Saturday, July 22, 2006

Get Rid Of Your Stress Problems Once And For All With The Power Of Meditation

So you think that meditation is a more effective way of going to sleep than counting sheep? Or is it a better alternative to watching reruns on TV?

Well for some, that may be true. However, for those who practice meditation with a strong conviction, the benefits of meditation are far greater than being able to sleep fast. Basically, meditation has been designed to help people free their mind from life’s constant conflicts. It promises to give people a deeper sense of relaxation and a higher control of themselves. The benefits of meditation even includes understanding one’s self as it is viewed to be a process that will lead people to self-awareness.

Scientific studied even found explanations to confirm some benefits of meditation. These studies point out that meditation shift the brain’s activity from the stress-prone part to the calmer part of the brain. This mind exercise lessens the effects of stress, anxiety, and depression. They further found out that the brain processes lesser fear due to the changes in the brain’s activities.

There are benefits of meditation that most people find very helpful. One is, it actually releases a person from the bondage of past traumas which causes a feeling of having “unfinished business”, and hindering present growth. Through this, one can also enjoy the little joys that each moment brings.

The benefits of meditation will end our quest for things that we don’t have or the feelings that we haven’t experienced. Instead these will teach us how to appreciate the present. Meditation is just a simple method of gently taking us back into the NOW and letting go of the THEN.

Because of the benefits of meditation, a lot of people suffering from psychological problems have found an ally in this mind practice. It is said to be able to pull one out of depression. And because it gives us a better understanding of ourselves, meditation also encourages people to quit their addiction to vices, help in their healing and recovery, and live better and healthier lives.

Some health experts have found out that people who have been diagnosed to be suffering from too much stress and extreme anxiety need not be treated with drugs. The benefits of meditation were once again proven in the study of these people. They found out that engaging in meditation is a good panic attack prevention.

A lot of people have different things to say about meditation. Although there are numerous techniques in meditation, they should all be treated the same way. They are not designed to solve our problems or make life worry-free. They are here so that we will be more accepting of life and its challenges.

How to Feel Better Naturally Simple Tips for Meditating Stress Away

Once considered an exotic and exclusively spiritual practice, expert doctors and scientists now credit meditation with alleviating a host of physical and mental ailments such as anxiety, depression, high blood pressure, and chronic fatigue.

But what comes to mind when you think of meditation? Is it monks wearing enlightenment on their sleeves, drinking super caffeinated green tea, levitating at will, and disappearing into tree-lined monasteries for days, weeks, or years at a time? Is it gym yoga classes complete with $22.95/pair purple pastel blocks and trendy attractive people in the front row? The gazillion ads for guided meditation CDs that pop-up whenever you put "meditation" into a search engine?

Clearly, the word meditation conjures up some interesting images, but arguably the general idea behind mindfulness meditation is inherent in all forms of meditation. 99.9% of the time, our mental processes are dominated by a never-ending stream of angry, anxious, and reactive thoughts that rob us of our inherent ability to feel at peace and focused in any given moment.

By contrast, during a meditation practice, you encourage yourself to feel aligned with whatever is happening in the present moment, instead of getting caught up in habitual perceptions of what has happened in the past or may happen in the future. By meditating, you gently turn off the never-ending and very popular "what if THIS happens" channel in your mind and just exist in the here and now. As Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn, renowned meditation teacher, psychologist, and facilitator of the Stress Reduction and Relaxation program at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center says in Full Catastrophe Living:

Simply put, mindfulness is moment-to-moment awareness. It is cultivated by purposefully paying attention to things we ordinarily never give a moment's thought to. It is a systematic approach to developing new kinds of control and wisdom in our lives, based on our inner capacities for relaxation, paying attention, awareness, and insight.

Kabat-Zinn, Jon. Full Catastrophe Living. Dell Publishing, New York, 1990, 2.

So if we accept the premise that feeling centered in the present moment can be beneficial to our physical and mental well being, how do we learn how to meditate?

While there are many ways of introducing yourself to meditation, three simple methods come to mind:

1) Taking a meditation or yoga class with a teacher and other students.

2) Using guided meditation tapes or CDs to create your own practice.

3) Cultivating focused awareness through short "spot" meditations, even if you can't commit to a full fledged meditation practice.

Taking a Class with Others

Your local gym or YMCA probably sponsors yoga classes which can function as a kind of meditation-in-motion practice, even if you don't have a full-fledged yoga school in your area. Typing "online meditation class" into a search engine also yields virtual classes encompassing many different time zones and meditation philosophies compatible with almost anyone's belief system or schedule.

Using Guided Meditation CDs

Using guided tapes and CDs can be a great starter program for anyone unsure about beginning a meditation practice on their own.

Meditation for Optimum Health: How to Use Mindfulness and Breathing to Heal Your Body and Refresh Your Mind, by Drs. Jon Kabat-Zinn and Andrew Weil, is an excellent meditation starter program for anyone (especially those interested in scientific validation that meditation works).

Radical Self-Acceptance, by renowned meditation teacher, Buddhist lay priestess, and psychologist, Dr. Tara Brach, combines psychological awareness with Buddhist teachings about compassion in exploring how mindfulness meditation can alleviate the shame or "the trance of unworthiness," so common and destructive in modern life.

Belleruth Naparstek's guided imagery series frequently gets rave reviews from individuals using guided meditation/visualization in working with specific issues such as post traumatic stress disorder, weight loss, or insomnia.

Cultivating a Smidgen of Meditative Awareness: Spot Meditations

Meditations designed to be done in 5 minutes or less may not bring instant enlightenment, but they can still provide a taste of feeling calm and focused in the present moment. Flip the Switch: 40 Anytime, Anywhere Meditations in 5 minutes or Less by Eric Harrison, is an excellent resource for anyone who can take a few deep mindful breaths while waiting for a red light to change or a meeting to start. Meditation from Thought to Action by Alexander and Annellen Simpkins, also contains many short exercises designed to focus the mind in a few minutes.


Most people who have tried meditation usually agree that simply having the intention to meditate has a profound effect on anyone's mental/physical health and personal development. So what not order a book or CD about meditation right now, and make an investment in your well being?

7 Minutes Meditation for Busy Folks

The greatest asset you have as a business person is your mindset while your most expensive commodity is time. Seven minutes meditation gives you the best of both worlds. With a little practice in a little time, you come up with problem-solving ideas with amazing ease. Your friends will think that you're a genius. And you will really feel good about yourself and your accomplishments. This is because meditation puts you in the alpha state of mind that enhance creativity, blasts tension, and indecision. You know what to do on every occasion because you’ve learned to think on autopilot.

What is meditation? Meditation is a process of mental exercise that primes the brain and centers the heart to cultivate productive ideas. This encourages whole brain thinking that put you in the zone of peak performance. You must be in the know to be in the flow. Therefore knowledge of how the brain works is crucial.

How does it work? It works when you work it into your consciousness. There are different segments of the brain which tend to work independently of one another. Each part may even antagonise another. The four cardinal parts of the brain are the left (intellectual) brain, the right (intuitive brain), the mid-brain (emotions) and the hind-brain (reticular activating system). When all the parts of the brain work together, you are focused and obstacles are eliminated. If not, disarray, failure, and tension are the norm for 95% of the population. Meditation fixes these problems by helping you develop complex and more efficient neuronal connections that encourages whole brain thinking—the way most geniuses and top achievers think. Joshua 1:8 says that with meditation, you shall be able to deal wisely with the affairs of this life. That sounds like genius to me!

Seven minute per session meditation shortens the process. Mental energy loss due to scattered thinking is minimized because your mind is forced to focus on the results instead of rehearsing the problems. This is a powerful too for personal direction, goal-orientation and personal power. You’ll be calm in the midst of turmoil. All this is achieved by concurrent use of seven components of meditation.

1. Personalization: You must use personal pronouns in your affirmation when you repeat or recite your mantra. Don’t use meaningless word from a guru or what you copied somewhere. Come up with your own tailor-made phrases based on specifics that you’re programming for yourself. When you personalize words, you own them and emotions are involved which create attachments. This is how you call up the help of the energy currency of your human spirit. This helps achieve your goal sooner than later.

2. Localization: Don’t think of all your problems or challenges at the same time. Narrow your meditation session to one problem at a time. This is how you channel your energy to burn the problem just like a concentrated sun ray sets a piece of green paper ablaze. Yes, concentration is the heart of contemplation as you become a power house of creative ideas.

3. Memorization: To save time, you must keep the solution to our problem or goal you’re programming for your self at the back burner of your mind. For recall in subsequent session, you must repeat your mantra to yourself for it to stick in your deeper mind. Some people write it down and look at it. Writing down you 'focus phrase' alone increases retention by three hundred-fold while highlighting with yellow and sky blue increases retention by three-fold. Highlighting with red calls for urgent action. The more senses you engage, the better your retention and recall. The greatest programming is what you tell yourself. It is powerful in shaping your self-image. It is called auto-suggestion. Note that all improvements in your life starts with improvements in your self-image. We don't see the world the way it is; we see the world the way we are. Based on your self-image, you shape your world with your words.

4. Verbalization: This is called learning by mouth. Positive confession is the most powerful way of getting the word deep down in your human spirit where the will and gut to make things happen reside. Know that it is your words that shape your mind, and not the other way round. Repetition is the key. The discipline of repetitive verbalization of your goals is the mother of all achievements. Don’t be tempted to stop by looking at circumstances. The words you speak also create pictures.

5. Visualization: Image is everything! You must visualize to actualize. The fact is that the soul cannot think without pictures. Visualization rests on the premise that everything is created twice (in heart and mind) before it manifests in the physical world. A picture is truly more than a thousand words. It also takes descriptive words to create pictures. This art of making mental movies is like photography. Good photographers are always focusing only on the pictures they want to develop. This time, we prefer movies (motion pictures) to posters (stagnant) pictures. Get a picture of the replica or representation of your dream—what you want to be, do or have. Rehearse it again and again in your mind with gusto. Put emotion to it as if it has already been achieved. When the picture takes, the results show up sooner than later with consistent practice.

6. Actualization: This is the doing part. Doing is the most powerful part of programming. “What I hear, I may forget. What I see, I may not remember; but what I do is part of me,” says a Chinese Proverb. No amount of mental rehearsal or confession can get the job done. Your thinking creates your reality; your action brings it to you. No blueprint has ever carried out itself and no war strategy has ever fought a battle. People do! The whole essence of steps 1 to 5 is to bring you to 6. Meditation is a process. The seven minutes forces the brain to think in a time frame by giving it deadline. This triggers the reticular activating system to provoke the subconscious mind to come with a solution. Subconscious mind is the center of the law of attraction in the brain. The thrill is in the doing. “It is the law of nature that those who do has the power and those who don’t have not the power.” Said Ralph Waldo Emerson.

7. Manifestation: This is the result of implementing steps 1 to 6. This is the outward evidence of success that everybody sees. Most untrained folks don’t understand the law of process. They tend to attribute success to luck. LUCK is laboring under correct knowledge of all the steps.

How to Meditate: Putting the Pieces Together. Understanding the Seven P’S:

• Purpose: you must keep the reason why of your meditation before you.
• Prospects: Rehearse the benefits at the back of your mind. Your intention will keep your attention. Otherwise your mind will get bored and that will erode your confidence and believe in the system. Purpose and prospects are related.
• Place: You must establish a specific place for meditation. The free wheeling life style of anything goes will not cut it. Otherwise you lose focus. Some people use a corner of their room or office to do.
• Period. You must establish a specific time to stand and end. Some people prefer early in the morning immediately after waking up from sleep. Whatever you do, don’t meditate while driving, operating a machinery, after eating or when you’re tired. Don’t meditate on the bed or bedroom. The mind has learned to associate those with sleep. You’re time window is a maximum of seven minutes.
• Preliminaries: These are preambles to get you ready. Remove belts, ties, shoes, and jewelries.
• Position: The best position is lotus or the Buddha position. It helps strengthen your body frame, improves your posture and makes you a little uncomfortable so that you can’t fall back to sleep. Never lie down. It is associated with sleep. Alternative positions include sitting on a chair and relaxing all your muscle groups. This works best at office hours.
• Practice: This is where all the techniques come together. Here you close your eyes to avoid distraction and encourage focus, relax your muscles and recite your mantra from memory using personal pronouns. You also visualize your end-goal as if it has already happened bringing gusto to the whole exercise. You should be done in less than seven minutes.

A closing thought:

Meditation is the most important thing you can do for yourself and your business. If thinking is everything, then it is the most important thing. You can describe your life or design your future in the present by meditation. Every great person that has ever lived was a great thinker. Jeffrey Bezos used it to found; Pierre Omardiya did the same with eBay. Bill Gates takes a whole week off just to meditate. Bill calls it 'think week.' ‘Think and Grow Rich’ is all about the use of your mind power to create wealth.

So don’t wait for flashes of inspiration to hit you like a thunder bolt, prime your goldmine and you will always produce gold. Creative juice will flow effortlessly and automatically with practice and priming your brain. You become a living magnet that attracts money, health, happiness, influence, protection and relationship because you are aligned with the energy of the universe where every good thing originates. The laws of the universe are the laws of success. It is in our heart and mind that God teaches us the secret to unlock the vault of the universe. It’s all within you waiting to be harnessed. “That’s GREAT (God Rewards Every Active Thinker),” says my friend, Ed Gray. Meditation is what makes the great, great and separates them from the rest.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Yoga - Three reasons you should not do Sitting Forward Bend

Yogasana, the third limb of Raja Yoga also popularly understood by mass population as yoga is getting popular as never before in both eastern and western countries. The reason for Yogasana (popularly know as Yoga) to gain popularity are numerous ranging from releasing stress, flexibility to helping patient suffering from various diseases. Although the initial objective of Yogasana (Yoga) in Raja Yoga was different, however the ability of yoga to help patient with various ailments is really praiseworthy.

The Sitting Forward Bend is one of the most demanding postures of Yoga. In this pose the body is folded almost in half, providing an intense stretch to the entire back of the body, from the scalp down to the heels. Students often struggle in this asana. If you pull yourself forward using your shoulders and arms you will create the tension through your body and you will end up tightening your muscles and this will not allow you to get into the posture any quicker. While doing this asana give some time for the muscles to stretch and to release the tension. Often, because of tightness in the back of the legs many students do not go very far forward. For those who find it difficult to do the full Sitting Forward Bend they can do the half pose using the right leg and the right hand at a time for a few breaths and than practice with the other leg and hand.

The Sitting Forward Bend stimulates the kidneys, liver, spleen and pancreas improving digestion in the body. The pose tones and massages the entire abdominal area and it relieves constipation. It stretches the hamstring muscles, lumbar and sacral regions and increases flexibility in the hip joints. Regular practice of this asana removes excess weight in the abdomen area.

Three important reasons (out of many) not to do Sitting Forward Bend:

1) A person who suffers from slipped disc and sciatica should not practice this powerful asana.

2) Anyone who has asthma should not attempt to practice this pose.

3) If you are in the first trimester of pregnancy avoid this asana as it puts stress on the womb. After the first trimester you can practice the pose very gently with your legs slightly apart.

What Is Ashtanga Yoga? Understanding the Methods

Ashtanga yoga, also known as power yoga, is quickly gaining popularity among practitioners. So what is Ashtanga yoga? It is the form of yoga most used by athletes and those interested in quickly increasing strength and stamina. Because of that, Ashtanga yoga postures have a higher degree of difficulty than those in other styles. Additionally, they are done as part of series.

Usually, students doing Ashtanga yoga postures will move quickly from one to the other to maintain that focus on strength. That is in opposition to many other forms of yoga where the emphasis is on breathing, relaxation, and flexibility.

Who Should Practice Ashtanga Yoga?

Ashtanga yoga poses are for most anyone who is in decent shape. If you are new to exercise, this is probably not the form of yoga with which you should start. Even the very easiest of Ashtanga poses are very demanding on the body, especially since you will even start with a body warming routine that is designed to activate your muscles. Overall, Ashtanga yoga can provide you with a build up of strength, stamina, and even some flexibility which explains its popularity with those involved in athletics.

If you decide to give Ashtanga a try, you should expect things to progress quickly. You will likely start right off with a sequence of yoga poses. Those will be practiced until the teacher feels you have mastered it fairly well and have complete understanding of its fundamentals. Then, you will move on to another series and a higher level of difficulty. Overall, it is a very fast moving form of yoga.

Ashtanga Poses

As for the Ashtanga yoga poses, they range widely in terms of positioning. You will find yourself moving from standing, backbent, inverted, balancing, seated, and even twisting poses. In power yoga, the sun salutation sequence of poses is very popular as well, so you will often use standing forward bend, upward dog, downward dog, and many other poses sprinkled in as well.

Though much of the focus in Ashtanga yoga poses is on the development of stamina and strength, you will also, as with any yoga, be focusing. You will be asked to focus your eyes on a point as you move through the poses given out by your instructor. In order to get the full effect and benefit of Ashtanga, you should make sure that your muscles and perhaps even the rooms are very warm. This ensures maximum flexibility and minimal injury as you work through the demanding postures.

How To Heal With Yoga

Yoga is a generic term for the various spiritual disciplines in Hinduism and Buddhism. It is practiced throughout South Asia. Its prime aim is to pave the way to higher consciousness through liberation from suffering, ignorance and rebirth. Vedic and Buddhist literature is strewn with stories of yogis who attained miraculous prowess by practicing various kinds of meditations and austerities. Today, yoga is usually practiced under the guidance of a guru or a spiritual guide.

The word ‘Yoga’ is derived from Sanskrit where it means ‘to unite’. Therefore yoga connotes an exercise in mental and moral cultivation that generates excellent health and contributes to longevity in life. The total and intrinsic discipline exercised by a yogi culminates in positive and perennial happiness. It is a science which affects the conscious as well as the subconscious aspect of the mind.

There are some misconceptions about Yoga. Yoga is NOT black magic, sorcery, white magic or mental or physical debauchery. Some consider yoga to be a dangerous practice that should be engaged by those who have renounced the world. Some even think of it as a kind of mental acrobatic that is fit to be practiced only by certain sections in the world.

Yoga is an all-encompassing science that depends on mental discipline. It ensures the purgation of the soul and removal of the ignoble which will bring forth what is most noble in man. Irrespective of caste, creed, sex and religion yoga embraces all of human life. The believer and the non-believer, the sick and the healthy, the literate and the ignorant, the young and the old – everyone can embrace yoga. One can begin practicing yoga at any age and continue doing so throughout life.

For a person practicing yoga, there is an emphasis on restraint from vice through observance of virtue, purity and controlling of uncontrolled desires. The main technique used in yoga is ‘asanas’ or postures. This along with ‘pranayama’ or breath control helps to calm the body and draw vital energy forces into the body. Detaching the mind from the external mind through the withdrawal of senses is done through ‘dhyana’ or meditation. A common feature of yoga is intense concentration on a single point, be it a diagram, a part of the body, the breath or even a mantra.

In the modern world, it is almost impossible for man to achieve the mental prowess of the ancient yogis. Therefore, yoga cannot be seen as an alternative to medicine. But when teamed with Western healing practices, yoga is amazingly effective. Yoga is very effective in helping patients overcome pain, and the anxiety or depression associated with pain.

Yoga is not just a medical science; it’s a complete way of life. It lays down strict dietary recommendations and lifestyle practices that helps one achieve and maintain good health. Yoga has been adopted by people for the treatment of various conditions like constipation, back pain, indigestion, diabetes and blood pressure. Exercises prescribed by yoga are excellent if you want to lose weight and gain control over your body. One of the greatest benefits of practicing yoga is that it makes you aware of the various muscles in your body and teaches you how to control any PARTICULAR set of muscles.

Thus Yoga as a way of life and as a holistic therapeutic science has gained a lot of acceptance in the world today. Even though a person practicing yoga may never reach the heights of a yogi, they can learn to live a richer and happier life by practicing these techniques.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Obesity Treatment Rx for Fat Loss

Changing food into fat looks very simple for most people. Shaking them off the body is absolutely easier said than done, and to get done with it, you have only four options:

1. Lessen the amount of food that you eat and maintain an active life

2. Boost your activities and maintain the food intake at an unvarying rate

3. Merge both forces by dieting and exercising at the same time

4. Seek obesity treatment and stop the problems

It may all sound too easy. However, when the number of people accumulating more fat that they can burn continues to increase, obesity becomes a serious disease. At this point, it is important to seek some medical help immediately.

The problem is that many people tend to become “professional dieters.” They peel off pounds with the current fad diet, only to put the weight back on after reaching their goals and return to the habits that made them fat in the first place.

But people cannot just blame their fat on food. In one study of the causes of obesity, researchers found that only 3.2% of obese people became fat because of increased food intake. In 67.5% of the cases, inactivity was associated with the onset of obesity.

Obesity Treatment

Today, there are more obesity treatment methods than there are a few years back. That is why people can make better choices. They no longer have to stick with just one treatment just as what their friends have said so because what worked for their friends may not necessarily work for them.

Treating obesity is a matter of choosing the right approach that will work best for one’s body. Many factors must be considered in order to achieve the best obesity treatment possible.

Obesity treatment strategies may range from the simplest to the most complicated method of therapy. Nevertheless, with the right choice, obese people will always find feasible means to end their woes.

Here’s how:

1. Talk to the expert

Always consult your doctor before seeking any treatment. A good obesity treatment lies on how it will be effective when applied on you. Thus, it is important to consult your doctor to analyze and evaluate your condition and come up with a better form of treatment.

2. Know how much weight you want to shed off

Most failed regimen of losing weight is factored in the tendency of most dieters to lose weight without having an ideal amount of weight to shed off. When experts say they should have a goal, they just focus on that — lose weight.

The point is that in order to identify the correct obesity treatment, it is important that you know how much you really want to lose. From that point, you and your doctor can work together in assessing and evaluating strategies that will work best for you.

3. Assess your problems

It is extremely important to know what brings about obesity in a particular individual. Of course, most people would say that excessive intake of food is the ultimate culprit. What they do not know is that there are various underlying problems causing obesity.

If you tend to eat too much calories and you are not even aware of food labels, the types of food, and the different effects they will have on your body, it is best that you go for a dietary treatment.

If you are living a sedentary life and should be exercising more to burn those accumulated and stored fats, then it is time for you to undergo a serious physical activity.

If you tend to binge on foods whenever you are depressed, behavior therapy is the right approach to lose weight. There are many people these days that tend to eat more whenever they are depressed.

All of these things are focused on helping obese people to lose weight — finally. The point here is that the only problem why obesity seems too hard to combat is that wrong approaches of obesity treatment have been employed.

So the next lose-weight prescription that doctors should recommend in order to treat obesity will now be based on these factors and nothing else.

The Positives and Negatives of Diet Pills

Diet pills are such a hit today for so many reasons, one of which is the huge variety of diet pills available in the market.

However, not all diet pills can work wonders in your figure. Before anything else, there are things to consider before relying on one.

1) Busy as a bee.

The fast standard of living of an individual can affect one’s eating habit. Today, many people are getting heavier, that is why they try to look for alternative ways aside from exercising and dieting the natural way.

Many people simply do not have enough time to exercise anymore because they are either too busy at work or they are much occupied in taking care of their families.

Hence, they opt for diet pills. They are the fastest ways to lose weight. If you are the kind of person who wants to see results fast and gets bored with a healthy weight reduction plan, diet pill is the thing for you.

2) Losing pounds while eating.

More people patronize diet pills because it is very convenient. Most people cannot stop eating or cannot change their food preference. The pills can only help you lose weight.

3) The doctor is in.

Given these information on diet pills, it is better to consult your doctor first before taking anything into your body. Follow the doctors’ prescription. Do not get excited and too much in a hurry by taking more than the number of pills prescribed to you. If you are under other medications, make sure to ask your doctor if it is ok to take the diet pill with it. This is to prevent “drug mix up” because some may cause you trouble if the medicines simply do not go together.

4) Some negative effects.

Such pills could sometimes affect your body in a negative way. It can affect your metabolism and your health in general. There are negative effects from the mildest to the serious ones. Such effects are diarrhea, insomnia, palpitating, hypertension and heart disease and a whole lot more.

Some studies say that some people could also become immune with the diet pill. In other words, after half a year of taking the diet pill, they start to gain weight again.

5) Drug dependency

Diet pills are really designed to combat obesity, but some people just become addicted to it. Even doctors stick to some guidelines when prescribing them. They also base it on your health history and if you used to be an alcoholic or drug dependent.

It is better to think more than twice if you really need one. Who knows you might loose those extra pounds on your own.

6) Look for natural ingredients.

Check the ingredients of the diet pill. Some contains chemicals and unsafe products which can give you bad side effects. Choose diet pills which contain natural ingredients. It can be extract from plants, fruits, vegetables and flowers.

7) Friends are friends.

Do not self medicate or rely on what your friends use. What is good for other may simply not be good for you. They are your friends, but not your doctor! It is not just some simple cosmetic, a shoe or a bag to go with the color of your dress that you and your friends can decide on. Diet pills are much complex than those things.

8) Pirated stuff

Make sure you are buying the real thing. Some retailers might be selling imitation products. You do not know what it contains and what it can do to you.

Obesity Not A Big Deal Now

Obesity is a common problem nowadays to the world. It not only restricted to some common countries like US or UK but it is a problem gripping the whole world and in a very dramatic manner. Obesity is a curse in this new generation. People try to escape from it, but ultimately someway or the other they can’t stop themselves from confronting obesity. Physical inactivity along with improper food habit is the main cause of obesity. Well, genetic factors also come into consideration sometimes.

But what is commonly found that when people find out that obesity is embarrassing their life, they begin to torture themselves by doing various experiments like staying hungry, living only on juices or go to a gym. This kind of sudden change in one’s life leads to the worst rather than doing any benefits.

For along time from now, research was going on obesity. Though it was found that obesity cannot be cured completely, but oflate a drug named Phentermine is found to be very productive. FDA has found it to be the most effective drug to fight obesity. It is a drug which belongs to the class of anorectics that stimulates our nerverous system to inhabit the feeding centre and hence suppress our appetite. It is found that consumption of Phentermine pills along with a proper nutrition and a bit of physical exercise is very fruitful. One good thing about this drug is that it is used as a short term drug and a course can extend maximum to maximum unto 12 weeks. So within a short period of time you can get a new shape and get your self free from obesity.

Common side effects like diarrhea, impotency for a short period, insomnia as well as dizziness are said to be found in using Phentermine. So it is always better to consult a physician before including it to your daily routine and it is highly recommended for pregnant women. Generally a tablet a day is consumed before breakfast.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Signs of Depression

Clinical Depression is "a psychiatric disorder characterized by the inability to concentrate, insomnia, loss of appetite, feelings of extreme sadness, guilt, helplessness and hopelessness, and thoughts of death." (look at Sources below)

A Sign(s) of Depression vary depending on the person, type of anxiety/condition, environment, history, and intensity of the problem. The most common depression symptoms are as follows:

* "Empty" Mood

* Feeling of Guilt or Helplessness

* Loss of Interest in Pleasurable Hobbies

* Fatigue

* Difficulty Concentrating or Making Decisions

* Insomnia

* Irregular Sleeping (hours)

* Thoughts of Death or Suicide

* Physical Symptoms

* Irritability

Although these are the main signs and symptons of depression, they are not the only ones. Take a moment to research the web if you still believe that you are depressed. A lot of depression usually sprouts from childhood, possibly of abuse, witnessing of violence, or even theft at a young age. Even though you may be depressed, know that there are solutions out there.

If most of these signs and symptoms occur for more than two weeks, it is recommended to take action. Consult a doctor or manage solutions like finding a hobbie such as sports or exercising. Although there are sedatives that ca be taken to rid your symptoms, exercising is the natural way to heal yourself.

Bipolar Disorder and Manic Depression

If you already are not aware of this condition, bipolar disorder is "a diagnostic category describing a class of mood disorders where the person experiences states or episodes of depression and/or mania, hypomania, and/or mixed states."(Look at Sources Below)

Bipolar disorder is also known as a manic-depressive illness, which can suddenly shift a person's mood, energy, and their ability to function. As in every person, someone with bipolar disorder has their up's and down's to a much higher level. This is a very serious condition, which can lead to depression.

A sign of this disorder can range anywhere from an usual damaged relationship with a person who is close to you, poor school/job performance, or even thoughts of, or actual suicide. Major mood swings from extreme happiness to extreme irritability (or vice versa) are the most common symptoms of this manic depression. A sign of depression can also be little sleep or even unrealistic beliefs in one's ability. Other commons signs are spending sprees, denial, poor judgment, and increased sexual drive. People with manic depressions can also abuse medications, drugs, and alcohol. The signs of the depression are the about the same as those listed in the previous posts.

So who can get bipolar disorder or manic depression? Just about ANYONE, including kids, teenagers, and adolescents. If any of the signs and symptoms occur for longer than a week's period, consulting a doctor is recommended.

Although bipolar illness is a long term illness, there is hope for controlling the episodes (high and low points). Long-term preventive treatment (medication and psychosocial) is strongly suggested. Also a chart of sleeping patterns, treatment, and daily mood symptoms prove helpful. Another form of treatment that can be considered is anitdepressant medication.

The Invisible Disease Depression


Depression is a serious medical condition. In contrast to the normal emotional experiences of sadness, loss, or passing mood states, clinical depression is persistent and can interfere significantly with an individual's ability to function. There are three main types of depressive disorders: major depressive disorder, dysthymic disorder, and bipolar disorder (manic-depressive illness).

Symptoms and Types of Depression

Symptoms of depression include sad mood, loss of interest or pleasure in activities that were once enjoyed, change in appetite or weight, difficulty sleeping or oversleeping, physical slowing or agitation, energy loss, feelings of worthlessness or inappropriate guilt, difficulty thinking or concentrating, and recurrent thoughts of death or suicide. A diagnosis of major depressive disorder is made if a person has 5 or more of these symptoms and impairment in usual functioning nearly every day during the same two-week period. Major depression often begins between ages 15 to 30 but also can appear in children. 1 Episodes typically recur.

Some people have a chronic but less severe form of depression, called dysthymic disorder, which is diagnosed when depressed mood persists for at least 2 years (1 year in children) and is accompanied by at least 2 other symptoms of depression. Many people with dysthymia develop major depressive episodes.

Episodes of depression also occur in people with bipolar disorder. In this disorder, depression alternates with mania, which is characterized by abnormally and persistently elevated mood or irritability and symptoms including overly-inflated self-esteem, decreased need for sleep, increased talkativeness, racing thoughts, distractibility, physical agitation, and excessive risk taking. Because bipolar disorder requires different treatment than major depressive disorder or dysthymia, obtaining an accurate diagnosis is extremely important.

Facts About Depression

Major depression is the leading cause of disability in the U.S. and worldwide. 2 Depressive disorders affect an estimated 9.5 percent of adult Americans ages 18 and over in a given year, 3 or about 18.8 million people in 1998. Nearly twice as many women (12 percent) as men (7 percent) are affected by a depressive disorder each year.

Depression can be devastating to family relationships, friendships, and the ability to work or go to school. Many people still believe that the emotional symptoms caused by depression are "not real," and that a person should be able to shake off the symptoms. Because of these inaccurate beliefs, people with depression either may not recognize that they have a treatable disorder or may be discouraged from seeking or staying on treatment due to feelings of shame and stigma. Too often, untreated or inadequately treated depression is associated with suicide.


Antidepressant medications are widely used, effective treatments for depression. Existing antidepressants influence the functioning of certain chemicals in the brain called neurotransmitters. The newer medications, such as the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), tend to have fewer side effects than the older drugs, which include tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) and monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs). Although both generations of medications are effective in relieving depression, some people will respond to one type of drug, but not another. Other types of antidepressants are now in development.

Certain types of psychotherapy, specifically cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and interpersonal therapy (IPT), have been found helpful for depression. Research indicates that mild to moderate depression often can be treated successfully with either therapy alone; however, severe depression appears more likely to respond to a combination of psychotherapy and medication. 7 More than 80 percent of people with depressive disorders improve when they receive appropriate treatment.

In situations where medication, psychotherapy, and the combination of these interventions prove ineffective, or work too slowly to relieve severe symptoms such as psychosis (e.g., hallucinations, delusional thinking) or suicidality, electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) may be considered. ECT is a highly effective treatment for severe depressive episodes.

The possibility of long-lasting memory problems, although a concern in the past, has been significantly reduced with modern ECT techniques. However, the potential benefits and risks of ECT, and of available alternative interventions, should be carefully reviewed and discussed with individuals considering this treatment and, where appropriate, with family or friends.

One herbal supplement, hypericum or St. John's wort, has been promoted as having antidepressant properties. Results from the first large-scale, controlled study of St. John's wort for major depression, which was funded in part by NIMH, are expected in 2001. Note: There is evidence that St. John's wort can reduce the effectiveness of certain medications. Use of any herbal or natural supplements should always be discussed with your doctor before they are tried.

Research Findings

Brain imaging research is revealing that in depression, neural circuits responsible for moods, thinking, sleep, appetite, and behavior fail to function properly, and that the regulation of critical neurotransmitters is impaired. Genetics research, including studies of twins, indicates that genes play a role in depression. Vulnerability to depression appears to result from the influence of multiple genes acting together with environmental factors.

Other research has shown that stressful life events, particularly in the form of loss such as the death of a close family member, may trigger major depression in susceptible individuals. The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, the hormonal system that regulates the body's response to stress, is overactive in many people with depression. Research findings suggest that persistent overactivation of this system may lay the groundwork for depression.

Studies of brain chemistry, mechanisms of action of antidepressant medications, and the cognitive distortions and disturbed interpersonal relationships commonly associated with depression, continue to inform the development of new and better treatments.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Diabetes Symptoms The Various Kinds Of Symptoms To Deal With

Diagnosing diabetes symptoms can be difficult in identifying at first, as manifestation of the disease is gradual. Sometimes, because symptoms can also be common to other illnesses, the real illness may be overlooked. Diabetes symptoms may vary, the list may go on and on but not everybody (diabetes patients) has them. There are even some cases that no symptoms may show on some patients.

Diabetes occurs when the body’s ability to react to insulin gets affected. The insulin is your body hormone that allows your blood sugar (glucose) to enter body cells. When too much glucose enters the blood, this leads to the elevated amount of blood glucose, which it can cause glucose spillage towards the urine. This is the primary reason why one of the most classic diabetes symptoms, frequent urination, plagues the patient.

Because elevated glucose level is beyond normal, your body cells are energy-starved and consequently leading to the damage in your nerves, kidneys, eyes, blood vessels and your heart. The increased amount of glucose appears when the sugar of your body falls too low. It then increases production of sugar. This process starts when the pancreas releases the hormone called glucagons. The stored glycogen will be converted back into the glucose by your liver and muscles.

How are diabetes symptoms diagnosed?

Diagnosing diabetes patients may vary, and is based according to the duration and range of the high blood sugar levels. Patients with type 2 diabetes are often diagnosed relatively slowly as compared to people with type 1 diabetes, to which it may take only after weeks or some months. Symptoms may also progress slowly and mildly.

Some of the most specific and common early diabetes symptoms are:

- Skin irritation and diseases
- Skin infections
- Poor skin healing
- Athlete’s foot
- Sexual problem
- Unusual vaginal dryness
- Erectile failure (to male patients)
- Premature menopause (to female patients)
- Absence of menstrual periods
- Paresthesias
- Peripheral neuropathy
- Urinary tract infection
- Blurry vision
- Malaise
- Drowsiness
- Numbness of the hands
- Weight loss or weight gain

Other more extreme diabetes symptoms are:

- Excessive urination
- Excessive thirstiness
- Dehydration
- Weight loss even with an increased appetite
- Tiredness, fatigue, nausea, and vomiting
- Excessive hunger
- More bladder, skin and vaginal infections
- Serious blurry vision
- Headache
- Muscle aches, weakness and cramps
- Acne
- Increased sexual problems because of erectile failure for men, and vaginal dryness for women
- Cessation of menstrual periods

Other diabetes symptoms:

- Gums are bleeding
- Unusual noise or buzzing in the ear
- Feet numbness or tingling
- Skin itching
- Diarrhea
- Confusion
- Depression

Complications associated to diabetes symptoms:

- Kidney diseases
- Diabetic retinopathy
- Sciatica
- Heart diseases and
- Stroke

As those mentioned symptoms might occur at a later time for a patient, the usual situation is delayed scheduling of the check-up. This is not a good idea as complications may increase over time, making it even harder to treat and manage the disease. In this case, it is extremely important to check with the doctor in as early as possible to prevent more damage to the body. Another, it is important to note that diabetes is one of the lifelong diseases, and one that does not infect other people upon contact.

Diabetes Types Knowing the Symptoms

Diabetes is a condition featuring unusually high levels of glucose in the bloodstream. Insulin, produced by the pancreas, is used by the body to lower blood glucose levels. If someone’s pancreas doesn’t generate enough insulin, their body will develop diabetes.

A short list of symptoms of diabetes would include severe hunger and thirst, more urge to urinate, and fatigue. But the surest way of knowing whether you have diabetes is having a blood sugar test, also known as a Glucose Tolerance Test.

Type 1 diabetes is the more acute form. It is typically treated with special dietary restrictions, exercise and occasionally with insulin. Type 1 diabetes usually will be treated with special diet, exercise, and a weight loss plan before insulin is added. This form of diabetes is considered an insulin dependent disease.

A less severe form of diabetes, Type 2 diabetes is first treated with a diabetic diet, exercise and weight loss. If theses measures are not successful in controlling blood sugar and insulin levels, oral medications may be added. Insulin is then finally considered if these also are unsuccessful. Type 2 diabetes normally occurs in adults who are middle age or older, which is why it is sometimes called Late-Onset Diabetes In this case, he pancreas still produces the right levels of insulin but the body has become resistant to it.

It is feasible to delay the onset of Type 2 diabetes if it runs in the family. Through losing weight, getting the right amount of exercise and controlling your diet, you can manage. If Type 2 diabetes is not treated, eventually the same complications may ensue as those seen with Type 1 diabetes.

Gestational diabetes is seen in pregnant women. Normally it disappears after the birth of the baby, however, treatment for the mother to stabilize the blood glucose levels will decrease the chance of complications to the baby as well as mother.

Juvenile Onset diabetes is another major form of diabetes that affects many children. It is believed to be the onset of Type 1 diabetes. If a child is showing even a few of the symptoms of diabetes, it’s vital that they be checked by a doctor. It is estimated that over two million adolescents are in the pre-diabetes stage. This is mostly due to being overweight. In this condition, blood glucose levels are high but not high enough to be considered diabetes.

Diabetes Information

Diabetes is the leading cause of death in the United States. Some recent facts concerning diabetes, presented by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention include:

• In the United States, as of 2002, 18.0 million people of the ages 20 years or older have diabetes.

• About 65% of deaths among people with diabetes are due to heart disease and stroke.

• Diabetes is the leading cause of new cases of blindness among adults aged 20-74 years.

• About 60%-70% of diabetics have mild to severe forms of nervous system damage, such as: slowed digestion of food in the stomach, carpal tunnel syndrome, impaired sensation or pain in the feet or hands.

• Gum disease is more common among people with diabetes.

• Poorly controlled diabetes during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy can result in excessively large babies.

• Diabetics are more likely to die with pneumonia or influenza than people who do not have diabetes.

Common symptoms of diabetes are: weakness, hunger, thirst, weight loss, increased need to urinate, sudden changes in vision, very dry skin, and sores that are slow to heal. Diabetics also have sweet-smelling breath and could suffer from confusion.

Insulin-dependent diabetes is the least common form of this disease. Insulin-diabetes is more commonly known as Type I diabetes, or juvenile-onset diabetes. Patients with Type I diabetes are unable to produce insulin. Diabetics with Type I diabetes are genetically predisposed to the disease.

Noninsulin-dependent diabetes is known as Type 2 diabetes, or adult-onset diabetes. Type 2 diabetes occurs when the body is unable to respond to insulin. Type 2 diabetes is predominant in minorities. About 90%-95% of diabetics have this form of diabetes. Type 2 diabetics are also usually obese.

Gestational diabetes affects only pregnant women. If it is not treated, it can cause many problems for mothers and babies. The occurrence of gestational diabetes is minimal, affecting only about less than 5% of all pregnancies. Gestational diabetes usually disappears when the pregnancy is over.

Treatment for diabetics will vary, depending on the type of diabetes the patient has. Nutrition and physical activity are the easiest changes for a diabetic lifestyle. Insulin injections are required for Type I diabetics. People with Type 2 diabetes will incorporate blood glucose testing as well, and will require oral medication, insulin, or both to control their blood glucose levels.

If you have, or think you have diabetes, you should visit your health care provider. Your physician will help control your diabetes. Ask your physician for more information on managing and controlling your diabetes. Diabetics may also see other physicians, such as podiatrists, opthalmologists, dieticians and endocrinologists.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Diabetes and Kidney Damage

Research results indicate that Diabetes is the leading cause of chronic kidney disease. Final stage of kidney disease is kidney failure and is known as nephropathy. According to the Centers for disease Control, over 17 million Americans have diabetes. Unfortunately, one third of them do not even realise that they have the disease. Approximately 45% of patients suffering from chronic kidney disease had diabetes as the major reason for this dreadful disease, where once the kidneys are damaged and unable to perform their filtration of impurities from blood, there is no recourse to medicinal cure, and the available options are dialysis (Filtering functions of kidney being substituted by a machine) or kidney transplant, where the donor and recipient have to undergo major surgery.

The only heartening factor is that kidney failure does not happen quickly after onset of the diabetes, but will take at-least 5 to 7 years or longer. There are early and later indications to suggest that kidney is getting progressively deteriorated in functions. There are effective remedial actions to slow down the pace of deterioration and maintain the kidney functions.

Both type 1 and type 2 diabetics are likely to suffer from kidney disease/ failure, but it is more in the case of type 1. The symptoms of type 1 diabetes is diagnosed early and treatment plans could be taken early. Unfortunately, type 2 diabetes goes often undiagnosed for years, because the early symptoms are not pronounced. By the time it is diagnosed, there are irrevocable damages done and the chances for kidney damages increase.

Obesity and overweight conditions are linked to insulin resistance and help in onset of type 2 diabetes. When someone is insulin resistant, he will have high blood sugar persistently which manifest into diabetes.

Link between diabetes and kidney disease: Diabetes damages small blood vessels in the body. When the blood vessels in kidney are injured, kidneys lose their capacity to filter the impurities from blood properly. Body retains more water, salt and this results in increase in weight and swelling in the ankles. Urine contains protein. Waste materials start building up in the blood. Besides, diabetes damage nerves in the body. This causes difficulty in emptying bladder. There is a back-up pressure from the stored urine in the bladder, damaging the kidneys. Moreover, the stored urine in bladder causes infection.

The course of kidney disease: The kidney disease takes a longer time leading to kidney failure. Initially, small amounts of protein / albumin leaks into the urine. The filtration function of kidney remains normal during this period. As time passes, more albumin leaks into urine. This stage is known as 'overt diabetic nephropathy or macroalbuminuria. After this stage, filtration begins to drop. Body retains various wastes as filtration drops. Creatinine is one such waste and blood test for creatinine is used to estimate decline in kidney function. As the damage develops, blood pressure also rises.

There are early and later symptoms of kidney damage which are enumerated below:

Early symptoms:

1. Presence of albumine in urine. ( test on this is recommended each year by diabetics)

2. Weight gain and swelling in the ankles, cramps.

3. Frequent urination, especially during night.

4. Rise in blood pressure

Later symptoms:

1. High level of BUN and creatinine in blood

2. Less need for insulin or anti-diabetic medications due to slow down of kidney in breaking down insulin.

3. Morning sickness, nausea and vomiting.

4. Weakness, paleness and anemia

5. Lower blood count (anemia)

6. Loss of appetite, increasing tiredness, itching, muscle cramps.

What are the possibilities to prevent kidney damage?

1. Good control of diabetes lowers risk of having severe kidney disease.

2. Blood pressure and urine albumin excretion to be checked every year.

3. Ensure enough sleep (at-least 8 hours a day)

4. Regular exercise, followed up with 45 minutes of brisk walk.

5. Avoiding alcohol, smoking.

6. Ensure treatment for urinary tract infections, without delay.

7. Avoid medicines which might damage kidneys (Medicines for anti-inflammation/pain killers)

8. Reduce intake of protein more than the daily recommended allowance.

9. Reduce intake of sodium (Salt and vegetables which are rich in sodium)

10. Use of high blood pressure medicines called angio-tension converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors is proved to slow down the deterioration of kidney function.

The final stage of renal failure, occurs when kidneys are no longer able to support healthy functions, unable to filter the impurities from blood. Onset of kidney failure is normally about 7 years or longer.


1. The best course, therefore, is to check overweight and obesity in the first place to prevent insulin resistance and diabetes type-2.

2. Avoid salt and sugar.

3. Stay off from alcohol and smoking.

4. Eat a healthy diet with good nutrition.

5. Keep the mind peaceful, to the extent possible.

6. Avoid taking fast-food, and food/drink rich in carbohydrate.

7. Regular exercise, with brisk walking ( at-least 45 minutes)

8. If you are a diabetic, then the following might help in reducing blood sugar

a. Change the dietary habits to reduce intake of sugar and carbohydrates and increase intake of fiber and vitamins.

b. Enough physical exercise, which should include fast walking

c. Divide intake of food into smaller portions at regular intervals.

d. Avoid salt which increases blood pressure and aggravates problems of diabetes.

e. Intake of magnesium helping in production of insulin.

f. Juice of bitter melon, taken in empty stomach, helps in a great way to control diabetes and reduces blood sugar.

g. Other nutrients: Zinc, Vitamin B complex and Vitamin C which are good in controlling blood sugar

h. Intake of fenugreek with milk which reduces blood sugar and controls diabetes.

i. Consumption of Jamun fruit and powdered jamun seeds.

j. Consumption of garlick will reduce diabetes.

k. Soak tender neem leaves and tulsi leaves in water for 10 minutes and drink. It controls blood sugar.

l. Spinach and cereal fiber help in controlling diabetes.

Diabetes Doesn't Mean An End To Traveling

You've been diagnosed with diabetes and you're stuck at home right?

Fortunately, diabetes does not mean what it once did and current research and break through's mean that things are continuing to improve as you read this.

Vacations, airline travel, cruises, and long drives to a vacation destination are all possible. It takes some planning and some extra work, but you can do it.

You need to plan for them and prepare for possible emergency, allowing for a safe and enjoyable vacation for you.

• Consult with your doctor and your medical support team about changing insulin doses and an extra prescription for insulin.

• Carry a snacks and juices and plenty of water wherever you go. This will help if you need something quick to bring up sugar levels. Keep extra diabetes supplies in the same pack. If you keep everything together, they will be handy when the need arises.

• Be sure to pack extra supplies in a hand bag or purse, it's a good idea to even pack your diabetes and extras in several bags.

• Always wear your medical alert bracelet and any other medical information that might be needed.

• Your friends and families should know the route you are traveling.

• Making reservations for busy restaurants may help you avoid long waits. They also may be able to provide you with nutritional information about menu selections.

• Remember that any change in physical activity, even packing or loading up the car, can cause blood glucose levels to swing high or low.

• Insulin should not be allowed to freeze and must be kept out of direct sunlight, as should all supplies, sunlight can affect test results. Ice packs can be used to keep insulin chilled.

• And lastly, can't say this often enough, always have plenty of extra insulin and food for any unforeseen moments on any excursion.

The Transportation Security Administration section of the Department of Homeland Security has many good tips on flying when you have diabetes. If you need further information from them, you can call them at (866) 289-9673.

Going to a theme park or water park? Be safe and keep your insulin supplies in a waterproof bag to avoid water damage.

When traveling in a boat, the diabetic should be aware of any seasickness they may suffer from. The main problem of the dependent insulin diabetic patient is that seasickness can upset their diabetic condition and cause them to have problems.

Will you be flying? If you happen to have an insulin pump, ask them to do a visual inspection of your insulin pump and do a physical pat down. If you go through the metal detector, you will set it off. Most should know what an insulin pump is but it doesn't hurt to remind them. If they ask you to remove your pump, remind them that it is a needle under your skin.

Once you have had your supplies screened, the following are diabetic supplies that can be carried onboard with you.

- Glucagon emergency kit

- Urine ketone test strips

- A disposal container or something similar and an unlimited supply of used syringes and testing strips

- Insulin pump and supplies including all supplies needed for cleaning, extra plastic tubing, infusion kits, batteries, catheter, and needles

- Insulin dispensing products, including vials, pens, jet injectors, infusers, and any preloaded syringes as well as insulin

- Lancets, testing strips, glucose meters, alcohol swabs, and any other meter-testing supplies

- Unlimited number of unused syringes as long as they are with your insulin or other medication that is injected.

Remember when flying; don't check all of your diabetic supplies. If you have watched the news, you know there is many bags lost each year.

Checking your blood sugar more often during time away from home is best. It is recommended you check at least six times a day to avoid any problems. Be prepared for changing blood sugar levels because of heat, excitement, and schedule changes. It is also recommended is to drink at least 64 ounces of water each day and more if you are more active than usual. You should drink the same amount of water even if you are visiting a beach or a pool.

The insulin pump is becoming more popular. It can give you the flexibility of vacation schedules without worrying about injections. The pump is more popular, especially for children with diabetes. As new technology makes these pumps even better, more children and adults will have the freedom to travel.

Controlling Diabetes with Continuous Glucose Monitoring

Having diabetes means a lifetime of maintaining their diabetes and the blood sugar and controlling their glucose levels.

The blood sugar level shows of how much glucose, which is a basic sugar, is found in the bloodstream. Glucose, in one form or another, is in many of the foods that we eat, so diet is a very important part of controlling the glucose levels in your bloodstream.

Diet and exercise are also key factors in controlling diabetes, in fact some doctors say that diet alone can control type 2 diabetes. The diabetic will be given dietary guidelines by their medical practitioner no matter what type of diabetes you have.

It is suggested that diabetics pay rigorous attention to their diet and self-monitoring activities to establish which foods cause the worst glucose-level peaks and troughs, then make "self adjustments".

However, the best way of controlling diabetes, and the only way for those with type 1 diabetes, is for patients to test their glucose levels regularly - as instructed by their doctor - and to take the appropriate levels of medication or injection of insulin.

Since a diabetics body either doesn't produce insulin, as in Type 1 diabetes, or cannot process the insulin that it makes, which is found in Type 2 diabetes, these blood sugar levels can vary much more then those of a person in perfect health.

Diabetics afflicted with type 1 diabetes should be checking their blood sugar levels daily before eating. The number of tests each day should a minimum of 2 times per day, but some patients may need as many as 6 tests in a day. These tests help determine how much insulin needs to be taken into the body to help process the glucose.

Type 2 diabetics are able to control their diabetes with drugs and dieting. However they too need to be monitoring their blood sugar levels a few times a week. This should be done immediately after eating a meal or up to 90 minutes after eating. In addition, it is a good idea to check your levels before every meal around one day a month to see exactly how your body interacts with the food that you eat.

To check your blood sugar levels, the most commonly used method of obtaining a blood sample is to prick the finger. You then take the blood that is released and put it onto a testing strip, which comes with blood sugar level testing kits. This strip is then put into a measuring device, and processed for around 30 seconds before a result is achieved.

But there is some good news!

Lots of research is on going and a new gadget is now available that checks a diabetic's blood sugar and lets them know if it falls to a dangerous low. Researchers have been searching for the gadget for years. Monitoring devices are now coming on the market and by late summer will be available in the United States.

These monitors are not as accurate as "normal" blood tests, finger lances, but researchers are hoping that within a couple of years it will allow a diabetic to forgo putting their finger to test for blood glucose levels. If the monitor signals that blood sugar levels are low, it is necessary to take a blood test for confirmation. The monitors are also slow to show rapid changes that occur, especially when you exercise. This monitor is working to make finger lances outdated for all diabetics.

Those who have used the monitors report little discomfort. A patch worn on the abdomen may hurt when it goes on because there is a tiny wire placed under the skin to measure the glucose in cell fluid. Once the patch is on, it is comfortable to wear and sends information to a receiver. The receiver is about the size of a cell phone. A patch can be worn for several days before changing.

Researchers are working toward pairing the new monitoring device to insulin pumps. These pumps have been on the market for years and could reduce the time needed for controlling diabetes to a minimum. One such product has already been approved in April and is now offered for sale now.

The monitoring portion of the device will not be available until later this summer, so it isn't fully automatic yet, but it is promising news for those who are trying to control Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes.

Another new treatment going through trials is the delivery of insulin through inhalation. The insulin is prepared in a dry micro fine powder form which is inhaled directly into the lungs from where it is absorbed into the blood stream.