Sunday, December 10, 2006

The Best Hair Loss Drug

If your hair is falling out steadily and you are in danger of becoming partially or fully bald then what would you do? Many follow whatever major advertisements they see promoted and try out the products in hope that one of them will work to stop the hair loss and save them from the current predicament.
However, it often doesn’t work out this way. Through the media, very few of the advertised products are really as effective as they are promoted. This isn’t necessarily because they are bogus products, rather it is often because there is an underlying cause of the hair loss that requires more than a cosmetic intervention. Today there is no wonder hair loss drug. Without identifying the underlying causes for the loss the treatment for hair loss cannot be done successfully.

Finasteride Is the Most Commonly Used Hair Loss Drug
Finasteride was used sometime ago for the treatment of an enlarged prostrate in men. It was found while treating this disease that the drug prevents the conversion of five-alpha-reductase into DHT. The main reason for hair loss in men in DHT and its blockage results in a control of hair loss.
Through medical research studies this was proved conclusively and finasteride began to be actively promoted as an effective and efficient hair loss drug for men. Since this drug produces dangerous side effects for the unborn male fetuses it cannot really be used by women.
Dutasteride is another similarly acting hair loss drug that works by inhibiting the production of DHT. Since this drug also has dangerous side effects it is contraindicated for women. Both of these drugs started by use for the treatment of prostate enlargement in men.
For women an efficient hair loss drug has proven to be minodixil. Sometimes it will be used in combination with other hair loss treatments for faster and better results but it is mostly used on its own. Minodixil will promote regeneration of hair in women not just stop hair loss.

Natural Treatment for Hair Loss
The power of herbs and nature in the treatment of many diseases is slowly and steadily becoming acknowledged by modern science. Today the market has many herbal treatments available that will help with the problem of hair loss. The FDA however has not yet approved these products for many reasons and therefore treatment is usually undertaken at own risk.