Tuesday, February 27, 2007

How Effective Are Annual Mammograms?

Many doctors believe an annual mammogram is mandatory for women over thirty-five. However, an increasing number of doctors are refuting the claim that annual mammograms decrease women's risk of dying from breast cancer.

Dr. Peter Gotzsche, a Danish research, was the first to make this claim in a study published in "The Lancet" in October 2006. Gotzsche re-analyzed the original studies done on the benefits of mammograms and found them unconvincing.

Subsequently, other doctors have asserted that in addition to failing to offer protection, mammograms, which involve exposing women to radiation, may, in fact, increase a risk of cancer.

Dr. Michael Baum of University College in London, stated, "The latest evidence shifts the balance towards harm and away from benefits." Canadian columnist Dr. W. Gifford -Jones, wrote that women between the ages of 40 and 49 who have regular mammograms are twice as likely to die from breast cancer as women who are not screened. "Experts say you have to screen 2,000 women for 10 years for one benefit," he stated.

Gifford-Jones points to other risks, from the physical to the psychological. Many authorities believe that, squeezing women's breasts during mammograms may rupture blood vessels, causing cancer to spread to other parts of the body and thus increasing a woman’s risk of death.

Gifford-Jones pointed to the emotional trauma suffered by women who receive false positives from a mammogram, and to the dangerous sense of security engendered by those who receive false negatives.

Studies reveal that mammograms fail to detect cancer 30 percent of the time in women aged 40 to 49. Furthermore, it can take as long as eight years before a breast tumor is large enough to detect, by which time the cancer could have spread to other parts of the body.

"Mammograms actually harm far more women than they help," Mike Adams, author, "The Healing Power of Sunlight and Vitamin D," a free report that teaches prevention strategies for breast and prostate cancer. Adams believes, "They are used more as a recruiting tool to ensnare women into a system of medical control based on false diagnosis and fear tactics. Most women then give in to chemotherapy, surgery or radiation treatments that may ultimately harm them or even kill them."

So what is one to do, since, mammograms are only 70% accurate and seldom detect cancer in an early stage?

There are other tools for cancer detection—albeit the medical and pharmaceutical industry does not want you to know.

A medical intuitive can see the emotional patterns and beliefs that affect your body. How does a medical intuitive work? Some form a mental picture of an illness by visualizing organs in the person’s body, even if this person is thousands of miles away. Many need only the name and age of a person to do a reading and recommend remedies.

Iridology also offers a highly effective detection system. Iridology is the science of analyzing the delicate structures of the iris of the eye. It reveals inflammation, where located, and in what stage it is manifesting. The iris reveals body constitution, inherent weaknesses, levels of health, and the transitions that take place in a person’s body according to the way he/she lives. The eyes have been proclaimed throughout the ages as the windows of the soul. We now acknowledge them as the mirrors of the body.

In knowing nutritional, vitamin and mineral imbalances the person can readily remedy these imbalances before an illness or disease takes root.

Electric Wheelchair or Powerchair - Which Should You Choose?

Electric wheelchairs are either rear or front wheel driven. Some of them are center driven or four wheel driven. These powerchairs come in many varieties like small portable models, foldable models, and models that can be dis-assembled. Large, full-featured electric wheelchairs that are called rehab chairs are also available. Powerchairs are designed for persons who have arm and leg disablement. Such people would find the operations of hand propelled wheelchairs quite difficult.

Electric wheelchairs are fitted with electric motors that are powered by 4 to 5 ampere rechargeable batteries. These motors are outboard boat engine types. The batteries come in dry or wet types. Dry type batteries are the most preferred ones due to ease of operation and maintenance. Electric wheelchairs are also fitted with battery chargers so that plugging into standard wall outlets is easy.

Operating either a joystick or a controller usually controls electric wheelchairs. Hand controllers, chin controllers, puff/sack controllers are specifically designed for persons with varying degrees of operational difficulty. The controller is the most expensive part of powerchairs and is quite delicate. Electric wheelchairs come with several optional functions like tilting, reclining seat and leg elevators, etc. to facilitate healthy and functional operations.

Electric wheelchairs for kids are generally those used by mentally disabled children or children affected by polio. These wheelchairs are custom made to suit the age of the child as well as the usage like indoors or outdoors or both. Polio affected kids and paraplegics were using hand supports till a few decades ago. Such hand supports normally resulted in severe body strain to the kids. The advent of electric wheelchair for kids has greatly relieved such kids of their suffering.

Travel had been on the rise and persons using wheelchairs are no exception. Traveling on vacation, travel for education, employment or participation in sports meets and general commuting for shopping, etc. have become indispensable for persons using electric wheelchairs. Portable and foldable models of wheelchairs require storage space, when not being used. As such, public transports like buses, trains and airplanes specifically provide electric wheelchair carriers. Buses with low boarding platforms that can literally lift wheelchairs into the buses have also been designed to serve such people. Such platforms are electrically or hydraulically operated.

Nowadays, in the United States, sales and service facilities for electric wheelchairs are quite widespread. You do not have to go too far to buy an electric wheelchair of your choice. As these powerchairs are made-to-order types, deliveries take some time but are normally very reliable. Electric wheelchair parts repair has also become quite easy, reliable and economical due to the healthy competition between the various electric wheelchair manufacturers.

Operation of an electric wheelchair by patients or disabled persons carries a certain amount of risk. Accidents could not be avoided at one time or another. Such accidents could be minor or major. Hence, insurance companies provide both accident/life insurance policies, as well as medicare policies to cover such risks. It is always advisable to take suitable insurance policies for physical and financial protection. Electric wheelchairs and Medicare go hand-in-hand for persons confined to wheelchairs.

Electric power scooters, or mobility scooters as they are called, are normally fitted with two rear wheels, a seat with a flat area to place the feet and a handlebar in the front to operate one or two steerable front wheels. Swiveling seats are also available. Electric power scooters are invariably electric powered by rechargeable batteries that could be charged from standard electric outlets. Certain models of mobile scooters are gasoline-powered. Such electric power scooters have been most welcome for persons confined to wheelchairs. They find such scooters handy for commuting to schools and colleges as well as to workplaces and shopping. Electric power scooters are normally cheaper than powerchairs. Insurance companies and healthcare agencies like Medicare prefer to insure or extend Medicare facilities for people using such scooters.

Building A Winning Team

Training and preparation are fundamental to the individuals who make up a winning team whether it's a family or a business. For an athlete, you have to be at your best. You build your body up and get it strong to take the pounding. So, when it's time to play the games on Sunday, you know, as an athlete, you can give it your all. Do what you have to do to get the best out of yourself.

You prepare yourself mentally as well as physically. If you don't have the mental side of having a game plan, as for what you are trying to accomplish, it's not going to come together. If I didn't visualize what I wanted to do for the coming season, then the training and preparing was not going to help me. You've got to have direction. You've got to have a focus.

I was able to have that focus for 11 years. I always tried to have something different to motivate me each year, and it kept me excited about playing the game of professional sports. Now you bring that focused attitude to the team. For myself, when I worked out with the 49ers, I was always sprinting my plays eighty yards. Every time I touched the ball, even if it was only a five-yard pass. Jerry Rice started doing the same thing after he saw me doing it. Now it's a way of life with the 49ers.

I still run six miles and work on cardiovascular. I lift just enough weights to keep toned. The only thing that I worry about now is to be well conditioned. I've been retired for ten years. I don't think that I've lost my endurance and I feel great. I escaped the game injury free. A lot of the reason that I came out of the game healthy is because I took care of the maintenance side of my body. You know: getting chiropractic care, getting massages, eating right, not drinking, taking the right supplements, and doing the right things. That's the reason why I'm healthy today.

Keeping your body in shape is a key part of having a great life. The better you feel the better you will live. IF you take care of your body your body will take care of you for many many wonderful years.

How To Locate A Good Personal Trainer In New York?

Of late, have you ever felt the need to remain fit and keep your body healthy? With the increasing number of people realizing the need to stay in shape, it is good that you also joined this ever increasing club. Personal trainer is health and fitness professional that helps out people whoever needs to undergo physical training to stay fit. Personal trainers in New York are abundance in number and if you have decided that you want to hire the services of a trainer, there are certain things that you will have to take care of. The idea is to help you in finding a personal trainer in New York who is the best in helping you get the perfect health and fitness.

There are certain personal trainers who have a deep sense of sharing and caring for customers. It is this sense of duty and loyalty that drives them to provide you with the best professional services. Do proper research on the personal trainer in New York that you are hiring and find out all that you can about his capabilities of doing his work. Personal trainer is the best person who will help you out in taking wise and sensible decisions about your health. Health is an important factor and one cannot afford to take risks with that.

You can start looking for a good physical trainer in New York by asking about them in many gyms that are operating in the city. People who are regular visitor to those places will surely be able to tell you exactly who will be best for you to hire as a personal trainer. The best way for you to check out the work of a physical trainer is to take some free exercise sessions with him and see how well he/she understands your body and its requirements. Well, that should be the most important criteria for selecting a personal trainer for you in New York. Most fitness trainers give out free consult or training session to people who are interested in hiring their services.

Another thing that you need to ensure about hiring a personal trainer in New York is to find out if the trainer has undergone any certified courses provided to physical trainers. Well you will be spending your money and probably huge amounts of it, so you are entitled to hire the services of the best professionally qualified personal trainer in New York. However, there are also exceptions and you can also find certain excellent trainers who do not have any professional qualification. If possible, check out references provided by people who have previously hired the services of the personal trainer in New York.

Once you start training under your physical trainer, make sure that you listen to what he tells you to do. If you follow all the stringent workouts that he tells you to do, be assured that you will get good results. Your health and fitness is at stake, so you better make the most of this chance and do what you can to remain fit.

Using Coal Tar Shampoos For Head Lice

Coal tar is a liquid by-product of the distillation process that turns coal into coke. It has long been used in products used in the treatment of skin complaints such as dandruff and psoriasis. It is also known to kill head lice when used as a shampoo.

Not all coal tar shampoos are equal when it comes to head lice. To effectively kill head lice you need to use an extra strength coal tar shampoo. Most "normal" strength brands have a 0.5% coal tar content. You'll need something stronger so read the labels. The strongest types are often referred to as being "therapeutic".

To kill head lice simply use the coal tar shampoo as normal but the lather on for 15 to 30 minutes. Then rinse through thoroughly. Use a nit comb afterwards to comb through the wet hair. Do this for three consecutive days. Then use twice a week after that with daily combing until the head lice have completely gone.

Some parents claim that by using the shampoo once a week their children seem less prone to being reinfected by head lice. Others use the shampoo as a precaution whenever they receive a head lice letter from school even if their children don't already have an infestation.

Is coal tar safe to use as a head lice remover? In high concentrations (over 5%) coal tar is a known carcinogen. Therapeutic strength shampoos can contain concentrations of 2.5% and some now carry a warning about the carcinogenic properties of coal tar on the label.

But the risk is very small risk. The National Psoriasis Foundation claims coal tar is a "valuable, safe and inexpensive treatment option" and coal tar products have been used for a very long time. There is feeling that the benefits far outweigh the small risks involved. All over the counter head lice shampoos come with a health risk attached. Coal tar is no different but coal tar is an effective way to kill head lice, it has been used safely for many years and should have negligible risk when used only occasionally.