that stretch marks would respond satisfactorily only during the stage where they are of reddish or brownish tinge. Once their color has assumed a more flesh-colored shade, conventional laser rays cannot detect them and is therefore useless. However, there are now claims that a new type called pulsed dye laser can overcome even this limitation.

If laser treatment is beneficial in the removal or even repair of stretch marks or not is a medical issue best addressed by professionals. What can be said for it is preferable to radical cosmetic surgery because it does not entail the risk of infection and blood loss.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

The Best Hair Loss Drug

If your hair is falling out steadily and you are in danger of becoming partially or fully bald then what would you do? Many follow whatever major advertisements they see promoted and try out the products in hope that one of them will work to stop the hair loss and save them from the current predicament.
However, it often doesn’t work out this way. Through the media, very few of the advertised products are really as effective as they are promoted. This isn’t necessarily because they are bogus products, rather it is often because there is an underlying cause of the hair loss that requires more than a cosmetic intervention. Today there is no wonder hair loss drug. Without identifying the underlying causes for the loss the treatment for hair loss cannot be done successfully.

Finasteride Is the Most Commonly Used Hair Loss Drug
Finasteride was used sometime ago for the treatment of an enlarged prostrate in men. It was found while treating this disease that the drug prevents the conversion of five-alpha-reductase into DHT. The main reason for hair loss in men in DHT and its blockage results in a control of hair loss.
Through medical research studies this was proved conclusively and finasteride began to be actively promoted as an effective and efficient hair loss drug for men. Since this drug produces dangerous side effects for the unborn male fetuses it cannot really be used by women.
Dutasteride is another similarly acting hair loss drug that works by inhibiting the production of DHT. Since this drug also has dangerous side effects it is contraindicated for women. Both of these drugs started by use for the treatment of prostate enlargement in men.
For women an efficient hair loss drug has proven to be minodixil. Sometimes it will be used in combination with other hair loss treatments for faster and better results but it is mostly used on its own. Minodixil will promote regeneration of hair in women not just stop hair loss.

Natural Treatment for Hair Loss
The power of herbs and nature in the treatment of many diseases is slowly and steadily becoming acknowledged by modern science. Today the market has many herbal treatments available that will help with the problem of hair loss. The FDA however has not yet approved these products for many reasons and therefore treatment is usually undertaken at own risk.

Dealing with Stress Related High Blood Pressure

“Everyone needs some stress. It is what makes us get up in the morning and do the things we do. It makes us achieve things and get from A to B and in doing so our Blood Pressure has to rise – it is part of the normal way of things”.

I paraphrase slightly but the gist of the above comment came from a conversation with a Doctor recently whilst reviewing my Blood Pressure medication.

I’m quite chuffed really in that I have managed to get my blood pressure down to manageable proportions and am in the process of changing the medication.

I have been moved from amlodipine which is a Calcium Channel Blocker to Lisinopril which is described as an “Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor” – an ACE Inhibitor but this is an aside, the real purpose of this article is to discuss stress and it’s influence on High Blood Pressure

As was mentioned earlier, if you let stress either get to you or stay (for whatever reason) at perpetually high levels the risk of acquiring stress induced High Blood Pressure obviously increases.

Also not to beat around the bush for a minute, the risk of Stress related “Late Onset” Type 2 Diabetes also increases massively.

Alongside the risk of Type Diabetes there are a whole number of associated conditions that could arise and basically none of them do you any good.

Age is not really a factor here, it used to be but with current stress levels in Society, any sustained levels of stress are not good for you.

Learn to manage your stress and deal with it. Coming to terms and understanding where you are at present is a start and trying to find ways of coping with the stress is important.

Part of the problem with sustained stress and today’s Society is that we lack either the wherewithal or the motivation to be able to deal with our stress in sensible ways.

If you follow the stereotypical picture of today’s stressed out executive, the usual response to dealing with Stress is either through Alcohol (which induces associated problems of its own) or through severe exercise via a Gym.

Now firstly let me say, that there is nothing wrong with a small drink from time to time. I have been known to participate with the odd drink myself from time to time (in my younger days of course ) but taken to excess this can also add to your High Blood Pressure instead of reducing it.

Also the same can be said for working out in the gym. If all you need to do is to work out some of your frustration from the day then OK but if you happen to be harbouring an increased and unexplained Blood Pressure level then just blundering in and assuming extreme exercise is going to solve it is slightly dangerous.

It might in fact make things worse.

If it does not sound either too trite or too obvious the best way to deal with Stress is to try and not get it in the first place. Learn to take things in your stride and above all learn to relax.

Chill, take it easy – it might just save your life.