Saturday, June 24, 2006

How to Raise a Kid with Asthma (part 2)

Here’s the continuation of the article captioned above.

I had mentioned changing the child’s (and the family’s diet for that matter) as THE foundation for a natural asthma treatment.

Obviously, I presented a vegetarian diet in the first part and I am aware that as a parent you might ask: “where will my GROWING child get protein from?”

There are more than sufficient amounts of proteins in Fruits and Vegetables and documented information on the exact needs for protein according to Dr. Stanley Burrough's is actually about a nickel's weight worth per-day.

Now the whole protein propaganda is another subject into itself, but for growing kids, one should be more concerned about them getting adequate vitamins and minerals.

Thankfully, these are more than abundant in fruits and vegetables and namely the Banana, Dates, Avocadoes, Olives, Cabbage, Lettuce, Durian, Young Coconuts and even the Apple give more than enough protein for growing kids and even you.

Here are some other quick factors to consider and hopefully put you at ease:

1. It’s been scientifically proven that mother's milk is about 2% protein, now if this is the ideal of a growing baby for the first 3 years; of course it shows the minimal need of it.

2. 98% of the human population is sweet toothed...which shows that carbohydrates are our main need contrary to popular belief.

3. Based on the John Robbins work titled: Diet for a New America, the number of people in the US suffering from diseases caused by protein excess is a mind-boggling 40, 000, 000 compared to a measly 3 people suffering from the deficiency of this substance.

In the belief that the subject of diet has been adequately covered, I will mention some other factors that could help in raising a kid with asthma.

To restore physical fitness for the child, you could introduce him to mild exercises such as Yoga. Most local YMCA and YWCA branches have classes designed specifically for kids or you could look into Yoga studios that offer them.

As an alternative, you could go to your favorite such engine and type up ‘Sun Salutations”. They are the core of yoga and trust me when I tell you the execution of them is fun and you will reap Yoga’s benefits for asthma and overall fitness by doing these simple exercises. Oh, and kids love them. I’ve read in India where they originated, they actually hold competitions to see who can do the most.

For you as a parent, if interested, Yoga of course can come in handy for you for basic stress relief and of course as a choice for exercise.

When your child’s fitness has improved, you may gradually at your discretion re-introduce other forms of exercise. But of course, they love to play so that shouldn’t be a problem.

Other simple steps to curb the effect of Asthma in your kid’s life are to:

1. Avoid excessive temperature changes.

2. Ensure dust mites are reduced as much as possible in your home

3. Use a humidifier in the cold seasons.

4. Keep fresh air circulating as much as possible in the home.

How to Raise a Kid with Asthma (Part 1)

Besides you as parents, their siblings and friends, kids may love toys, play and…food perhaps the most. I know I did. Another thing I know from experience is some forms of play and food are factors that can trigger an asthma attack.

Boy, was it sad being told when I had my first attack as a kid that I’d have to stay indoors most of the time or I couldn’t eat my favorite foods, so I can empathize with any kid who is going through the same thing. But at this point, as an adult, I can also empathize with any parent who has to raise a kid with asthma.

Just how do you go about doing that?

It goes without saying that at times what may be the best for our kids is not what they may want simply because they just don’t understand. Now when, it comes to laying strict rules for children to prevent asthma attacks, it sometimes may cause friction between a parent and a child.

That considered, try to do the following:

Sit with the child and have a heart to heart talk with them about their health ‘challenge’ and why extra care has to be taken to not aggravate its symptoms.

You may have to be creative in explaining to them why they have such a disease as asthma in the first place, however with the tips I will provide you, (God, I wish someone told my parents of this in my childhood…), you and your child may perhaps altogether curb the asthma problems.

First, change the child’s diet. This might require a little bit of creativity here parents, because my suggestion for a diet for natural asthma treatment involves giving up all processed foods and animal products such as meat, milk, eggs and the like from your diet-plain and simple. These are mucus forming foods and we all know what one physical characteristic of asthma symptoms are: Mucus.

This is a fact that has been in effect in several programs aimed at correcting respiratory health such as the "Breath Retaining Program for Asthmatics" developed by the Russian, Dr. Buteyko. Within weeks of adhering to his advice, many a chronic asthmatic has been able to give up the use of ventolin inhalers.

Replace these items with mucus binding or non-mucus forming foods. These are quite simply fruits and vegetables. Make sure they are organic if possible or at least not in the list of the “dirty dozen” i.e. the ones most contaminated with pesticides such as Apples, Mexican Melons, Grapes etc…

Trust me on this; I’m speaking from experience, you will do very well to avoid the fruits in that list when it comes to asthma. Nonetheless you’d still be much better off steering clear of those food substances labeled as mucus-forming earlier on.

In addition, from my own experience, DO NOT CONSUME LIQUIDS WITH YOUR MEALS AT ANY TIME. This inhibits digestion by diluting the necessary juices in your stomach designated for that purpose. As a result, it hinders the much needed expansion of the diaphragm and consequently a constriction of the lungs- the bellows of life giving air- which results in the wheezing sounds any asthma patient is familiar with.

Now, for kids, it surprisingly may not be too hard, however if need be, you may firmly, but lovingly have to put your foot down and say they can’t have the substances mentioned. You can explain why, kids listen. In addition, when kids see you eat the same things, they more than likely will follow suit. This in turn of course will help the whole family.

Besides kids love fruits, now vegetables, that’s another thing admittedly-but there are fun ways you can incorporate vegetables into your kid’s diet.

For example, you could juice a stalk of celery and add it to some fresh apple juice made by a juicer (if you are so inclined); you could blend it into a smoothie of bananas, dates and young coconuts… (Now this tastes good!), or you could simply bake some sweet potatoes or yams and have them with mashed and lightly salted avocadoes (just be sure its uniodized sea-salt)…that would work. Trust me, I have a sweet tooth and I know what tastes good.

You can also try salads with home made dressings made of simply blending avocadoes, a dash of un-iodized sea-salt and fresh tomatoes. These are all ways that I ‘sneak’ veggies into my personal diet.

Eye Contact Exams

It is important to have your eyes examined by an ophthalmologist or optometrist, and get a prescription, before you get contact lenses. An examination for a contact lens fitting usually takes longer than a regular eye test. You must inform your eye care professional in advance that you are planning to get contacts.

The eye care professional will first ascertain the status of your general health and that of your eyes. The professional will want to know why you need contacts—do you have problems with your vision, do you want to change the color of your eyes, or do you want to do both? The examination will be based on the information you provide.

The actual examination will consist of various tests to assess eye health and vision. On the basis of the findings, you will get the prescription for your contacts.

The eye care professional will measure eye curvature and other factors that affect the fitting of the lenses. The eyes of some people tend to be dry, and the lens should not aggravate this condition. Your cornea must also be free of problems that could make it hard for you to wear contact lenses.

Often, the eye care professional places trial lenses over the eyes and checks the fit after the lenses have settled. It may be necessary to try different pairs before you get the right fit. The right lens should provide correct vision, should not cause any adverse reactions and must not damage the cornea.

The lens must not be scratched, chipped or torn. It is the responsibility of the clinician to verify that the lenses meet all established standards and the specific requirements of the customer. Lenses require great care in handling and maintenance. The eye care professional must ensure that the user, especially the first-time user, is fully briefed about how to care for the contacts.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The Top 10 Tips For Transitioning To Permanent Weight Loss, Health and Fitness

1. FILL UP on the most nutritious foods first (fresh fruits and vegetables), then eat other foods.

2. Add at least 10 fresh, whole fruits and 10 different, fresh vegetables to your daily food plan.

3. Eat only whole fruit in the morning (up to 10 whole fruits). If you have diabetes or specific health issues, consult your doctor. Stop eating fruit one hour before lunch. Don’t eat fruit with other foods (it makes other foods ferment or rot causing gas and interference to digestion).

4. Eat until you are “satisfied” in your brain, not “stuffed” in your stomach.

5. For lunch, almost ALWAYS eat one large, green-leafy, vegetable salad with at least 10 different fresh vegetables (count them). If you are still hungry, then eat something else.

6. For dinner, almost ALWAYS fill up on a vegetable salad and vegetables first (such as steamed or baked). Then eat other foods.

7. Before you put something into your mouth, think to yourself, “Is this food FEEDING me or DEPLETING me?”

8. Clean out your cupboards. Do not bring the “bad guys” into your house. Keep “good-for-you” snacks with you at all times (at home, at work, in the car).

9. Communicate with your family about your food and fitness goals and beg for support.

10. Seek a support person who will hold you ACCOUNTABLE to your commitment to yourself, your body, and your health (like Dr. Leslie!).

The Best Exercise For Weight Loss

The best exercise for weight loss? There's no such thing, but no surprise there, right? Someone with leg problems can't run to lose weight, and swimming won't work without access to a pool. There is no one-size-fits-all prescription here. You just have to work out which exercises are best for you.

A Few Of The Best Exercises For Weight Loss

Raising your heart and breathing rate for a time at least three times a week is the general idea, and there are many ways to do that. Any activity will burn calories, though, so don't feel you have to start heavy workouts to get some benefit. A few possibilities and ideas follow, but talk to your doctor before starting any of the more athletic activities.

- Do things you enjoy doing, which also involve moving your body. You're more likely to persevere in your efforts if you enjoy yourself.

- Swimming can be a great weight loss exercise, because it is easy on the joints. Swimming in cool water also means your body burns calories heating itself.

- Walking is perhaps a better alternative to running or jogging. It's easier on the body, and delivers about the same benefits for the same distance traveled. It's also more enjoyable for many of us. Walking also can be done in large malls when the weather is bad outside.

- Climbing up and down stairs is a very aerobic exercise. It burns almost as many calories as jogging, without the problems of weather. In the right place, it can be more private too.

- Stationary bicycles are tough to use regularly because of the boredom factor. If you only allow yourself to watch your favorite television show while pedaling, however, you may feel more motivated.

- Parking the car far away from every place you visit can mean a lot of extra walking. Once you do it enough, it will become an almost unconscious habit.

- Walking the dog can be great exercise for you and the dog. It's also a good way to meet new people.

- Getting a job that requires physical activity can be a way to guarantee you'll get enough exercise. Just be sure it's something you can handle and enjoy.

- Gardening helps a lot of people burn calories while doing something enjoyable. It also can produce the healthy foods that help with weight loss.

What's available to you will determine what exercises you can use. You may also have some personal physical limitations. What you enjoy doing may be the most important consideration, however, because the best exercise for weight loss is the one you'll actually do.

Low Carb Diet - The Basics To Effective Weight Loss

People who are overweight are engaging in low carb dieting for their better health and vitality not only weight loss. It is also interesting to know that not only those who are overweight who are after the low carb diet plans.

The low carb diet is noted to have given great benefits to most of the people. In fact, the low carb diet is considered as the best diet fad that strikes at the true cause of obesity, high cholesterol, hypoglycemia, high blood pressure, and diabetes. With such results that the low carb diet contributes, many doctors and nutritionists are now starting to recognize the nature about the low carb diet.

Generally, the low carb diet has various versions. There are several well-known versions of the low carb diet. Even though the diets differ in their recommendations, it is very nice to recognize that the low carb diet, as the general rule applies, is synonymous with a high-fat and moderate protein diet. With a low carb diet, you are given the opportunity to eat until you are full, as long as you eat only those foods that are allowed for your diet.

Low carb diets are one of the hottest diet fads in the world today. Low carb diets have swept many parts of the world through the introduction of its function and contributions to the diet industry. So today, it is no doubt that the low carb diet is acclaimed for its popularity and the great health benefits that it gives to the people.

However, for those who are not really aware about low carb diets, here are some of the low carb nutritional principles that are vital for the formation of the core of the low carb nutritional approach.

Essentially, the first nutritional principle of the low carb diet approach is to lose weight. This is the primary reason that both men and women follow low carb plans. With this principle, it is noted that many people who have followed the low carb approach to weight loss readily take off inches and pounds.

Secondly, the low carb diet plan is intended for the people to maintain their weight loss. With this principle, the low carb diet nutritional approach leaves most other weight control programs in the dust.

Finally, the last principle of a low carb diet is that those who follow the diet program will attain good health over the long term. With the low carb diet plans, many dieters have noted that the change is amazing.


What is a diet? Does a diet really help you lose weight? Are they healthy? Why would anyone want to go on one?

These are questions that almost everybody is asking these days.

First of all, despite my normal advice against "diets", I do have to admit that in some circumstances, for some people, they can help a person's weight loss program. Let me explain a couple of things, however.

People today get confused when they hear the word "diet". They usually think that it always applies to some special plan of eating which is intended to help people lose weight. This isn't always so, and there was a time that the word was simply used to indicate a list of what a person ate. Scholars would, and still do, talk about the "diet" of a tribe, nation, or cultural group. Doctors would prepare a list of foods intended to accomplish some goal other than weight loss, and the word would be applied to that list of foods. Heck, I was placed on one as a small child in order to determine what food might be causing an allergy I had at the time.

Today the word has come to mean a special list of foods you can or cannot eat if you wish to lose weight. Many of these have achieved almost mystical status and many have their own followings. Just witness how far the Atkins and South Beach Diets have extended themselves in our society.

Before Dr. Atkins came along and South Beach was discovered, I am sure you remember such exciting diets as those centered around specific foods which practically guaranteed weight loss success. You could eat grapefruit, cabbage soup, or you could enjoy the promised effects of the negative calorie diet. Most have these have faded away for three basic reasons:

1. People got tired of eating the same thing meal after meal.

2. They were unrealistic in their expectations. How could you get cabbage soup when on vacation, or at a business luncheon.

3. Most of the time, they simply didn't work.

While "going on a diet" for a short period may produce a small loss for some people, dieting is simply not the answer to a lifelong weight loss problem. If you are just a few pounds overweight and want to drop a few dress sizes by the wedding in two weeks, a diet just might do the trick, and, for that short time, you will probably be able to stick with it as long as you keep your goal in sight.

The downside of a diet is threefold:

* The effects are not permanent or life changing

* It does not contribute to health and vitality

* It may actually contribute to weight gain

I have covered these subjects in more depth in other articles I have written, and, because of limited space, I will just provide a quick overview of these topics.

Most people will not stay on a diet for a myriad of reasons, and it normally cannot be adapted to a new style of eating - a lifestyle change. Admittedly, some people have hereditary or genetic situations that they cannot overcome, but which cause them to become overweight. However, for anyone, at least a portion of what made someone overweight is a part of their life choices, and it is these choices which must be changed in order for permanent weight loss to occur.

Limiting nutritional intake or restricting access to a wide selection of nutritional options, such as in the grapefruit or cabbage soup diet, also limits the individual's access to nutrients necessary to normal health. Eating some foods, or types of foods, in excess may contribute to other health problems in some people.

Our bodies have been designed to operate and react in certain ways, and this includes how they react and function when changes occur in our diet. One of the effects of a failed attempt is that the body may actually put back on more weight than it originally had to contend with, and may even continue to gain over a prolonged period of time following coming off the program.

True, permanent weight loss for health and fitness hinges on three central points:

* Regular physical activity

* Periods of rest

* A sensible diet

Diet if you must, but realize that for your health and for permanent weight loss, you must do more. One last point. If you do choose to go on a diet, please take a daily multivitamin to help replace the nutrients you are missing.

6 Dieting Tips For Healthy Weight Loss

Any body who worries about the excess weights must take on a plan, a healthy diet plan. This diet plan should help in achieving the goal to lose weight. At the same time, it must be able to supply the body with the proper nutrients.

Here are some dieting tips for healthy weight loss:

1. Drink Lots of Water

Water, this is still the best friend of your body. Do not deprive your body of the good fluid. Drinking eight glasses of water a day is still the way to go. Make sure that it is healthy water you are drinking, not the unstable tap water.

2. Eat a Generous and Healthy Breakfast

Breakfast is the first meal of the day. It will supply the energy to the body, thus a big breakfast becomes a necessity.

The heavy breakfast, however, must consist now of fruits like bananas and apples. Wheat and rye bread are good to go with meats like tuna, salmon or lamb. Plain yogurt can replace the usual tea or chocolate.

3. Take on a Cleansing Diet

Yeast can grow in the colons of the digestive system and may cause further problems in your health. This can be cleansed. Simply inquire in local health store for some good products. The online community is also a good place to look for.

4. Fruits and Vegetables

The fibers and nutrients of fruits and vegetables are still the best elements to contribute to the body.

5. Eat Slowly

People tend to have big appetites. They eat faster than their stomachs can digest. Thus, eating a little bit slowly will help in making the body take in less food.

6. Avoid Temptation

There are sweets like chocolates, shakes and candies that are difficult to avoid, especially for those who have gotten used to these foods. Avoid them as much as possible. They bring bad calories and sugar to the body. Just stick to a healthy diet.


Weight loss needs very good dedication on the part of the person who diets. It actually changes your lifestyle. Yet, the rewards are really high, so do not hesitate to take the first step to a healthy diet.