Saturday, September 23, 2006

Is Your Throbbing Back Pain Causing You Alarm?

Lower back muscle pain is no cause for alarm. In the US alone, back pain is one of the most common causes for medical visits, next to headache. In fact, 90% of the adults will experience low back muscle pain at some point in their lives, and the majority of these adults are working men.

Paradoxically, the more intense the pain would occur, the less the severity and extent of the physical damage will be. A simple back sprain from extended periods of sitting down often leads to a strained muscle. Though not at all that serious, the nagging pain will often interfere with the work, especially on professionals who need plenty of room to concentrate. Muscle spasm that occurs mostly on athletes and persons who do a lot of manual work will find that a simple back strain could cause excruciating back pain making them unable to walk or even stand properly. In contrast, a large herniated disc or completely degenerated spinal structure in the elderly can be completely painless.

The causes of low back muscle pain are very complex since the back muscles are complex themselves. Numerous lower back muscle pain treatments have surfaced to meet this problem.

Chiropractic Manipulation Though chiropractic medicine normally is about the structural elements of the body, chiropractors often argued that structural manipulation does not only benefit the bones directly, it also affects other areas, if not all the entire back area. Chiropractic manipulation of the bones can promote skeletal mobility, blood circulation and muscle toning. Its hard to check the tabs of truth about chiropractic medicine since it is still holistic by large, but since most chiropractic patients experience amazing results, its hard to pull the curtain on chiropractic lower back muscle treatment.

Acupuncture Thin, pre-sterilized, disposable needles are used by acupuncture treatments to re-establish the proper flow of blood through the back, alleviating lower back muscle pain. The resulting flow increases circulation for oxygen, blood and lymph nodes work together and hasten the healing process. A research conducted by medical specialists has shown that indeed, acupuncture cause the release of neuro-chemicals such as endorphins, enkephalins, serotonin and corticosteroids all of which contribute to the reduction of pain and inflammation.

Therapy and Massage Therapy and massage is a common path taken by lower back muscle pain sufferers for relief. In fact, medical science always refer massage therapy as a legitimate aid for lower back pain and an effective adjunct to lower back treatments. 54% of doctors refer therapy and massage as a complement to the regimen that they prepare for their patients.

Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami conducted a 2001 research on massage and back pain. They found that "massage lessened lower back pain, depression and anxiety, and improved sleep. The massage therapy group also showed improved range of motion and their serotonin and dopamine levels were higher."

Simply And Naturally End Your Back Or Rheumatoid Joint Pain

In advanced cultures lower back pain has emerged on the scene as yet another chronic condition of our modern times, the likes of which can be traced back to our diets and lifestyles. Back pain any where can often begin suddenly and may follow an obvious strain or injury, but more likely than not, it seems to come on slowly or “out of the blue”.

Sciatic back pain is the most common form of back pain. It is caused by a herniated, ruptured, slipped disc or, a pinched nerve. In plain terms, that means a disc is protruding outward or away from its normal position in the vertebral column and is pressuring a nerve in the lower back which forms part of the sciatic nerve.

In F. Batmanghelidj's book, “How To Deal With Back Pain and Rheumatoid Joint Pain”, Dr. B explains in detail how chronic low back pain or Rheumatoid joint pain are indicators that there is a drought in certain specific areas of the body. As we age, we also lose our our ability to sense thirst. A dry mouth is not a reliable signal to trust, and to make matters worse, we often drink other beverages instead of pure water. Adult beverages such as tea, coffee, alcohol are drying agents and further force water reserves out of the body.

Ending back or joint pain first and foremost begins by hydrating discs and joints (the affected drought areas) with nothing more than pure water.

When discs are dehydrated 80 percent of all back pain is caused by muscle spasms. The water deficiency affects the back muscles as well as the dry protruding disc. The burden then gets shifted onto the back muscles to keep pulling on the vertebral column continually to keep the posture of the body upright.

The second step to stopping the pain in the back, caused by dehydrated disc displacement, is to begin to do a set of simple corrective exercises. Dr. B illustrates and explains in easy to understand terms, the anatomy and law of physics, that are involved in returning your disc to its normal position, thus alleviating the pain.

Thirdly you will be shown how to strengthen back muscles with specific protective exercises. These exercises will promote better circulation and will bring about the possibility of strengthening tendons and ligaments, as well as promote hydration of the disc core of all the vertebral discs.

Just like back pain associated with disc displacement, Rhuematoid joint pain is also a direct signal of a regional dry spot in the body. If you learn to consciously recognize this as a signal, then step up your water intake. In most cases the pain will gradually disappear and local swelling of joint surfaces may possibly go away as well. Joint structure will then begin to repair itself if a gross deformity has not already begun.

Dr. B's short 100 page book on the subject of these two specific chronic pains of our modern societies is a must read if you, or someone you love, suffer from back or joint pain.

You owe yourself or your loved ones a more basic and natural approach. The many evasive treatments that are commercialized and profit driven currently are not in the best interest of a suffering public.

By applying the knowledge in this well researched manual with an open mind, you may very well be on your way to a much more “pain free” and “anxiety free” life. You will then be doing your part when you recommend this self-help guide to others.

The momentum for a more cost efficient and knowledgeable art of health care is emerging steadily year by year and day by day. You can make a difference in joining a team to help force a paradigm change in the science of healing, that will eventually be acknowledged in the future as truth!

Friday, September 22, 2006

Skeletal Muscle Relaxants Uses, Efficacy, and Side Effects

Skeletal muscle relaxants are a heterogeneous group of medications. As a class, they are structurally and pharmacologically diverse. Muscle relaxants are used to treat two different types of underlying conditions:

  • spasticity from upper motor neuron syndromes
  • muscular pain or spasms from peripheral musculoskeletal conditions

Although muscle relaxants have by convention been classified into one group, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved only a few medications in this class for treatment of spasticity. The remainder are approved for treatment of musculoskeletal conditions.

Drugs classified as skeletal muscle relaxants include:

  • baclofen (Lioresal)
  • carisoprodol (Soma)
  • chlorzoxazone (Paraflex)
  • cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril)
  • dantrolene (Dantrium)
  • metaxalone (Skelaxin)
  • methocarbamol (Robaxin)
  • orphenadrine (Norflex)
  • tizanidine (Zanaflex)

Muscle relaxants for treatment of spasticity

Spasticity is a state of increased muscular tone with exaggeration of the tendon reflexes. Some of the more common conditions associated with spasticity and requiring treatment include multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury, cerebral palsy, and poststroke syndrome. In many patients with these conditions, spasticity can be disabling and painful with a marked effect on functional ability and quality of life.

The upper motor neuron syndrome is a complex of signs and symptoms that can be associated with exaggerated cutaneous reflexes, autonomic hyperreflexia, dystonia, contractures, paresis, lack of dexterity, and fatigability. Spasticity from the upper motor neuron syndrome can result from a variety of conditions affecting the cortex or spinal cord.

Only baclofen, dantrolene, and tizanidine are approved for treatment of spasticity. There is fair evidence that baclofen and tizanidine are roughly equivalent for efficacy in patients with spasticity, but insufficient evidence to determine the efficacy of dantrolene compared to baclofen or tizanidine. Tizanidine is associated with more dry mouth and baclofen with more weakness.

Muscle relaxants for treatment of musculoskeletal conditions

Muscle spasm is defined as a sudden involuntary contraction of one or more muscle groups and is usually an acute condition associated with muscle strain (partial tear of a muscle) or sprain (partial or complete rupture of a ligament). Common musculoskeletal conditions causing tenderness and muscle spasms include fibromyalgia, tension headaches, myofascial pain syndrome, and mechanical low back pain or neck pain. If muscle spasm is present in these conditions, it is related to local factors involving the affected muscle groups.

The skeletal muscle relaxants carisoprodol, chlorzoxazone, cyclobenzaprine, metaxalone, methocarbamol, and orphenadrine are approved for treatment of musculoskeletal disorders.

Clinical studies show, that cyclobenzaprine, carisoprodol, orphenadrine, and tizanidine are effective compared to placebo in patients with musculoskeletal conditions (primarily acute back or neck pain). Cyclobenzaprine has been evaluated in the most clinical trials and has consistently been found to be effective.


Most studies have shown the skeletal muscle relaxants to be more effective than placebo in the treatment of acute painful musculoskeletal disorders and muscle spasm, while efficacy was less consistent when treating chronic disorders. When muscle relaxants were used alone, they were not consistently superior to simple analgesics in relieving pain. When the skeletal muscle relaxants were used in combination with analgesics, pain relief is superior to either agent used alone. Studies have suggested that these drugs are effective, have tolerable side effects, and can be an adjunct in the treatment of painful musculoskeletal conditions with associated muscle spasm.

No studies have documented superior efficacy of one skeletal muscle relaxant over another.

Side Effects and Adverse reactions

  • All skeletal muscle relaxants may cause sedation (drowsiness, dizziness).
  • Baclofen may cause severe central nervous system depression with cardiovascular collapse and respiratory failure.
  • Dantrolene has a potential for hepatotoxicity. Overt hepatitis has been most frequently observed between the third and twelfth months of therapy. Risk of hepatic injury appears to be greater in women, in patients over 35 years of age and in patients taking other medications in addition to dantrolene.
  • Carisoprodol has some potential for dependence and withdrawal symptoms.
  • Cyclobenzaprine, closely related to the tricyclic antidepressants, causes the expected lethargy and anticholinergic side effects, and may have some toxicity in overdose and in combination with other substances.
  • Tizanidine may cause low blood pressure, but this may be controlled by starting with a low dose and increasing it gradually. The drug may rarely cause liver damage.
  • Methocarbamol and chlorzoxazone may cause harmless color changes in urine - orange or reddish-purple with chlorzoxazone and purple, brown, or green with methocarbamol. The urine will return to its normal color when the patient stops taking the medicine.

Selective Endoscopic Discectomy Extremely Minimally Invasive Surgery

TRANSFORAMINAL SELECTIVE ENDOSCOPIC DISCECTOMY: extremely minimally invasive surgical treatment for lower back and leg pain.

While 95% of people who sustain an injury to their lower back will recover with a combination of conservative treatment and preventative measures there is a small group of patients who fail to respond to these measures.

This article is meant for those patients who remain unhappy with their symptoms and have been advised by their treating physicians that they would have to live with their present symptomatology or undergo extensive spinal surgery. The following information is about SELECTIVE ENDOSCOPIC DISCECTOMY an alternative procedure for those patients who do not want to live with chronic pain, undergo extensive spinal surgery and do not want to have general anesthesia.

The typical patient frequently presents several months or more after having sustained an injury to the lower back with no previous history of any back problems. Initial treatment from the general practitioner, chiropractor or emergency room physician might include that the patient take anti-inflammatory medication, analgesics, muscle relaxants, limit activities and receive physiotherapy. When the patient's problem did not resolve the patient may have been sent to an orthopedic or neurosurgical specialist who scheduled the patient for an MRI scan that may have revealed one or multiple disc bulges, disc protrusions or disc herniations. The patient may have been provided with additional treatment in the form of a lower back brace and a series of epidural cortisone injections along with specific trunk/abdominal/lower back stabilization exercises or Pilates exercises. While the patient may have noticed some partial improvement with any or all of the above measures he or she may have significant residual lower back pain and radicular pain into one or both of the legs. At that point the patient may have been told that surgical intervention would be necessary in the form of either a micro lumbar laminectomy or a Metrx discectomy under general anesthesia or if the problem was more extensive that a spinal fusion or disc replacement surgery might be indicated.

At that point after thorough review of the patient's history and performing a complete physical examination and discussing the patient's MRI scan I might find that the patient could be a candidate for the SELECTIVE ENDOSCOPIC DISCECTOMY procedure if the patient was found to have either a contained lumbar disc protrusion or lumbar disc herniation unassociated with elements of severe arthritic changes. At that point we would recommend to the patient that additional confirmatory testing be performed in the form of a provocative discogram to determine the exact disc that is causing the residual pain and then follow the discogram with a SELECTIVE ENDOSCOPIC DISCECTOMY procedure.

A discogram is an X-ray study performed under flouroscopic control in an outpatient surgical center using local anesthesia. A needle is placed in the center of the abnormal disk and in an adjoining normal disc and a solution consisting of X-ray contrast dye mixed with indigo Carmine blue dye is injected into these discs. Since the patient is awake as the dye causes increasing pressure in the center of the disc most likely this will reproduce the patient symptoms in the back and/or leg pain and also define the abnormal anatomy of the damage disc on the floroscope. If the patient's symptoms are reproduced by this discogram it is considered a positive concordant discogram and the patient can then be treated with the SELECTIVE ENDOSCOPIC DISCECTOMY either immediately or at a later time if insurance authorization is required.

The SELECTIVE ENDOSCOPIC DISCECTOMY procedure is then performed under local anesthesia with the patient awake and in the prone position on special pillows. A small needle is inserted into the disc space after local anesthesia has been administered. A 7mm (1/4inch) skin incision is made and a spine arthroscope is slipped into the abnormal disc. Under fluoroscopic control, the micro-instruments (mini forceps, mini curettes, and mini cutters-shavers) and the laser probe are used for removal of only the damaged disc material. The laser is used for further removal and shrinkage of the disc for the purpose of disc decompression and tightening up of the annulus. The procedure takes about 30 minutes to an hour per disc, on the average. The amount of disc removed and shrinkage by the laser varies, but includes only the herniated and damaged portion. The supporting structure of the disc is not affected. Upon completion, the probe is removed and a small Band-Aid is applied over the needle incision. Since the patient is awake during the procedure frequently they are interested in watching the monitor as we remove the damage disc material.

After surgery the patient is sent home and advised to use ice packs on the lower back and take mild oral analgesics and rest for few days. Many patients are able to resume work within a few days. The patient are advised prior to the procedure that if the preoperative pain was primarily lower back that in excess of 86% good and excellent results should be expected. If the patient's pain was back and leg pain good and excellent results should approach 92%.

Most of the time the patient's return to the office one week later feeling much improved and wanting to know why this procedure was not performed on them earlier and why the procedure works. We believe that this technique is successful because the abnormal portion of the disc that is creating internal pressure against the annulus and nerve root is removed, the fissures in the annulus that allow leakage of disc fluid and material are sealed and tighten up and the constant flow of irrigating saline through the endoscope washes out the irritating damaged metabolites( prostaglandins, histamines,and substance P & X). No deep tissue is cut and generally no bone has to be removed.

The following patients are not candidates for selective endoscopic discectomy:

1. The rare patient than has a disk that has become a fully extruded and migrated up into the spinal canal.

2. The patient has extensive spinal stenosis will need an extensive amount of bone removed which is better done with open surgery.

3. The patient has extensive spinal instability and requires a spinal fusion that must be done with an open procedure.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

High Blood Pressure and Diabetes What You Should Know

Fact: Two out of three diabetics suffer from high blood pressure. This is a condition that under no circumstances should be taken lightly, as the complications that it can bring are very serious. Along with your diabetes, you must keep your blood pressure levels under control. It is vital for your health. Let’s find out how you can do just that by understanding what high blood pressure is and how it affects you health.

What Is High Blood Pressure?

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is when the force that the blood exerts against the arteries is too high. Blood pressure is measured in two numbers:

Systolic Pressure: This is the pressure of the blood as the heart is beating. Your systolic pressure will always be a higher number than your diastolic pressure.

Diastolic Pressure: This is the pressure of the blood as the heart rests, in between beats. This will always be a lower number compared to your systolic pressure, as your heart is not beating.

What Are The Complications Related To High Blood Pressure?

Uncontrolled high blood pressure is a serious matter, and the complications that result from it are also very serious and could potentially threaten your life. They include:

Heart Failure

Diabetic Retinopathy (Eye Disease)



What Are The Symptoms?

One scary fact is that high blood pressure usually has no symptoms. Some people find out as they experience heart, eye or kidney problems. Because diabetes can cause high blood pressure, it is especially important for you to have your blood pressure checked every time you visit your health care professional, or at least four times a year. There are also home blood pressure monitors available on the market, which you could purchase and keep track of your blood pressure levels at home, very similar to the way you keep track of your blood sugar levels. Always stay in contact with your doctor and let him/her know if you notice any dramatic changes in your blood pressure.

What Is The Treatment?

Once again and very much like blood sugar control, lifestyle changes play a huge role in maintaining your blood pressure levels at a healthy range. It is important to follow a healthy diet, exercise regularly (at least thirty minutes a day) and loose weight if you need to. If you smoke, it is important to quit. If you drink alcohol, make sure you limit yourself to no more than one or two servings a day. Always discuss with your doctor the lifestyle changes that fit you best, and come up with a daily plan or routine that will help you achieve your needed goals.

If lifestyle changes are not enough to bring your blood pressure down to a healthy level, your doctor may also prescribe medication. Medications used to treat hypertension include diuretics, beta blockers, alpha blockers, vasodilators, calcium channel blockers, angiotensin antagonists and ACE inhibitors.

Ever Pondered How Destructive Obesity And Diabetes Can Be?

This world is full of injustice. I paid the full air fare for flying from New Delhi to New York. My weight is 70 kgs. The gentleman sitting next to me, almost bursting out of the seat belt, must be weighing about 200 kgs. He has also paid the same amount. Is this not injustice? Why obese people are given this preferential treatment?

All said in good humor! The obese people are to be pitied rather than condemned. They know not what they are doing- how much they are eating. To say it in clear cut terms obesity is extending a direct invitation to diabetes. Not very long ago, diabetes caught hold of the elderly and the aged. Now even the children suffer from diabetes, not the rarest of the rare cases, but quite a good percentage. It is increasing at a rapid pace.

The reason is not far off to seek. The modern mothers think that the easiest way to handle the children is to fulfill their all demands. The chocolates, the pizzas, the salty chips, cold drinks, the processed foods and what not!

The concept of right diet is not known to the children, but even the mothers wish to pretend ignorance, even if they know. Their placement of love for the children is wrong. Soon the children look like balloons and one fine day, when the doctor tells you that your kid has diabetes, you are shocked...How that can be...?

Various studies reveal that over 20 % of the world population is obese. You suffer, and you pass on this heritage to your children. You spend the whole day sitting at the office, with mental labor, without any physical labor and once you enter the house, tired and exhausted, you refuse to go out of the drawing room. Changing the channels, by push of the remote button is only your physical exercise.

Why blame anybody when you are declared to be a diabetic patient? Your diabetes is your own creation.

“Doing nothing is not an option” they say. “In 1989 a study found that five per cent of children were classified as obese. By 1998, the figure had almost doubled. The incidence of obesity is also increasing with age; according to an English survey in 1996, approximately 17 per cent of 15 year olds are obese,” says Dr Penny Gibson, Consultant Paediatrician and Adviser on childhood obesity for the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

High Blood Pressure The Silent Killer Breaks Its Silence

I’ll always remember learning how to measure blood pressure. I learnt the technique as part of my training to become a Personal Trainer. After the correct use of the sphygmomanometer had been demonstrated it was our turn to practice. I measured my partner’s blood pressure and then looked for other members of the group to practice on. Joe and Steve were eager to oblige.

I wrapped the blood pressure cuff around Joe’s arm, inflated it and settled back to listen for the first Korotkoff sound – the systolic pressure – the pressure of the blood as its leaves the heart and courses through the blood vessels. (The point at which the Korotkoff sounds disappear is called the diastolic pressure and measures the force on the artery walls in between beats.) However, no sooner had I done this did I hear a loud BOOM in my ears. I nearly jumped out of my skin. Joe and Steve fell about laughing. I smiled too, eventually, but it was no laughing matter.

You see, Joe had high blood pressure and it was only through being on this course – Fitness Assessments and Exercise Counselling – that he discovered that he had high blood pressure. Joe had no symptoms of the disease yet his bloodpressure was through the roof!

Joe is far from alone in two regards:

(i) Nearly one billion people throughout the world have high blood pressure, and
(ii) 30% of these people do not know they have the disease.

This is why high blood pressure is referred to as “The Silent Killer”. The disease works in stealth mode – silently. When we do start to experience symptoms of the disease untold damage has already been done.

Having high blood pressure is like having a house riddled with termites. You often don’t realise your home is termite-infested until after extensive damage has been done. Sometimes the damage is so severe that just a small amount of “pressure” at the right spot can bring the whole structure tumbling down.

The disease may be dubbed “The Silent Killer” but for me the silence was almost deafening. My mates knew I was expecting Joe’s blood pressure to be in the normal range and wanted to see my reaction. I was completely unprepared and for their prank but the joke, if one could call it that, was not on me. The consequences of high blood pressure can be deadly. Hypertension is not something you want to fool around with.

The consequences of untreated high blood pressure often take years to be discovered and may take the form of coronary heart disease, kidney failure, strokes, diabetes and atherosclerosis. These are all serious diseases which could send you to your grave ahead of schedule. For instance, left unchecked hypertension can cause the heart to become enlarged through years of overwork. The heart may be a muscle, but overworking it in this manner, day in, day out will simply wear it out. The higher the blood pressure the greater the risks of these diseases.

However, being diagnosed with high blood pressure is not catastrophic. There are prescription drugs you can take but some of these have unpleasant or even dangerous side effects. In addition, most people once they start prescription medication are on it for the rest of their lives. This is a grim reality.

Fortunately, there is another way. There are a number of natural alternatives to prescription medication not just in terms of diet but also lifestyle. Stress is a key factor in high blood pressure and many doctors believe that stress is the underlying cause of all diseases.

“We’ve got a thousand different diagnoses and diseases out there. They’re just the weak link. They’re all the result of one thing – STRESS. When you put enough stress on the chain, when you put enough stress on the system, one of the links breaks.” Dr Ben Johnson

What is so frustrating about this is that blood pressure is, in theory, easy to measure. However, ease of measurement, especially now there are so many varieties of blood pressure monitors on the market, does not always equate with accuracy. Accuracy, as with most scientific measurements, is affected by the quality of the equipment used and the expertise of the operator. This can be critical if you are a borderline case as it can result in being prescribed medication unnecessarily if the reading is “false high”. Conversely, if your reading is “false low” then the untreated disease could lead to serious complications.

I have to put my hands up and say that, in the case of Joe, I never did measure his actual blood pressure, far less measure it accurately. It sufficed that from the result I did get, he needed to see a doctor for a complete medical examination pronto.

Try Preventing ADHD, Rather Than Medicating It

Considering the increasing diagnoses of ADHD as well as the incidences of heart attacks, stroke and even death with ADHD medications (25 deaths in the US), parents should consider preventing ADHD, rather than giving their children medications for it. At latest report, 3,100 people/children are sent to the Emergency Room per year with ADHD drug reactions and problems.

Before you dismiss diet change as being too simple, consider that the average person puts on 125 chemicals before leaving the house in the morning, and each one of us has 700 chemicals in us that are in our tissues and organs forever! If you don’t believe chemicals surround us, read 20 labels in your house. Every processed food, pesticide and herbicide that we consume or apply gets into our blood stream and affects our brains. Chemical overload is something that each one of us is exposed to everyday in our foods, our body products and house cleaners.

Some people are more sensitive than others, and it is those babies, children, teens and even adults, who may manifest their sensitivity by not being able to sit still, pay attention, remain calm or have appropriate behaviors.

Granted, while you may feel more mainstream going to a doctor, getting a diagnosis and having medication prescribed for your child, like millions of other children, why not try a test first? Why not remove as many chemicals from your child’s diet and body products, before adding some very strong chemicals to their systems for years and years and years?

What should you remove? Food colorings, high fructose corn syrup (found in soft drinks and many foods), and processed foods. Try a ‘natural’ diet for a month, and see if there isn’t a difference: fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, simply prepared meats. Just make sure that the produce is organic so that there are minimal pesticides, and that the meats are free-range and grass fed. Use coconut oil to cook with rather than vegetable oils and throw out the margarine and condiments that have additives.

Kids are great at sneaking or finding the ‘forbidden’ foods, so before you make a judgment that the clean diet is not working, be sure that your child doesn’t have a stash of sodas under their bed, a box of cookies in their closet and gum in their back pocket.

Elimination of chemicals, rather than the daily addition of dangerous ones, should be your first step. ADHD can be prevented. Prevention is better than cure any day!

Page Remick is lead reviewer for Pure Zing, the Internet's only natural and organic products review site. Remick and the PZ team search for unique and artisanal products that are not mass-produced and found on every grocery store or health food store shelf in the country.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Facts About Elliptical Trainers

With buying elliptical trainers you should always proceed with caution. You need to set a predetermined budget so you do not spend too much money. By deciding how much you with be spending it will also help you select the right machine. Do not sacrafice quality for price as you will be sorry. Cheaper machines will often be of poorer quality so please remember that.

Remember before you buy a car you always test drive it, to make sure it is the right car for you. You should do the same with your elliptical trainer. By taking this precaution you will make sure you purchase and elliptical trainer that is perfect for you. Believe me this will make your workouts a lot less work and more fun!

Many elliptical trainers are very loud. People often forget to remember they will be using this in their home while people are trying to sleep or do homework, so unless you have a sound proof workout room, you may want to get a less disturbing machine.

Remember as with anything else with moving parts, they very well may break, this is when a warranty comes in handy. If you do have a warranty and something breaks it will often be repaired at no charge.

Remember these are just a few tips, always use your best judgement and common sense when making an important purchase like this.

Ablounger Abdominal Fitness Workout Equipment

If you are into fitness then you must know what is ablounge is about but if not then this article will be a a great start. Ablounge is one of the hottest fitness items to hit the market in recent years. This innovative product helps the user work out his abdominal muscles while providing comfort and support to his body. The ablounge has grown in popularity since its release because of the excellent results experienced by its users.

This amazing fitness equipment will provide the user a more comfortable workout and as result the users will more likely to workout on regular basis. Beside the comfort, ablough will give you a great result if you workout correctly. When a person works out on the floor he or she has no support for the back. It is very easy to injure the back while engaged in abdominal exercises. One risk lies in the possibility of overextending while in motion. Another is the user can pull or even tear muscles. With the ablounger support the user's entire back. This is crucial for anyone who suffers from any type of back pain. The person using the ablounge rests his or her back on the exercise equipment. The whole range of motion is supported by the device while the user can completes the activity routines. Many users never achieve the results that they want simply because they give up too soon and the main reason is the exercise activity was so uncomfortable. Even worse some users have to give up because they might hurt themself and unable to carry out the routine. Ablounge yields great results because the person working out the muscles to their fullest capacity, proper form and adequate range of motion.

Sit ups are still the most effective abdominal exercise without an ab equipment. However, how many people have you seen with a great ab-section by just doing this exercise? Not too many, even thought sit-up is still one of the most effective, it's also one of the most uncomfortable to do. They also pose a risk of injury and there is also the risk of working out for nothing if they are not done properly. There are many options for anyone who wants to exercise the abdominal area. However, few offer targeted, quick results and a complete comfortable workout. Adding the ablounger to your abdominal workout routine can help you maximize your workout and see excellent results in relatively little time.

Monday, September 18, 2006

An Effective Allergy Remedy Without The Pills

If you're suffering from allergies no matter what the allergy is, an useful allergy treatment can be a concern. Suffering from the bad press on prescriptions and the lack of prevalent alternatives, natural solutions are more mainstream now. There's a lot of hearsay and home remedies, but most of those allergy treatments are inferior.

There are a few logical things you can do, like do away with allergens in your home or avoid anything that will cause a problem. You should carry an EpiPen if you are prone to an anaphylactic reaction to anything. A list of things to get rid of from your home can be exhaustive and actually needs to be things specific to your allergic reactions, so that's something you'll need to confirm to make that move effective.

Allergy Tips To Consider

There is an useful list of allergy treatments (through the link at the bottom of this article) that can help spark ideas on how to get rid of what bothers you. Some of the suggestions will take a little work, others are just prudent.

Sometimes an allergic reaction can affect you in more ways than just the obvious rash, hives, or difficulty breathing. There may be something inside going on you're not aware of and the surface reaction is actually a hint of something more serious. If that's a fact, a natural allergy treatment may be a better answer for you.

A Stronger Immune System Solves Many Problems

A good example of this comes from personal experience. My wife and I were separated for many years, and while apart my kids lived suffering from their mother. Unfortunately for my children, their Mother was alcoholicand smoked in the house. She also kept a cat and fed them milk, all of which they were allergic to!

When my son came to live suffering from me at 16 he was always plugged up, sneezey, runny eyes and so on. My daughter arrived two years later and had the same problems. After only a year or so being with me in a smoke free, pet free home, some of their discomfort was reduced. After much discussion we concluded their symptoms had been getting worse over the years due to the lack of attention they grew up in.

Unfortunately for my daughter, some of her symptoms persisted and kept her away from certain friends homes because of their pets. Then along came a some welcome news to her allergies and even an inner ear / vertigo issue she had.

I heard Mangosteen (a tropical fruit) was helping people plagued with allergies and other vitality problems, so I had to investigate. It turned out this fruit has a special class of antioxidants called Xanthones that have been shown to enhance numerous health conditions and is a great allergy treatment. The more I looked the more interested i bacame as I found tons of confirm, testimonials, Doctors recommendations and many other reasons to take this botanical seriously.

While most of these elements can be found in many other fruits and vegetables, xanthones set mangosteen apart from all others. Because mangosteen's xanthones have such powerful antioxidant properties, it was found to inhibit the oxidation of LDL cholesterol. This indicates that xanthones possess therapeutic potential.

Mangosteen Essentials

When Mangosteen is prepared in its whole fruit form, it contains an amazing variety of nutrients along with the Xanthone class mentioned above. Instead of going into a lot of scientific detail, I will mention what it did for my daughter. It's easy to appreciate results, especially when it means relief from rashes, wheezing, hives, throat constriction and so on.

It has been found that mangosteen's effect on inflammation does not interfere with the clotting mechanism of blood or cause stomach ulcers. Researchers have determined that the abundance of xanthones found in mangosteen endow it with a wide variety of healing properties. Along with many nutrients Mangosteen includes, Catechins, Polysaccharides, Stilbenes, Quinones, Vitamins and Minerals, and of course Xanthones.

After just two bottles of Mangosteen juice my daughter was able to touch cats and dogs, her ear started to drain fluid which helped her vertigo get better. Her sneezing and watery eyes were improved, and she found it easier to breathe deeper. This allergy treatment worked extremely well for her.

There are literally lots of recorded cases of people plagued with allergy problems way more severe than my daughters. Those people are now enjoying things they previously couldn't much more, petting animals, and doing things they had to run from before drinking Mangosteen. Of course you allways have to pay attention to toxic things like peanuts and shellfish if that's a problem for you. But for many allergy sufferers, there is an effective natural allergy treatment in a great tasting juice.

Symptom Assessment, Food Diary and Elimination Diet in Food Intolerance and Allergy A Primer

Celiac disease, gluten sensitivity, cow's milk protein sensitivity and other food intolerance may be associated with numerous digestive and non-digestive symptoms. Some of the most common fatigue or sense of being overly tired, headaches, bone, joint and/or muscle pain, mental fogginess or impaired attention, nerve pain (neuropathy), and painful or severely itchy skin rashes. The most common digestive symptoms include feeling of excess fullness with meals or afterwards, bloating or distended abdomen, diarrhea, excess or foul gas, constipation, heartburn, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain.

In addition to medical tests like blood, stool samples, and endoscopies, symptom severity and frequency before, during and after an elimination diet trial may be helpful in determining if certain foods might be causing or aggravating your symptoms. Rating the severity and frequency of common symptoms, in particularly creating and tracking your own individual “Top Ten Symptoms” will be very helpful to you and your doctor, especially when combined with a detailed food-symptom diary.

The foundation of treating food intolerance usually includes an elimination diet. Prior to an elimination diet, a food diary is usually kept and reviewed for trends by a doctor. In the context of your medical history, symptoms, family history and medical evaluation a medical evaluation is usually recommended that may include blood and stool tests, skin testing for food allergens, and scope examinations of the upper and/or lower digestive tract. Your medical evaluation however could vary widely based your doctor's experience, specialty, biases about food allergy or intolerance and your history, symptoms and age.

Before seeing a doctor for an evaluation for possible food intolerance or allergy you should establish an initial symptom’s list that includes your baseline rating of the frequency and severity of your symptoms. This should be done before making any change in your diet or eating pattern. A scale of 1-5 or 1-10 is commonly used to rate symptom severity and frequency. Within 2-3 weeks I will be publishing a very inexpensive symptom-food diary. You may try using a spiral notebook to record what you eat and track at least weekly your personal “Top Ten” list of most common or troubling symptoms by severity and frequency. With a written record, you and your doctor can more easily track your progress and identify any trends.

For 28 days, I recommend you eliminate all grains, legumes, and dairy as well as processed foods. Foods in those categories and processed foods are the most common foods that cause people problems. In those categories you find the foods that have commonly identified food proteins, lectins, gluten or casein that are known or suspected to cause symptoms. The foundation for the elimination is commonly referred to as the paleolithic, neanderthal, hunter-gatherer, caveman or simply paleo diet as popularized by the health scientist Loren Cordain, Ph.D. in his numerous scientific publications and his book The Paleo Diet.

The basis for the initial diet consists of lean meats and fish (unless fish allergic), fresh fruits and vegetables with additional foods eliminated based on your personal history. For example, you eliminate any foods that are specific to you based on any known food allergies, intolerance or suspected food intolerance because of your genetics, family history, presence of nasal, pollen or skin allergies, or prior medical tests. In particular, certain foods are known to cause reactions in some people who have documented allergies to grass, weeds, and/or tree pollens, house dust mite and latex. The latter food sensitivity association is well recognized clinically as the oral allergy syndrome (OAS). The modification of the paleo diet based on individual assessment is known as the Neopaleo Specific Diet.

To allow your gut time to heal and establish a long enough time to establish a pattern of adequate diet elimination and symptom pattern assessment 4 weeks or 28 days following your Neopaleo Specific Diet is recommended before attempting to re-introduce foods one at a time weekly while continuing to track your symptoms. Theoretically, this should allow those with dietary induced gut injury or irritation associated with any "leaky gut" predisposition to heal adequately to reduce abnormal immune reactions or absorption of foods and/or food derived proteins and gut bacteria. It also may take some time for you to identify hidden sources of possible problem foods and adjust to your new eating pattern.

You should also be aware that some people experience classic withdrawal like symptoms in the first 3-7 days of eliminating certain foods, in particular grains and dairy products. Gluten in products made from wheat and casein in products containing cow’s milk, contain morphine like substances. The term “comfort food” has a physiologic and biochemical basis. Many people have unconsciously or consciously developed a life-long pattern of self-medicating with food. A few are even addicted to certain foods. Furthermore, we all have very strong cultural, social and psychologically ties to eating and meals.

The key to any success determining if certain foods are contributing to how you feel and the kinds of symptoms you are experiencing, is an adequate trial of elimination combined with accurate recording of what you eat and how you feel. A commitment to 4 weeks to try strictly eliminating the foods recommended according to your specific assessment while recording accurately what you are eating, how you feel will help you identify patterns and stay motivated to eliminate, restrict or rotate regularly any problem foods.