Saturday, September 09, 2006

Anti Aging Skin Care "Pharmaceutical" Cosmetics

Have you ever heard the new buzz term "cosmeceuticals"? This nifty term refers to the fusion of two areas, one which cultivates necessary medications which control our bodily processes internally, and the other, which manipulates our body from the outside, cosmetically improving our appearance.

You guessed it, the first is "pharmaceuticals" and the second is "cosmetics". The joining of these two fields, both extremely lucrative, and arguably necessary, is called "cosmeceuticals", and this exciting new breed is causing a stir in the beauty community lately.

Although they have been united in this new genre of cosmetics, the two are very different when it comes to government and advisory board regulation. Pharmaceuticals, at least in the US currently, are heavily regulated by the organization known as the FDA, while cosmetics are not government regulated.

Why? Cosmetics are not regulated by any government agency because they are not considered a device that alters bodily chemistry of function internally in any way, nor are they advertised as substances that change the chemistry of the body.

Currently, cosmetics manufacturers are walking on eggshells to keep this paritcular pharmaceutical and cosmetic distinction in tact, as precious dollars could be lost if the new breed of cosmeceuticals were government regulated.

Even if a wrinkle cream currently marketed had the ability to actually "get rid of wrinkles", cosmetic marketers are very careful to still note that they only decrease or eliminate the "appearance" of aging and wrinkles, since this still technically is not pharmaceutical in nature.

Some of these new cosmeceuticals which feature high grade vitamins and various proteins and peptides actually do "get rid of wrinkles" and remove signs of aging though, although they still are careful to avoid this overzealous marketing for fear of FDA regulation.

Cosmetic companies specializing in anti aging have come up with everything from potent vitamin extracts, to skin tightening complexes with antioxidants, restructuring aids like peptides and other skin cell regenerators, and a host of other interesting sounding ingredients that keep popping up as the latest in age reversal and age prevention.

And which of these latest "cosmeceutical grade" anti aging and wrinkle creams is best? Well, it's hard to say, because there are now quite a few in competition with one another that do contain ingredients that are beneficial in different ways.

If you're looking for a fresher and brighter look, with more cell turnover, you may turn to a formula with acids such as alpha hydroxy and other fruit derived acids, or one loaded with antioxidants.

If you're looking for more of a quick fix, skin tightening formula, you may choose a formula with ingredients like copper, hyaluronic acid and DMAE, which is a substance that is found naturally in the skin of certain fish and is excellent for almost instantaneous firming and toning.

Either way you slice it, women have the best options for anti aging and wrinkle fighting in the here and now, than they ever had in the past.

The best part is, it only stands to get better, with the constant development of new anti aging products. As long as the cosmetics companies keep responding to increasing consumer demand for anti aging aids, we will have consistent upgrades in cosmeceutical offerings.

Finding An Effective Dry Skin Treatment

Are you tormented by the weather? I suppose most of the people are aware of the fact that temperature and humidity affect our skin. However, some individuals tend to think that it solely has to do with what you consume. Why not think that over again? Generally, there are quite a few factors which have a collective effect on the way we look. The main factors are diet, sleep and climate. Dry skin is one of the most common problems people have to deal with every day. Do you treat your dry skin? I suppose you have many moisturizers and lotions which are a good treatment. However, you need to make sure you are using the right ones. There are some dry skin treatment products which are flawed and instead of improving your skin situation they can worsen it.

I've always had dry skin and I have never considered it to be a big deal. From my point of view, severe acne or rosechea are much more difficult to treat. In my opinion a good dry skin treatment is a quality moisturizer. I personally don't need anything else to solve my skin problem. If you have dry skin, I would recommend you to always regulate the humidity in your home. Stale air dries out your skin, so watch out. Another thing which should be taken into consideration is the way you bathe.

Don't forget to bathe with tepid or lukewarm water if you want to avoid stripping your delicate skin. Remember to use a gentle soap-free cleanser and don't wash your face more than once a day. You should know that the skin needs these natural oils, so don't make the common mistake of cleansing too often. When talking about appearance diet is an important factor. Greasy, fatty food might have a bad effect on your complexion. In order to have good skin you should consume many fruits and vegetables on a regular basis.

Some people believe that water is a dry skin treatment. Even though drinking plenty of water is healthy, it will not solve your skin problem as your skin needs external treatment. What you should do if you have dry skin is to cleanse properly and moisturize regularly. It is very important to do this in the winter time. In case you are not sure what would be the best treatment for your dry skin then hop online and find the best deals on the many treatments available. Undoubtedly, there is the perfect one for you.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Meditation for Those Who Do Not Want to Meditate

I have met many people who do not want to meditate; yet they seek peace of mind. They just do not want to concentrate here or focus there. Their main point of contention is that they just do not have the power of concentration. I simply ask them, if they lacked power of concentration, how come they still retained their jobs? How could they possibly work for so many hours at a stretch?

Forget Concentration

People are surprised when I tell them that meditation needs NO concentration. When you try to concentrate, you force your mind to do something it does not want to do. In fact, you are creating more tension than providing release! What happens when someone imposes his will on you? It creates tension, does it not? The same applies to the mind. So, how can you expect to find peace coercing your mind to focus or concentrate? Forget this concentration business!

Awareness is the Answer

The simplest form of meditation is being AWARE of what you are doing. Here is a simple technique for those who DO NOT want to meditate.

Sit in your chair – slouch by all means, if that is what you want to do. Gently close your eyes. Just be aware of your breath. You will notice how shallow it is. The shallower your breath, the more tense you become. You will have to get out of your slouched position somewhat. Now, notice the way you breathe. It will not be as shallow as it was before. If you sit with your spine erect, it will facilitate deeper breathing.

So, gently close your eyes again, breathe softly and deeply while being aware of your breath. Be aware of the beautiful deep rhythm your breath settles down to. As your breath gets progressively slower and deeper, your consciousness may wander into another dimension of existence, where peace prevails. You may have been there for a second or a fraction thereof; but, when you come back, you will find yourself in an absolutely relaxed state.

A Brief History of Qigong The Ancient Practice of Health Cultivation

Qigong is an art of using the very energies of life to strengthen, heal and revitalize. With thousands of variations, qigong has its beginnings in antiquity. The oldest documentation of actual qigong exercises is from the Mawangdui tombs (168BC), discovered in China in 1976. Other references that date back to the second century BC, suggest that the roots of qigong are very ancient indeed. We don’t know the original purpose of qigong exercises, but throughout history they seem to have been used in three broad categories; health & healing, martial arts and spirituality.

Since the earliest forms of qigong were from a time when people still believed that evil spirits caused illnesses, it is suspected that it was actually developed as a sort of spiritual healing or divination practice. By the time of the Han dynasty (206 BC to 500AD), qigong was largely practiced by Buddhist and Daoist religious groups.

Soon martial artists discovered that qigong exercises could increase their strength and fighting abilities, sometimes to nearly superhuman extremes. Hundreds of qigong exercises were developed for enhancing the strength and the senses of these practitioners and many people, especially martial artists, have suggested that this is the original purpose of the practice. Qigong may be responsible in part for raising martial arts from a pugilistic system to an art of health cultivation.

Today, qigong is practiced by people all over the world. There have been hundreds of scientific studies showing marked physiological effects on the human body from this practice. Qigong seems to have many positive effects on people, including regulating blood pressure, regulating the immune system, lowering stress levels and alleviating depression.

There are two broad categories of qigong practice. The first comprises qigong exercises, which sometimes resemble tai chi exercises, and can be done by anyone wishing to calm their mind and increase their health and vitality. The second, possibly more controversial category is qigong healing. This type of energy healing is done by experienced practitioners who have developed subtle senses of the body’s energy systems and how to balance them.

While qigong healing may be somewhat inaccessible to the layperson, the benefits of a simple personal qigong practice can be realized fairly easily. With proper guidance, everyone can experience relaxation and feel invigorated within just a few minutes of practice.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Chemical Warning for Cosmetics

Below is a transcript from a report screened on A Current Affaire (Australian Television Channel 9) on Tue 05/09/06, as reported by Ros Thomas

Many women will spend a small fortune on toiletries and cosmetics over their lifetime, using them morning and night. However, very few women actually have a clue what is in the products they use. A British lobby group has issued a warning that the average woman applies more than 175 chemical compounds to her face and body every day.

Dr Ernest Tan, a Perth dermatologist, says the cosmetics industry sells science to women as though it's nature. Chief amongst their favoured ingredients are the following:

* Formaldehyde — the same compound used to embalm bodies.
* Sodium laurel sulphate — used to create bubbles in shampoos and soaps.
* Parabens — often used in moisturisers, mostly as preservatives.

All of the above ingredients can cause reactions, from simple irritations if the skin is slightly damaged, to full allergic reactions.

Comment: This is a very conservative list. There are literally hundreds of chemicals (synthetic and natural), which are used in skin care and cosmetics, which have been band in countries such as the US and Canada - but not here in Australia...

However, beauty editors such as Cleo magazine's Rachel Mannell say if those chemicals weren't in makeup, no one would buy them because they'd look, smell and feel terrible.

Comment: After speaking with Rachel personally, she pointed out, that a focus on more natural ingredients is to be encouraged and that more and more companies are moving in that direction. Editors of magazines such as Cleo, have an enormous influence on readers and are in an ideal position to bring awareness and education to the public. You have to ask: Might it not be better to have a non-foaming cleanser or shampoo, which are widely available by the way, and avoid the possibility of slowly poisoning oneself? Might not the thinking consumer prefer a product that may not look quite as pretty but performs the intended functions equally well in a natural way, rather than consume potentially dangerous chemicals?

"It's a catch-22 because sulphates are used in shampoos and cleansers for the foaming effect and if the products don't have sulphates in them, they don't foam and consumers are unhappy," Mannell says.

Comment: Again, this is not the case. More and more consumers are looking for natural skin and personal care products and are educating themselves on the potential dangers of these chemicals. I run a web site that focuses on natural skin care and it provides many articles on the dangers and potentially harmful ingredients in commercially available beauty products.

But no longer fooled by the glitz and glamour of the beauty business, many women are now asking questions about what's in their cosmetics and why you need to be a scientist to understand the labels.

Comment: This is certainly a growing trend. We receive many emails wanting to know if our products include chemicals that have been discussed widely in the media, such as the three mentioned above. This points out to us, that consumers are increasingly less willing to put chemicals on their skin, which may pose a danger to their health, and this is why we do not use them in our products.

Breast Implant Augmentation Surgery Tips To Follow Before You Have Your Operation

Make preparations at home for your life to be super-simple. For example, buy microwave meals so that you are not having to cook from scratch. Get anything on shelves down prior to having surgery, so you will not have to stretch when you get back. Have all shirts laid out that do not require stretching (ie: being pulled over your head). Make sure you have a drink, tissues, and pain killers by your bed - and do not forget the remote control!

Have your house spotless ready for your return, as you will not feel like cleaning when you get back. Make sure your car is full of gas, to give yourself the longest amount of time possible before needing to pump gas again. Water all your plants!

Buy a range of cheap bras in varying cup sizes. Pad them out yourself and wear them around underneath your clothing to get used to different sizes and heaviness. Use this to gauge what cup size you are most comfortable with, and how large you want to go. Take pictures of yourself in different cup sizes - which looks best?

It is a good idea to start sleeping on your back, as you will need to after the surgery. Try to work on your stomach muscles too, to help you get up from bed. Generally get on a health kick by eating healthily and exercising, as this will aid your body to recover much more quickly. It also helps to reduce any stress and anxiety you may be feeling prior to surgery.

Get a notepad ready or a timer so you can remember to take your medication (or remind yourself that you have already taken it). Keep a diary of your progress, and to be able to note any questions that come up after surgery. Take 'before' photographs to compare afterwards!

Shave or wax your underarms prior to surgery: you will not feel like doing this for some time afterwards. If you are nervous, ask for medication to help you sleep the night before surgery. Nausea and constipation can be experienced after surgery. Be prepared for this with some medication.

Standard advice before any surgery: leave your nails unpainted, as these are checked for problems associated with blood and oxygen circulation during surgery. Find out when the last time you can eat before surgery is, or it may be postponed, and make sure you have someone to be with you for the first 48 hours after surgery.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Beauty Care Products Reality and Hype

Do you spend a lot of money on beauty care products? Do you wonder what works and what doesn't, and how much is really worth paying for a beauty care product? Well, the last question really depends on how much money you have and what you expect to get for your money, but the first question is worth spending a little time on. Let's take two popular beauty care products, chosen at random, and consider what the label says and what the ingredient list tells us: St. Ives ® Swiss Formula Apricot Scrub and Clairol Herbal Essences ® Citrus Lift Shampoo.

The Apricot Scrub product package tells us to "Discover the Swiss Secrets for Smooth, Radiant Skin," and brags about containing "Pure Swiss Glacial Water." A quick read of the ingredients list reveals the following in order of total quantity: water, glyceryl stearate, glycerin, cetearyl alcohol, cetyl alcohol, corn kernal meal, cocamidopropyl betaine, and more than 13 additional ingredients, some recognizable and some with long chemical names. The Citrus Lift shampoo bottle brags about its "100% certified organic blend of tangerine, lemongrass, and aloe." Reading the ingredient list reveals, in order of total quantity: water, sodium laureth sulfate, sodium lauryl sulfate, cocamidopropyl betaine, sodium chloride, citric acid, sodium citrate, and then finally the tangerine extract, followed by more than 13 additional ingredients, most with long chemical names.

Now, what does all this mean? First of all, pure water is pure water whether it comes from a melting glacier or from a water distiller or distillation and deionization machine in a cosmetics factory. Second, our hair and skin can't tell whether an extract of tangerine came from an organically grown tangerine or from the more common variety. These things, glacier water and organic fruits, are in the realm of hype - nice sounding marketing words, but not related to the actual performance of the beauty care products at hand.

So, what makes these commercial beauty care products better than just plain soap? Science. Science in the form of ingredients like the one, in addition to water, present in both the scrub and the shampoo: cocamidopropyl betaine. This compound is used in more than 1,000 shampoo, bubble bath and hand and face cleansing products. It helps to enhance foaming and helps to stabilize the foam while providing good wetting properties (the ability of the cleaner to get through the oil that can repel soap and water from skin and hair). This ingredient is in so many products because the people who developed the products found out that it is safe and effective for this application, the results of basic and applied scientific work. It is the science and chemistry, not the hype that makes these beauty care products work. The hype helps you agree to pay the price asked by the large, profitable shampoo, cosmetics and beauty care products companies that sell you the products.

Do you want to know something interesting? You can buy a gallon bottle of cocamidopropyl betaine for $14.55 and you can pick up a five-gallon pail for only $68.75. That's a lot of shampoo, face scrub and bubble bath! In fact, one gallon is enough for more than 250 twelve ounce bottles of shampoo. Not surprisingly, the total cost of the ingredients in most beauty products is far less than the price you pay at a brick and mortar store or cosmetics online store for the product.

Mineral Makeup vs Traditional Foundation

Mineral makeup is the latest trend in cosmetics. It is sold from department store counters, championed on late night infomercials and touted in fashion magazines. How do the various brands differ, and which one is best for you? How does mineral makeup differ from traditional products? Let’s take a look.

Despite different brand names and marketing strategies, most mineral makeup has remarkably similar ingredients. Some commonly used minerals include micronized titanium dioxide, micronized zinc oxide, iron oxide, silk mica, and hydrated silica.

Micronized titanium dioxide, a common ingredient in sun block products, is particularly suited to protect skin from damaging sunlight. This white mineral’s crystalline structure naturally reflects and defuses the sun’s harmful rays. Micronized zinc oxide works in combination with the micronized titanium dioxide to reflect the sunlight’s dangerous UVA and UVB rays.

Iron oxide is found in nature in red, orange and yellow hues. These pigments are blended into flesh tones for mineral foundations. Silk mica and hydrated silica soften the mineral compounds for use on the skin. Silk Mica gives mineral makeup a smooth texture, and hydrated silica binds the minerals to make them less messy. Individual brands may add secondary ingredients, such as vitamins, extra skin softeners or stronger pigments to neutralize skin tone.

Mineral makeup can counteract a host of familiar challenges. People prone to allergies or with sensitive skin will find mineral makeup contains no irritating dyes or perfumes. They do not use talc and other fillers that can be harmful to the skin. The acne-prone will find mineral makeup is organic, hypoallergenic and oil free; it will not clog pores like some conventional cosmetics.

Unlike traditional cosmetics, mineral foundations can provide sheer to full coverage. A light, sheer finish can be accomplished by moving the applicator brush in small circles on the face. Mineral makeup can also provide a more opaque texture if applied in layers with a damp sponge, much like you would apply liquid foundation. Fortunately, the consistency of mineral makeup gives coverage without the thick, unnatural, pore-clogging consequences of traditional liquid foundation.

Although mineral makeup has been a fixture in high-end department stores and specialty cosmetics shops for several years, a handful of more economical options are now on the market in drugstores. Consumers can expect to pay $25 for upscale mineral makeup brands, while drugstore mineral makeup from Neutrogena and Physician’s Formula range from $9-$12.

With so little variation in actual ingredients, the difference in brands is often limited to marketing strategy. Many brands cater to a specific skin type. For example, Mineralogie claims their mineral makeup is suited to those with oily skin, because it does not include minerals that give other brands a shimmery finish.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Why Vitamin A Is So Crucial To Your Overall Health

Casimir Funk was a Polish biochemist that discovered vitamins in 1912, the first one was specifically vitamin A. Funk came up with the word vitamine, and it was later changed to vitamin.

Vitamin A is found in yellow fruits and oranges and vegetables such as spinach and fats. When in vegetables it is water soluble. It comes as beta carotene which can be eliminated from your body through natural processes. Anything that can be eliminated through natural processes is the best way to get it into the body.

Vitamin A helps with eyesight and healthy skin. Obviously this is why people say that carrots are good for your eyesight. Ancient Egyptian doctors would even prescribe liver because they believed that it contained enough vitamin A to prevent or possibly even help night blindness. Vitamin A is also an antioxidant which is known to prevent cancer and to help with anti-aging. It is also good for the immune system.

Fat helps with the proper absorption of vitamin A. So a low fat diet will not allow you to get the right amounts of vitamin A. You also need to have the right amount of protein which combines with vitamin A to make it stronger and helps it move through your body.

Typically you should consume around 5,000 international units (IU) of vitamin A a day. This does depend a little on your health and your age. You may need to consume a little more or a little less. Beta carotene is the safest form of vitamin A and because of that it can be taken in much larger doses no matter what your age.

Without consuming enough vitamin A in your diet you will become deficient. This normally causes skin problems, increased infections, and even night blindness. If the deficiency is prolonged it can also put you at a high risk for cancer as well. It will also cause you to miss out on any of the effects of anti aging that the vitamin might have. Although you can begin taking it with a deficiency the effects will not be as good as if you never had the deficiency in the first place.

There is such a thing as having too much vitamin A as well. This can cause pain in your joints, abdomen, and your bones. Since having too much or not enough can cause serious side effects it is important that you make sure that you are getting the right amount in your diet. If you do not have it in your normal diet then you should take it in a vitamin supplement, making sure that it has the right amounts with no side effects.

Supplements That Can Strengthen Immune System Responses

There are a number of things that one can do to strengthen immune system responses and improve immune system reactions. Good nutrition is of the utmost importance. With the knowledge that most people do not eat the right variety of foods in the right combination to achieve optimal health and function of the entire body, it may be necessary to add dietary supplements to strengthen immune system responses, particularly as the cold and flu season approaches.

While there are dissenters who say that people take more dietary supplements than they need, most doctors and health care professionals agree that those people who take daily vitamins and other dietary supplements are healthier in general than people who do not. It may be that people who are interested enough in their health to bother with dietary supplements practice good health habits, make efforts to eat right, get plenty of rest and regular exercise and improve immune system reactions in that way. Or, it could be that most people realize that they do not always eat right and do all of the things that are important to strengthen the immune system and for general good health, so they think of dietary supplements as added insurance.

A recent study in Canada concluded that, of the people who used dietary supplements on a regular basis, products designed to improve immune system performance were used most often. Echinacea was mentioned in this survey as being commonly used to strengthen immune system responses. Echinacea was used traditionally by Native Americans to treat infections of all types, but some evidence suggests that prolonged use (over 8 weeks) may be toxic to the liver. Since its traditional use was as a treatment, not particularly as preventative, Echinacea may not be the best choice for use as a regular dietary supplement to improve immune system responses, particularly when used in combination with prescription medications that are toxic to the liver.

Andrographis paniculata (AP), which is sometimes referred to as Indian Echinacea, even though it is unrelated to the Echinacea plant, has been shown to strengthen immune system function, by counteracting interference with the cell cycle. Viruses must interfere with the normal cycle of the cell in order to reproduce. Laboratory studies using cell lines indicate that AP can improve immune system function by stimulating production of white blood cells, interferon release and activity in the lymph system. White blood cells find and kill bacteria. Interferon kills viruses and stops their reproduction. The lymph system is basically responsible for carrying everything around. In addition to the affects of AP which strengthen immune system responses, science and traditional use have shown that it has pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory effects. It is commonly used in Scandinavian countries to improve immune system action, prevent and treat the common cold and other viruses, including influenza. Tests on laboratory animals have shown that AP has very low toxicity, but traditional medicine notes that it may have contraceptive effects. Because of this, herbalists recommend that it should not be used to strengthen immune system responses by women who are pregnant or trying to become pregnant.

The study of diseases and infections of all kinds ultimately lead to the immune system. It is believed that an effort to improve immune system performance can prevent cancer, as well as serious viral and bacterial infections. It is easy to see why those who are interested in good health would choose to use a dietary supplement that can strengthen immune system performance and possibly prevent illnesses of all kinds.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Xylitol A Tooth Friendly Sugar Substitute

When dentist appointments roll around, we begin to wince at the thought of having another cavity. Just the constant visual of drilling and pain makes anyone want to run the other way. After all, the Novocain leaves us with a constant reminder that we just should have stayed away from that extra box of cupcakes. Providentially, there are many different substances that can actually heal our cavities and prevent them from occurring in the first place.

To many people’s surprise, Xylitol is a sugar free substance that works wonders. It can be found in almost anything, from berries to corn and mushrooms. Due to its natural consistency, it also is used to prevent dental problems, heal cavities, and reduce plaque. For this reason, Xylitol has become one of the leading natural remedies that has put a smile one everyone’s faces.

For people who have dental issues, Xylitol is a sugar free natural remedy that will actually decrease trips to the dentist. In simple terms, Xylitol stops the acid attack that occurs inside your mouth. When this happens, the bacteria rarely attaches to the surface of the teeth, thus preventing plaque from finding a new home. Therefore, patients will find that they do not have as much plaque when they do go to the dentist. Still not thoroughly impressed? Xylitol also protects the enamel of the teeth. While most people tend to consume a lot of sugar a day, they do not realize that it is actually ruining their chances of mouth protection. When too much sugar is mixed with saliva, the mechanisms do not do their job of protecting the enamel. However, if people were to take Xylitol and hold back on the actual sugar, their teeth would be protected once again, if not more.

If you are battling mouth problems, most dentists will recommend that you try using a natural remedy product such as Dr Christopher’s Herbal Tooth and Gum Powder. Dr. Christopher is a renowned Doctor that has finally created a natural product that will lend a hand in your concerns. It is not only great tasting, but it also is extremely affordable. As a result, thousands of people try out Dr. Christopher’s Herbal Tooth and Gum Powder. Surprisingly, this is used in place of regular toothpaste and can actually protect your teeth, while making them look healthier.

While Dr. Christopher has one of the most popular natural remedies, there are other products that have the same benefits. Nonetheless, it is important that they all contain Xylitol. Regardless of how much damage you have in your mouth, Xylitol can fix, enhance, and protect your teeth. Although most people are not yet aware of this natural substance, it is actually FDA approved. Dentists and Orthodontists alike will recommend Dr Christopher’s Xylitol products, as well as many others. If you are sick of paying hundreds of dollars in cavity work, and other ridiculous dentist appointments, then it is time to try something new. Xylitol is a sugar-free natural remedy that will indeed make your mouth feel better. Next time you go to the dentist, you will be smiling, and your teeth will certainly be thanking you.

Natalie Aranda writes on health and nutrition. To many people’s surprise, Xylitol is a sugar free substance that works wonders. It can be found in almost anything, from berries to corn and mushrooms. Due to its natural consistency, it also is used to prevent dental problems, heal cavities, and reduce plaque. For this reason, Xylitol has become one of the leading natural remedies that has put a smile one everyone’s faces.

Medical Applications of Xylitol

In the medical field today, Xylitol is a favorite substance in almost every product. While this sugar free phenomenon has been putting dentists out of work because it protects teeth against decay, it also has been helping thousands of other people with different inflictions. Regardless of what type of problem you suffer from, chances are Xylitol can help you relieve some of the symptoms and protect your body.

While Xylitol is “tooth friendly,” it is also great for people with osteoporosis. Research has shown that Xylitol actually slows down the weakening of bones, and can prevent problems all together. To many patients’ surprise, it also increases bone density and makes people feel like they aren’t as fragile. It is quite a miraculous discovery, especially now that Xylitol is making its easy into other medications.

Not suffering from osteoporosis but still having problems? Xylitol can help almost anything. For people who suffer from allergies, anthemia, or just get active sinus infections, Xylitol based medications would be great for alleviating the symptoms. For instance, Xlear is nose spray that is made of saline and Xylitol. By using this type of substance, the natural sugar actually reduces the amount of bacteria in the nose. In return, this prevents serious headaches and sinus infections.

If you are suffering from Diabetes, Xylitol can also help you get on a better path. Due to the fact that Xylitol is a natural sugar, it can be a wonderful alternative to regular sugar. It also is extremely low in calories, which is always a good thing when people are trying to watch their weight and what they take into their bodies. Since it is absorbed slower than other substances, it will not cause blood sugar levels to rise rapidly.

Although allergies and tooth decay can thank Xylitol for helping them out, there are dozens of other symptoms that can be cured or reduced. For people who suffer from ear infections, purchasing Xylitol gum will put a stop to painful infections. For instance, if a patient were to try Xylitol gum, the sugar in the Xylitol would be getting rid of unwanted bacteria. It also would protect the body against new bacteria, allowing the patient to eliminate these ear infections.

Regardless of what problems you have, there are over the counter products that contain Xylitol. From nose sprays to tooth decay toothpastes, these items can help you get on a better health track. It can be discouraging when you have chronic sinus infections or serious ear infections. The last thing you want to do is try one more product or substance that is supposedly supposed to “help” your symptoms. Auspiciously, Xylitol has no gimmicks. It is not looking for your money, or trying to empty out your entire wallet. These products are affordable, and actually referred by doctors and medical professionals all over the world. It simply offers what it can, and for the most part, will change the way you feel forever. Since it is a natural sugar and doesn’t pose many threats, it is a perfect alternative to try.

Natalie Aranda writes on health, fitness and nutrition. For people who suffer from allergies, anthemia, or just get active sinus infections, Xylitol based medications would be great for alleviating the symptoms. For instance, Xlear is nose spray that is made of saline and Xylitol. By using this type of substance, the natural sugar actually reduces the amount of bacteria in the nose. In return, this prevents serious headaches and sinus infections. Although allergies and tooth decay can thank Xylitol for helping them out, there are dozens of other symptoms that can be cured or reduced. For people who suffer from ear infections, purchasing Xylitol gum will put a stop to painful infections. For instance, if a patient were to try Xylitol gum, the sugar in the Xylitol would be getting rid of unwanted bacteria.