Saturday, July 15, 2006

Big Savings with Generic Drugs

Throughout the world, people are spending over $550 billion on pharmaceuticals. In the United States, we are spending over $250 billion on medication. Despite having a fraction of the world’s population, the US is purchasing nearly half of all prescription and non-prescription drugs.

Generic medications now account for 60% of all medication that are dispensed. While prescription dispensing overall increased 5% in 2005, the generic dispensing growth has jumped 21%. The share in the dollar market is significantly lower for generics because the cost is much less then the brand name drugs. Many generics are priced up to 80% less than the equivalent brand name medications. The reason is competition. A brand name drug has no competitors and the manufacturer can therefore set the highest price that the market can bear.

The future for generic medications is looking bright. In 2005, eight of the top ten new pharmaceuticals were generics. This will benefit the aging population since generic drugs are much cheaper than name brand medication. In the next five years, nearly all of the top selling medications will lose their patent and will therefore become available in generic form.

The new Medicare Part D is helping to bolster this upward trend towards generics. The plan has a strong push for generic utilization.

Ask any pharmacist and he or she will tell you that the less expensive generics will work just as the expensive brand name drug. The Food and Drug Administration must approve all pharmaceuticals before they are introduced into the marketplace. The generic manufacturer must prove, through extensive testing, that their generic product will produce the same effect as the name brand.

Chronic Pain Sufferers - Tips for Your Doctors Visits

Since breaking my back in 1998, I have been blessed with some exceptional physicians who believed in me and sincerely wanted to help me with my struggles with chronic pain.

Unfortunately, I have also encountered those who have not treated me so well. If you encounter a Doctor that does not treat you well or makes you feel uncomfortable; run, hobble, crawl, do what ever you have to do, to get as far away from the person as possible. There are plenty of great, caring physicians out there. Let’s put the other guys and gals out of business.

Let’s face it, even the best physicians are short on time and sometimes we get a little sensitive due to our pain, so it is important to plan ahead. I have a few tips I find helpful for me and my doctor. Hope you find them useful, as well.

1.Keep a diary of your symptoms, pain level, activity level, and other things your physician may have asked you to track.

2.Bring a list of questions and concerns to each Doctors visit. Be clear and concise. Remember, your Doctor has a limited amount of time to spend with each patient.

3.If you are having trouble communicating with your Doctor, bring a trusted friend or family member to be your voice or evaluate the situation. Sometimes we get a little short tempered when we are in pain. If your friend agrees that the Doctor is not treating you well. Find a new Doctor.

4.Be honest as to whether or not you are following Doctors orders. Are you exercising, doing therapy regularly, taking your medications, etc…

5.If you don’t understand your Doctor, ask him to clarify, if you still don’t understand, ask again. This isn’t the time to worry about looking stupid!

6.Post all of your important medical numbers together, including; physicians, therapists, pharmacist, personal trainer, coach, and any other people helping you with your condition. This is also a great place to post your medications and latest symptoms.

7.Ask your Doctor the three most important things you can do to improve your condition.

8.Ask your Doctor for his honest assessment of what you can expect over the next week, month, year, and so on.

9.Last but not least, keep a positive attitude at the Doctors office. I use humor as much as possible in describing my situation. I believe that is why my Doctors and their staff like to see me. They must get a little sick of hearing people whine all day. They are only human. If you are blessed with a great, caring Doctor, give him or her something to smile about when you are there. Believe me, it will come back to you ten fold, on your roughest days, when you can barely muster a smile or hold back the tears. They will want to cheer you up!

Diagnosing Celiac Disease and Gluten Sensitivity

Celiac disease, also known as gluten sensitive enteropathy is very common but frequently missed. It is a autoimmune disease of intestinal damage due to gluten in people who are genetically predisposed. Classic Celiac disease is diagnosed by abnormal blood tests and an abnormal appearing intestine on biopsy and symptoms that resolve with gluten free diet.

Several blood tests exist for Celiac disease. They have varying degrees of accuracy. Some are more sensitive, meaning they will be positive in milder forms of the disease but are not specific, meaning a positive test may not indicate Celiac disease. Others are felt to be very specific, meaning that when they are positive, it is almost certain you have the disease.

The most specific tests are tests for Celiac disease endomysial antibodies (EMA) and tissue transglutaminase sntibody (tTG) antibody tests. These two tests are IgA based tests and can be negative if you are deficient in the immunoglobin IgA, which occurs in 10-20% of people with Celiac. When either EMA or tTG are positive Celiac disease is very likely and usually the intestine biopsy is positive. Recent studies indicate that the tTG may only be positive in 40% of true Celiacs when mild degrees of intestine damage are present on biopsy. Seronegative Celiac, meaning the blood tests are negative but the biopsy is positive may occur in up to 20% of Celiacs.

Antibodies for gliadin (AGA), the toxic fraction of gluten are considered very sensitive but not specific for Celiac disease. Newer assays for AGA antibodies for gluten that has undergone a chemical change called deamidation appear to be more specific for Celiac disease (Gliadin II, Inova) than the older gliadin tests. They also may be as or more accurate than EMA and tTG antibody tests but are not yet widely available.

The most distressing problem for people with lesser forms of gluten intolerance who have blood tests and/or biopsies that are normal or borderline yet respond to a gluten free diet is either not be taking seriously or knowing for sure if they are sensitive to gluten. For these individuals stool antibody testing for antigliadin and tTG have been helpful. Such stool testing has been performed in research labs and published in a few studies but only recently available through the commercial lab, Enterolab. Founded by a former Baylor research gastroenterologist, Dr Ken Fine, the tests are available to order by people online without a doctors order but are not generally covered by insurance. Dr. Fine, who patented the test, has yet to publish the results of his findings in a peer reviewed journal so his tests are not widely accepted. However, his unpublished data and clinical experience of some of us who have used his test have indicated the tests are very sensitive for signs of gluten sensitivity. He reports that they are 100% sensitive for Celiac disease and highly sensitive for gluten sensitivity of lesser degrees. In the presence of symptoms that reverse on a gluten-free diet abnormal stool antibody levels can be found in most people before blood tests or biopsies become abnormal.

Small intestine biopsies during upper gastrointestinal endoscopy are considered the “gold standard” for the diagnosis of Celiac disease. However, recent studies have demonstrated that some people with gluten sensitivity, especially relatives of Celiacs with little or no symptoms, have changes from gluten injury to the intestine that can't be seen with normal microscope examination. They can only be seen with special stains not routinely done or with a research electron microscope. The special stains are known as immunohistochemistry stains. They stain specialized white blood cells called lymphocytes in the intestinal lining tips or villi. When these lymphocytes are increased it is known as intraepithelial lymphocytosis or increased IELs and it is the earliest sign of gluten induced injury or irritation. Electron microscopy also reveals very early ultrastructural changes in some individuals when blood tests and standard biopsy exmination are normal. When people who have these changes are offered the option of gluten-free diet they usually responded favorably. In contrast, those who continued to eat gluten often later developed classic Celiac disease.

What these studies suggest is that a “normal small intestine biopsy” may exclude Celiac disease as defined by strict criteria but it is not a gold standard for detecting gluten sensitivity. This fact is appreciated by many individuals who have respond to a gluten-free diet they start based on their symptoms, family history, suggestive blood test or stool antibody test(s).

Another source of confusion is in the genetics of Celiac and gluten sensitivity. Testing for specific blood type patterns on white blood cells known as HLA DQ2 and DQ8 is increasingly be employed to determine if a person carries either of the two gene pattern present in 95-98% of Celiacs and predisposing to development of Celiac disease. Some use the absence of these two patterns as a way of excluding the possibility of Celiac disease and the need for testing or gluten-free diet. However, there are rare reports of documented Celiac disease in people who are DQ2 and DQ8 negative. Moreover, recent studies indicate other DQ patterns may be associated with gluten sensitivity though unlikely to predispose to classic Celiac disease.

Testing for all the DQ patterns is advocated by Dr. Fine, based on his experience with stool antibody test results. He reports the other DQ types are associated with elevated levels of gliadin and tTG in the stool and symptoms that respond to a gluten-free diet. According to his unpublished data, all the DQ types except DQ4 are associated with a risk of intolerance to gluten. Therefore, testing for all the DQ types allows a person to determine if they carrry one of the two high risk gene types for Celiac disease or the any of the other "minor DQ" genes Fine has found associated with gluten sensitivity.

Enterolab's stool testing for gliadin antibodies and tissue transglutaminase antibodies though not widely accepted, have gained favor in the lay public’s opinion as an option for determining sensitivity to gluten either despite of negative blood tests and/or biopsies or in place of the more invasive tests. Most doctors still recommend the accepted blood tests and small bowel biopsy for confirmation of Celiac. Though the reports in the lay community are overwhelmingly positive they have not been subjected to peer review in the medical community pending Dr. Fine publishing his data or other researchers reproducing his results.

However, doctors open to the broader problem of gluten sensitivity are reporting these tests helpful in many patients suspected of gluten intolerance. Especially when someone has symptoms consistent with gluten sensitivity but has negative or inconclusive blood tests and/or biopsies these tests may be very helpful though some are not certain how to interpret the tests. The national Celiac organizations are uncertain about how to comment on their application without published research though a recent article in the British Medical Journal did show stool tests highly specific for Celiac. Dr. Fine's has publicly commented that his unpublished data demonstrates those with abnormal stool tests indicating gluten sensitivity overwhelmingly respond favorably to a gluten free diet with improvement of symptoms and general quality of life.

Another problem is that there is not universally agreed upon definitions for gluten sensitivity or intolerance. This becomes specially difficult for those who do not meet strict criteria for Celiac disease yet may have abnormal tests and/or symptoms that respond to gluten-free diet. Those individuals become confused when they try to find information but don't have a formal diagnosis of Celiac disease. Consensus in the medical community on definitions and more research in this area is greatly needed.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Vagina Health Tips for a Sweet Smell & Optimum Health

All women need to be aware of their vagina’s health. Keeping it healthy means you will avoid infections and also have a pleasant odor and the tips enclosed will ensure that you have optimum vagina health

A healthy vagina is home to a huge variety of minute organisms. Normally, they live harmoniously in an acidic environment that prevents the overproduction of any one species in the vagina and helps combat foreign bodies that can infect it.

Vaginal infections are common and occur when the delicate balance is disrupted can cause discomfort in the area and unpleasant smells.

Firstly, the health of a women’s Vagina and the smell are influenced by overall lifestyle, diet and weight.

If you follow the tips below you can ensure a healthy vagina so here they are:

1. Your Overall Diet

Eat a healthy diet. Cigarettes alcohol and drugs should be eliminated if you can or cut down, as should heavily spiced foods and junk food.

Try and eat as naturally as possible (food free of additives) and make sure you drink lots of water. What you put into your body comes out in its secretions and the vagina is the same. Ever noticed how your sweat smells differently after eating spiced food, then you will realize why this is so important.

2. Cleaning

Odor-producing bacteria can thrive on the vulva and need to be cleaned off regularly to prevent vaginal inflections and prevent odors.

Washing the genital area daily with a simple, fragrance-free soap is normally enough to keep the vagina area clean and fresh.

Your vagina self-cleans itself so douching is not required.

Furthermore, douching upsets the delicate balance between good and bad bacteria in the vaginal ecosystem and can actually be harmful.

Because infections such as yeasts are found in the intestine, it is important after going to the toilet to wipe front to back i.e. you need to wipe the vagina area first and the rectum last!

During sex it is also very important to avoid contamination of the vagina area with organisms and bodies from the bowel, or rectum area.

3. Clothes to wear

To prevent vaginal infections and keep your vagina healthy make sure your clothing allows the area to breath. To do this avoids tight garments and fabrics containing a high percentage of synthetic fibers such as nylon.

Remember, that tampons and diaphragms left for too long in the vagina can create a very strong unpleasant odor as well.

4. Safe sex

Finally, if you don’t know your partner very well, always Use a condom and a spermicidal to reduce the chances of infection and disease.

If you are unlucky enough to get an infection, the symptoms are outlined below of three of the most common ones.

The good news is that to reclaim a healthy vagina is easy, if you are alerted to the problem and take action.

1. Bacterial vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) accounts for more than 50% of all vagina related health visits.

About half of all women with BV vaginal infections have no obvious symptoms.

The most common symptom is a thin, white to light grey discharge with an offensive fishy like smell that is extremely unpleasant.

The odor is strongest when the discharge is exposed to any alkaline substance and this includes soap and semen, it will therefore be at its strongest and most obvious after cleaning or sex.

BV is easy to treat and is normally treated by a course of antibiotics prescribed by a doctor.

2. Yeast

Although yeast infections are probably the most common type of vaginal infection, many women never bother to seek help.

Most simply recover naturally and others treat themselves with anti-fungal vaginal creams available without prescription from the chemist.

Symptoms of yeast infections include:

Vulvar itching combined with irritation in the vagina area and redness.

If the urinary opening becomes inflamed, urination will increase and discomfort will be present. If the infection is severe, the vulva will swell and fine breaks, called fissures occur. This causes vaginal discharges to become thicker and whiter.

Yeast infections are the result of excessive growth of a family of fungi that normally live in any healthy vagina, but when they increase the balance of the vagina is upset and problems occur.

The most common infection is vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC), which is usually caused by a fungus named Candida albicans.

There are two types of VVC:

Uncomplicated, a mild infection that responds to therapy. Or recurrent which, is more severe and often occurs in women who have diabetes or are infected with less treatable forms of yeast, such as Candida glabratia.

Recurrent VVC, normaly occurs more than four times a year and needs a long initial treatment of around two weeks and then a follow-up therapy course for up to 6 months or longer.

Certain factors are common causes such as nylon and Lycra clothing that traps heat and moisture, so be aware of our clothing tips for a healthy vagina we noted earlier.

Other common causes include:

Obesity, pregnancy, diabetes and suppression of the immune system during illnesses, the use of oral contraceptives, and eating excessive amounts of sugars, starch, and yeasts.

If you do have a yeast vaginal infection, your doctor will ordinarily treat you with either prescription or nonprescription antifungal creams and suppositories referred to earlier.

If you have a problem get professional help and you will soon have a healthy vagina. Do not ignore symptoms or think they will go away get help quickly.

3. Trichomoniasis

Trichomoniasis, or "trich," is a sexually transmitted vaginal infection suffered by a huge amount of women worldwide and this runs into tens of millions. While infection with trichomoniasis can be uncomfortable, it is not in anyway a serious threat to overall health.

The symptoms are normally vulvar and vaginal burning and itching. The burning is normally at its height after intercourse.

In addition, there may be vulvar swelling and frequent and uncomfortable urination. There is a heavy vaginal discharge, usually yellowish or green, which may or may not have an offensive smell.

The trichomonad is a minute parasite. It has three tails at its narrow end and swims with them and the white blood cells of the body follow.

These blood cells literally chase down the trichomonad and kill it by eating it.

Symptoms occur only when the body's natural defense are swamped by with sheer number of reproducing trichomonads and the white blood cells cannot cope.

Trichomoniasis is usually easily diagnosed and antibiotic treatment cures it in the majority of cases.

Breast Enhancement - Why Pills or Cream

Personal appearance has increasing become of the utmost importance to everyone, be it man or woman, since the fashion revolution of the swinging sixties.

Previous to the sixties men and women pretty much grew up looking and dressing like their parents, however in the sixties the need for new fashion and individual appearance was born with a vengeance.

With newspapers, television and the media in general constantly bombarding us with how we should look and feel its no wonder that we all have strong ideas on how we should try to change our own appearance to fit in with what is perceived as the “norm”.

You may feel as a woman that you need to improve your overall appearance and that your figure in general would greatly be improved by increasing the size of your breasts to get a far fuller and curvaceous appeal.

Although cosmetic surgery is increasingly becoming more within everybody’s financial range, sometimes the thought of going through such painful procedures prompts individuals to look for alternative and comparatively easier methods to achieve their perfect shape.

Breast enhancement pills could be considered to be such a great alternative to cosmetic surgery and many companies now offer breast enhancement pills that are produced from herbal ingredients, such as plants and plant extracts.

Some of the herbal ingredients used in breast enhancement pills include Fennel Seed, Dong Quai Root, Blessed Thistle Herb, Dandelion Root, Watercress Leaf, Kelp and Vitamin E.

Also available for breast enlargement and enhancement are breast enhancement creams, which are generally made up of various acids and herbs. Which ever way you decide to proceed with your breast enhancement it is always a wise procedure to do some homework and see what products are available and always look for testimonials and reports from others who have tried these products.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Muscle-Moving Machines Won't Make You Fit

If you see ads for equipment that promises to make you fit by moving your muscles for you, save your money. Exercise strengthens your heart only when you do it vigorously enough to increase your heart rate at least 20 beats a minute above resting. A study done in 1998 showed why passive exercise won’t make you fit. Men were asked to sit on a stationary bicycle with their feet on motor-driven pedals. When their feet were driven slowly, their hearts did not beat faster, but when their feet were driven at a high speed, their hearts did beat faster (Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, February 1998). However, this did not strengthen their hearts because the faster heart rate produced by the motor was due to hormones such as adrenalin, rather than increased circulation of blood. Only increased circulation of blood strengthens your heart. To become fit, you must move your own muscles. Machines that move your legs or arms for you can be helpful in physical therapy, but they will not make you fit.

Devices that send electric current to stimulate your muscles do not work, either. Several years ago the U.S. Federal Trade Commission charged marketers of widely advertised electronic abdominal exercise machinies with false advertising. The promoters claimed that that their devices would cause fat loss and inch loss, give users well-defined abdominal muscles, and were equivalent or superior to ordinary abdominal exercises, such as sit-ups or crunches. All of these statements were untrue. Your brain does send an electrical impulse along nerves that enter muscles to cause them to contract, but the electrical impulses generated by ab machines are so weak that they can't possibly cause contractions that strengthen muscles significantly. If they did give you enough electricity to strengthen your muscles, they would give you a very painful shock.

You CAN strengthen your abdominal muscles with devices that help you exercise them against resistance, but even this will not get rid of belly fat. When you take in more calories than your body burns, you store the extra calories as fat . Some people store fat primarily in their hips, while others store their fat primarily in their bellies. More than half of the fat in your body is stored underneath your skin and over your muscles. Exercising a specific muscle does not get rid of fat over that muscle. If it did, tennis players would have less fat in their tennis arms, but they don't. Ab exercises can strengthen weak belly muscles, but they will not remove extra fat from your belly. People who store their excess fat primarily in the belly are at increased risk for heart attacks and diabetes. You get rid of belly fat with any kind of vigorous exercise and a sensible weight loss diet.

Gym Equipment - Which Machine Works Best?

It seems like every time you go to the gym, they’ve got another fancy new machine. The number of ways to build exercise machines seems to be almost endless, and coming up with new ideas for them is a lucrative industry. When you look at gym equipment, though, you can pick out some of the most useful and flexible machines and tools, and separate them from the gimmicks.

The number one piece of gym equipment, without question, has to be weights. Weights are just heavy pieces of metal, and yet are a vital ingredient of almost every gym machine, as well as very useful in their own right. Lifting weights can strengthen the majority of the muscles in your body, if you use a variety of lifting techniques.

Beyond that, many classic gym machines replicate real-world sports and activities in order to exercise your muscles. Treadmills, for example, reproduce walking and running, rowing machines allow you to train your arm muscles without actually going out on the water, and exercise bikes simulate cycling. Punching bags allow you to box without an opponent. Each one of these sports simulations has a specific reason for being included, usually that it is good for a specific muscle group, as well as being useful for people who are actually training for the sport in question.

If you’re thinking of buying gym equipment for your home instead of going to the gym, weights are probably the best thing to get, as they are versatile and compact. Machines like treadmills and exercise bikes can be ten times the size of a set of weights, not to mention ten times the price, yet cannot do as much for you as a simple set of weights can. Try not to get caught up in the latest ‘as seen on TV’ gimmick, as most advertised gym equipment will only do anything for one specific muscle group, and even then probably won’t do much for that. Make sure you know exactly what you’re buying and what it will do for you before you make the investment.

Strength Training With Weider Fitness Equipment

If you are looking for an all-in-one strength training workout, Weider fitness equipment may be the answer that you have been searching for. Whether you do not have a lot of room for multiple pieces of strength training equipment or simply prefer the convenience of an all-in-one unit, there is a simple solution. Many strength training experts prefer to work out in the comfort of their own home and wish to avoid spending money on a gym membership. These are just a few of the reasons that Weider strength training fitness equipment is gaining in popularity.

The Advantage by Weider is a unique product. Offering over 65 club-quality exercises is not the only quality this strength training equipment promises, but this Weider fitness product also guarantees to tone up your muscles in 6 weeks or less.

The Weider fitness equipment strength trainer is a separate unit, which is designed to increase muscle and improve the overall tone of the entire body. This 16.6 strength trainer offers an upper-body station, butterfly arms, pull-up station, high and low pulleys, 225 lbs. of weights. The entire unit is designed on a sturdy steel frame. The Weider Pro 3750 strength trainer features two full-body workout stations, which are combined into one single machine. It offers 212 lbs. of resistance and aids in building muscles throughout every part of the body. Weider offers a variety of strength training units, each of which features many of the same characteristics, but may differ slightly in resistance or other option.

If your ultimate goal is strength training, the Weider fitness equipment that you may want to consider using is called a strength station. This strength training unit allows you to work on the abdominal muscles, chest, back, triceps and arms. It features a vertical knee raise station, dip station and a pull-up and push-up station .

In addition to the aforementioned strength training units, Weider fitness equipment includes a wide variety of weight benches and weights, exercise mats and other accessories. Among the more affordable units offered by Weider fitness equipment are a step machine, a genuine leather jump rope, latex resistance bands and a sit-up bar. The sit-up bar is especially interesting because it is used as a stand alone product that attaches to any standard door while providing the user with secure foot support needed for doing sit-ups.

The contents of this strength training article is intended for informational purposes only and should not be considered, or used as, professional medical advice or recommendations. Before beginning any training or fitness routine, you should consult a licensed physician to learn what risks, if any, exist. He/she will be able to recommend a quality strength training exercise regimen, which will be personalized to fit your needs.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Diagnosing Back Problems

Back problems come in many different types, including herniated or slipped disc, spinal stenosis, scoliosis, degenerative disc disease, and problems caused by weak muscles. This article will give you an idea of what different types of tests are available and how your doctor will determine the source of your back pain. What you are about to read is the culmination of information from many different places and resources.

Before your doctor can diagnose your condition and create a treatment strategy, a complete profile and physical exam are needed. This will give your physician a better idea of the reason for your condition. Then appropriate diagnostic tests may be recommended.

Complete History

Your doctor will want to get an account of your condition. While you are waiting to see the physician you may start by filling out a printed form. Your problem will be easier to diagnose, the more information you share with your physician; so take time to think about everything that relates to your pain and write it down. A physical history can give your physician insight into your lifestyle, when the pain began,physical factors that might be causing pain, something that could have caused an injury, and any family history of similar problems.

After reading through your written history, your physician will ask more questions that connect to the information you have given. Your physician may want to know:

* If and where you are feeing deadness or weakness
* If the pain radiates to other parts of your body
* About any current weight loss, fever, or illness
* Where you are feeling pain and how intense it is
* If you have had an injury
* If you've had troubles with your bladder or bowels
* Whether you have had this problem or something like it before
* What factors make the pain feel better or poorer

Physical Exam

After taking your history, your doctor will give you a physical exam. This allows the physician to to determine the source of your trouble and try to rule out probable causes of pain. The areas of your body that will be examined depend upon where you are experiencing pain: lower back, legs, neck, arms, etc.

Motion of Your Spine - Is there pain when you bend, move or twist? If so, where? Have you lost some flexibility?

Reflex Changes - Your tendon reflexes might be tested, such as below the kneecap and behind the ankle in the Achilles tendon

Motor Skills - You might be asked to stagger on your heels or toes. Sensory Changes - Can you feel certain sensations in detail areas of the feet or hands?

Weakness -Your muscles will be tested for power. You might be asked to try to elevate or push your arm, hand, or leg when light resistance is put against them.

Pain - The physician may try to determine if you have tenderness of certain areas.

Special Signs - Your physician will also confirm for any "red flags" that could designate something other than spinal/vertebrae problems. Some indications of other problems include tenderness in certain areas, a fever, an abnormal pulse, frequent steroid use (leads to injury of bone mass), or fast weight loss.

Diagnostic Tests

Diagnostic tests may be required in order to spot your condition. Tests are chosen based on what your physician suspects is causing the trouble.

* Bone Scan
* CT Scan
* Discogram
* Facet Joint Block
* Lab Test
* Myelogram
* Spinal Tap
* X-ray

Each one of these tests will be covered in further depth in upcoming articles. We have come to the end of my informational article. It's now your job to take this information and do something with it. Good luck and good health!

Remicade Doctor, I Have Rheumatoid Arthritis and I Want to Know More About Remicade

TNF alpha is a protein that is produced during the inflammatory response. It both starts as well as perpetuates inflammation. Increased levels of TNF are found in several inflammatory conditions including rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and ankylosing spondylitis. Drugs that block tumor necrosis factor (TNF) have been found to be particularly effective for the treatment of these serious types of inflammatory arthritis.

Infliximab (Remicade) is a monoclonal chimeric antibody (part human, part mouse) directed against TNF alpha.

Infliximab is approved for use alone or combined with methotrexate for treating moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. It also is approved for the treatment of active psoriatic arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis.

Infliximab is administered intravenously. The recommended dose for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis is 3 mg/kg as a single dose. The initial dose should be followed by additional 3 mg/kg doses two and six weeks after the first dose. The maintenance dose depends on the patient’s response. It can be increased to a maximum of 10 mg/kg every 4 weeks.

The most common side effects of infliximab are upper respiratory tract infections, urinary tract infections, cough, rash, back pain, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, headache, weakness and fever. Infusion reactions, which are sometimes severe, may occur.

Side effects such as blood pressure changes, chest pain, shortness of breath, rash, itching, fever and chills may occur during or shortly after administration. These reactions could possibly be due to an allergy to the drug. They are more common among patients who develop antibodies to infliximab and are less likely to occur in patients who are taking drugs that suppress the immune system, such as methotrexate. Infliximab should be discontinued if serious reactions occur.

Serious infections have been reported with other drugs that block TNF- alpha, and infections have been reported during treatment with infliximab. Therefore, infliximab should not be used in patients with serious infections. Infliximab should be discontinued if a serious infection develops during treatment.

Before starting infliximab, persons should have tuberculosis skin testing, because of reports of reactivation of tuberculosis in patients taking infliximab.

There have been rare cases of serious liver injury in people taking infliximab. Screening for hepatitis B may be a good idea.

Infliximab should not be used in patients with congestive heart failure or other significant heart disease.

Approximately half of infliximab-treated patients in clinical trials developed a positive ANA during the trial compared with approximately one-fifth of placebo-treated patients. Anti-dsDNA antibodies were newly detected in approximately one-fifth of infliximab-treated patients compared with 0% of placebo-treated patients. Reports of lupus and lupus-like syndromes, however, remain uncommon.

Decreased white and red blood cell and decreased platelet counts have been reported with infliximab. Vasculitis (inflammation of arteries) also has been reported.

Patients with rheumatoid arthritis, particularly patients with very active disease and/or chronic exposure to immunosuppressive therapies, may be at a higher risk (up to several fold) than the general population for the development of lymphoma. It is not known whether anti-TNF therapy raises this level of risk.

It Pays to Understand About Medical Billing

Medical Billing is the process of submitting claims to insurance companies to receive payment by a doctor or health care provider for the services rendered by him to a patient.

When the patient comes to the health care provider, he first examines the condition of his patient and then makes a medical record depending on the examination. The medical report will contain a summary of treatment given to the patient and demographic information related to him.

The Process:

Medical Billing will take place after an interaction between the heath care provider and the insurance company. To determine the procedure code the treatment given, the diagnosis and the duration of the treatment will be combined and then used to bill the insurance company. The provider can do this with the help of a billing specialist or a medical coder after which a billing record will be generated. This claim is then passed either directly to the insurance company or to a clearing house which plays the role of an intermediary.

After this the procedure for medical billing will begin with the insurance company first checking if the claim is valid or not. They do this by checking the patient eligibility for payment, credentials of the health care provider and medical necessity. Once this test is passed the provider will get his claim but if the claim fails the test the claim gets rejected. The provider will be notified immediately.

The good thing about medical billing is that even after getting rejected, the provider can resubmit the claim by reconciling with the original claim and making necessary corrections. Until the provider gets his claim this exchange of claims and messages may repeat multiple times. It has been recorded that the frequency of rejection is almost 50%. Before all medical billing used to take place on paper but thanks to computers now this can be managed efficiently no matter how large the amounts of claims are. Even medical billing softwares are available in the market.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Modern Medicine Fails

In our western communities, statistics have been offered which account for one person in four dying of cancer and one in four of heart disease. If these figures are accurate, the other half of our population is left to account for all the kidney failures, contagious diseases, arthritis, respiratory problems and other innumerable diseases suffered by so many. To this, we must add the deaths from accidents and now the horrifying forecasts that another one in four of the total population is anticipated to suffer from mental diseases of various kinds. Statistics may present us with certain facts about our society, but it is the human side of the equation that affects us most potently.

To avoid becoming another statistic, we are forced to think about what present day medicine can do to help us. Or perhaps we should ask if modern methods themselves are part of the cause of our problems?

In our medical system there is an enormous amount of drug medication. Surgical operations are so heavily in demand that patients have to wait their turn. Pathology is a roaring business and doctor’s waiting rooms are never empty. There is a great deal of activity, tests and treatments going on and no doubt much relief of pain but there seems to be little cure of serious illnesses. The wonderful treatments and surgical skills used in repairing damaged bodies after accidents and severe burns, deserves optimum appreciation in these special spheres of expertise, which are very successful. However, in spite of these and other areas of treatments offering temporary help, modern medicine cannot cure the most common diseases such as cancer, arthritis, asthma and heart disease that still plague us. 'Cure' in this case means that the condition is treated and gets better and better, until no further symptoms occur.

Modern medicine also offers organ transplants and these usually taken from accident victims and sometimes in the case of dual organs, from relatives or other generous donors. But a philosophy of healing that depends upon the death or mutilation of another person is surely flawed and to a sensitive person who is not desperate to live under any circumstances, somewhat horrifying. Can it be that we are 'advancing' to depend upon a system based on such unnatural procedures? To many people it seems that there is no stronger admission than that of the medical system’s inability to offer a cure, or even improve a patient's diseased condition to the point where it can be tolerated and the person kept whole.

Generally, apart from drugs to suppress symptoms, or to reduce pain, doctors have a limited range of alternative medications to prescribe. It is left to the alternative professionals and the pharmacies in our country to offer safer herbal medicines, food supplements, vitamins and mineral tonics. Additional areas of concern are the pharmacist’s general products, which are always displayed and easily purchased over the counter, such as the headache tablets, laxatives and others.

Medical doctors are beginning to recommend that patients 'try' some alternative herbal or homoeopathic medicines but they themselves always prescribe drugs. They are well educated by the drug companies who provide assistance in advising doctors as to the appropriate range of drugs to prescribe for every condition. Unfortunately very few doctors inform their patients of the possible side effects, some of which are very serious. Sometimes doctors are not fully conversant with the facts themselves. Patients are wondering more and more about the value of all the years of intense study of general practitioners if medical practice is reduced to writing prescriptions for drugs.

But possibly the most common patient's complaint would be that of disappointment. They have a reasonable expectation that a doctor would prove knowledgeable, skilled and compassionate. They also have an expectation of a doctor who is caring enough to have a fund of experience, which would allow at least some simple wisdom, and understanding of healing enough to offer an attitude of hope and encouragement along with the written prescription. There must be many caring, dedicated and intelligent people in the medical system but they are considered rare by many of the public who are forced to turn to self-education and self care practices to ensure their health when general practitioners let them down.

Regarding the billions of dollars being spent on cancer research, no cure as yet has been announced. Economists may well question the profitability of the avenues in which these enormous resources are spent, particularly as there is no obvious satisfactory accountability to benefactors or to the public. Even after decades of serious scientific exploration into the causes of cancer, with research taking one avenue of investigation after another, it continues to baffle those who look for one simple solution. So can it now be accepted as a complex disease, with multiple causes? Some suggest that it is our modern lifestyle and our toxic environments that are the cause, which offers no solution but that we change our modern lifestyle. If so, the billions of dollars spent in cancer research could have been better spent providing the needy millions of people in the undeveloped countries with good water!

We can however be filled with wonderment and appreciation for some of the medical successes and for the fact that answers have been found to control a great deal of pain and suffering particularly in extreme situations. There are a great number of almost miraculous skills demonstrated in surgery, particularly in repair of damage after accidents and burns for instance. But internal medicines on the whole, are doubted by a large percentage of the population who no longer wish to suffer side effects almost as bad as the original complaint, or to find they have an allergy to a particular drug administered. People want safe, healing medicines that make them better, for an enduring time, if not permanently.

Although there is a gradual change in the attitude with individual doctors considering it wise to comply with requests from patients regarding alternative treatment methods, generally such requests meet with scorn or even ridicule. This leaves many to resort to self-care and self-healing methods.

By its complex referrals and functions, the medical system is self-sustaining from doctor to drug company, medical institutions, or hospitals with surgery of some kind seen as routinely inevitable. Mainstream medicine allows no thought of treating a patient by any other methods than those that are considered orthodox medicine today.

The drug situation is exacerbated by the chemical cocktails of drugs which independently administered have a proven effect, but when combined in different human bodies and along with a different mix of chemical conditions, produce unexpected and sometimes dire results. These bad reactions to drugs are called 'side effects' as if inconsequential, but when exploring medical texts one begins to think otherwise. There must be a better system which requires fewer hospitals, fewer doctors, less medical drugs and which embraces the vital need for better nutrition, more exercise, proper respiration, improved posture, hygiene and an education about physiological function that prepares a patient for basic self care. Doctors cannot control the diet or eat the food for the patient, or do all the general health disciplines required by the individual. So a great deal of health responsibility comes bouncing back to the patient himself.

As long as patients rely upon the profession to patch them up rather than to consider them in total as complete individuals requiring assistance in reducing their fears, coping with problems, creating a good self image, gaining confidence and undertake a positive programme of self discipline, they will continue to be disappointed.

There must come a change from dependence upon anyone of any profession as we enter a new attitude and a new century of progress. We will have to learn to undertake responsibility for our own health and well being and become better educated re health matters and less reliant upon healing professionals in general until the medical system truly advances into a wider and more capable healing profession.

Allergies and Your Eyes

The Problem With Allergies

Allergies can be triggered by many substances. Seasonal allergies (also called hayfever) are often caused by the grass, tree, and weed pollens that are abundant in spring and late summer. Other types of allergies can affect your eyes year-round. Allergy symptoms include sneezing, congestion, and red, watery, itchy eyes.

Why Allergies Occur

Your body's immune system protects you against illness by staying alert for harmful agents entering the body. If this occurs, the immune system protects you by neutralizing, removing, or destroying the harmful agent.

Allergies occur when the immune system misidentifies a normally harmless substance, such as pollen or mold, as a harmful agent. The body responds by producing more of certain chemicals to neutralize the substance. These chemicals, called histamines, are what caused the itchy, redness, swelling, and irritation you experience.

Many substances can trigger an allergic reaction. Most allergens that cause eye symptoms are airborne. Plant pollen, mold, dust, and animal dander (skin particles) are the allergens that most often affect the eyes.

Allergies can lead to a condition called allergic conjunctivitis. This is an inflammation of the conjunctiva (the membrane that covers the inside of the eyelid and the white part of the eye). It may occur at about the same time each year, when the allergen is most abundant

Relief for Irritated Eyes

Short of completely avoiding the allergens that cause your symptoms, it's impossible to escape your allergies. However, you can take steps to relieve your symptoms:

1. Try over-the-counter products such as antihistamine eyedrops to reduce redness, itchiness, and other symptoms. Artificial tears can also help by flushing allergens out of the eyes these products are available at drugstores.

2. When possible, limit your exposure to allergens. Stay inside when pollen or mold counts are especially high.

3. For cleaner indoor air, use air-conditioner filters that are designed to reduce allergens in the air.

4. Ask your health-care provider about other options. For example allergy shots may reduce symptoms and the need for other medication. Prescription medications may also be available.

This article is not intended as a substitute for professional medical care. Only your health-care professional can diagnose and treat a medical problem.

Just throwing in a little bit of a disclaimer there. This article is just to give you a bit of an overview in regards to allergies, if you think you may have allergies than please consult your physician.

Well as always….Thanks for stopping by, hope this has been helpful to you, And feel free to leave comments, or ask me questions.

Diagnosing Back Problems

Back problems come in many different types, including herniated or slipped disc, spinal stenosis, scoliosis, degenerative disc disease, and problems caused by weak muscles. This article will give you an idea of what different types of tests are available and how your doctor will determine the source of your back pain. What you are about to read is the culmination of information from many different places and resources.

Before your doctor can diagnose your condition and create a treatment strategy, a complete profile and physical exam are needed. This will give your physician a better idea of the reason for your condition. Then appropriate diagnostic tests may be recommended.

Complete History

Your doctor will want to get an account of your condition. While you are waiting to see the physician you may start by filling out a printed form. Your problem will be easier to diagnose, the more information you share with your physician; so take time to think about everything that relates to your pain and write it down. A physical history can give your physician insight into your lifestyle, when the pain began,physical factors that might be causing pain, something that could have caused an injury, and any family history of similar problems.

After reading through your written history, your physician will ask more questions that connect to the information you have given. Your physician may want to know:

* If and where you are feeing deadness or weakness
* If the pain radiates to other parts of your body
* About any current weight loss, fever, or illness
* Where you are feeling pain and how intense it is
* If you have had an injury
* If you've had troubles with your bladder or bowels
* Whether you have had this problem or something like it before
* What factors make the pain feel better or poorer

Physical Exam

After taking your history, your doctor will give you a physical exam. This allows the physician to to determine the source of your trouble and try to rule out probable causes of pain. The areas of your body that will be examined depend upon where you are experiencing pain: lower back, legs, neck, arms, etc.

Motion of Your Spine - Is there pain when you bend, move or twist? If so, where? Have you lost some flexibility?

Reflex Changes - Your tendon reflexes might be tested, such as below the kneecap and behind the ankle in the Achilles tendon

Motor Skills - You might be asked to stagger on your heels or toes. Sensory Changes - Can you feel certain sensations in detail areas of the feet or hands?

Weakness -Your muscles will be tested for power. You might be asked to try to elevate or push your arm, hand, or leg when light resistance is put against them.

Pain - The physician may try to determine if you have tenderness of certain areas.

Special Signs - Your physician will also confirm for any "red flags" that could designate something other than spinal/vertebrae problems. Some indications of other problems include tenderness in certain areas, a fever, an abnormal pulse, frequent steroid use (leads to injury of bone mass), or fast weight loss.

Diagnostic Tests

Diagnostic tests may be required in order to spot your condition. Tests are chosen based on what your physician suspects is causing the trouble.

* Bone Scan
* CT Scan
* Discogram
* Facet Joint Block
* Lab Test
* Myelogram
* Spinal Tap
* X-ray

Each one of these tests will be covered in further depth in upcoming articles. We have come to the end of my informational article. It's now your job to take this information and do something with it. Good luck and good health!

Monday, July 10, 2006

Yoga Explained

People want to be healthier these days and they are starting to realize that doctors and medicine can't always do the trick. Yoga is what a lot of people are using to help fix this problem in there lives. Yoga also helps people relax and can be very helpful after a stressful day. A lot of people think that Yoga is just a bunch of very tough aerobics and exercises, but they don't realize that there is a lot more to it than that.

Yoga is a group of old Hindu spiritual practices that started in India, where it still is a tradition and is seen as a means to enlightenment. The four main types of Yoga are Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga and Raja Yoga but there are many other types. In the America, the popular Yoga used by over 30 million people refers to Hatha Yoga, meaning forced Yoga.

Current yoga practices include traditional elements that come from Hinduism, like moral and ethical principles, postures to keep the body fit, spiritual philosophy, breathing exercises and relaxing the mind through meditation.

People who commonly practice yoga see it as beneficial because it leads to better health, emotional well-being and mental clarity. Yoga is expressed differently in different cultures. In Hinduism, yoga can be seen as a practice intended to bring people closer to God. In Buddhism, since they don't perceive there being a god, yoga helps people gain wisdom, compassion and insight. In western nations, where there more of an emphasis on individualism, so yoga practice may be used more as a way to become one with themselves.

Yoga helps master the body, mind and emotions. It is said to slowly gain knowledge of the true nature of reality. Yoga can be a way of increasing one's spiritual awareness and insight. While the history of yoga strongly connects it with Hinduism, it is said that yoga is not a religion itself, but has steps which can help people of all religions, as well as those who do not see themselves as religious.

Common to most types of yoga is the practice of concentration and meditation. Meditators sometimes report feelings of peace, joy and oneness. The focus of meditation may change from school to school. Some say it's a focus on one thing and only one thing, like breathing for example and others say it's a void, or being completely empty. Another common theme is the spiritual teacher, sometimes known as the guru, or lama. The guru guides the student through yoga's discipline from the beginning.

Traditionally, knowledge of yoga and the permission to practice it or teach it has been passed down by gurus and students. The yoga tradition includes texts which explain the techniques and teachings of yoga. Many gurus write on the about it, either giving modern translations of texts, or explaining how their teachings should be followed. The yoga tradition has also been a good source of inspiration for poetry, music, dance and art.

Meditation through Yoga

"Stop and smell the flowers." This old adage holds great truth and advice especially for the over-worked, over-stressed citizens of the modern world. We fill our days with fast paced activities and chores that lead to frustration, increased weight, and depression. Trying to cram too many activities in each day can have disastrous effects. Many ask how they can ward off the ill effects of stress. Besides reducing your activities you can look to the beneficial effects of meditation.

There are many ways to meditate from deep breathing to calming exercise such as yoga. Yoga has become a popular choice for many celebrities. Celebrities have stress upon their life on a grand scale. They not only have the unyielding demands of work, but also the critical and watchful eye of the critics, fans, and paparazzi. You may not have cameramen taking snapshots of you going to the grocery store, but you can have comparable levels of stress. Therefore, why not follow the celebrity craze in yoga and see if it works for you.

Yoga comes in many forms and difficulty levels. You can practice yoga at a health club or by watching yoga videos. It is recommended that beginning yogis take classes at a gym or health club. It is crucial to perform the postures correctly. A certified yoga instructor will help you to properly align your body and point out any areas for improvement. This feedback is essential so that you can receive the maximum benefits of yoga. An instructor can also talk you through meditation helping you to clear your mind and thus reduce your stress.

The basics of yoga cover four steps: breathing, meditation, posture, and relaxation. Let’s focus on the meditation aspect of yoga. The purpose of meditation is to free your mind of worries. You literally want to wipe your mind slate clean. This can prove to be difficult as thoughts about the dry cleaning you need to pick up or the work report you need to finish race around your mind. A yoga instructor or audio tape can lead you through the steps to achieving deep meditation. They will lead you through focusing on the present.

When you focus on the present you automatically release any tensions that come from activities you need to do or things you are worried about from the past. Meditation allows you to look into yourself. Your mind becomes clear as stress and tension are swept away. This is sometimes referred to as "centering" the body. Try to listen to your body. Feel how the air moves from your belly through your nose as you inhale and exhale. You are getting back to the basics of life and the building blocks of your existence.

Classic yoga meditation involves sitting cross-legged on the floor with your spine straight. Rest your hands, palm face up, on your legs. Close your eyes and breathe deeply. Try to breathe from the center of your body up and out through your nose. Make sure to relax your muscles, especially your jaw. In times of stress we tend to tighten our face causing jaw muscles to become sore. Take heed of the present moment. Remove the past and future from your mind.

When you become comfortable with yoga meditation breathing techniques you can move on to daily affirmations. Sit in your meditation pose and breathe deeply to allow your mind and body to relax. Next quietly say affirmations that are broad as well as personalized to your situation. For example, you can say "I will center my thoughts on the present." Follow this by saying "I will listen to myself breathe." It is important to find daily affirmations that will center you as well as revolve around the positive aspects of life. Finish each daily affirmation session by being grateful for all the joyous aspects of your life. If you have time, try to meditate five to ten minutes daily.

Your yoga postures will improve with meditation practice. Strive to engage in the deep breathing and affirmation techniques daily from the comfort of your own home. Supplement these meditation techniques with an actual yoga class. Not only will you gain valuable instruction from the yoga teacher, but you will also gain support and camaraderie of fellow yogis. This support group can help to alleviate stress and keep you interested in improving your yoga skills.

Ideally, you should attend a yoga class two to three times per week. However, this may not work with your schedule. Check to see if your local gym or health club has a diverse yoga schedule. Many health clubs offer yoga classes for varying difficulty levels in the morning, afternoon, and evenings.

The combination of daily meditation and yoga classes will bring you closer to a stress free life. Your mind and body will flourish from the healthy benefits of meditation and yoga. Now take a deep breathe and get started on your journey to stress free city.

Teaching Hatha Yoga: The Philosophy of Abundance

Is abundance just a disguised word for “money?” Can money be used for a good cause? Do you wonder why some Master Yoga Teachers, Gurus, and Swamis frown on the idea of Yoga teachers “talking up” the concept of practicing Yoga for abundance?

The reason is quite simple: Most people think of material wealth first. Why? This is an example of survival instinct, and money is a part of survival; but there are many more types of abundance for Yoga students to learn beside money.

Physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional abundance are worthy of note, but the desire for a better life, by acquiring material wealth, is hard to put out of your mind. Let’s look at each aspect of abundance from a Hatha Yoga student’s point of view.

Physical abundance could be seen as physical prowess. This is why Hatha Yoga has become so popular outside of India. When a new student becomes proficient in Hatha Yoga, he or she feels better almost immediately; sometimes to the point of ego bolstering and this is not a direction for Yoga teaching to take.

The physical senses are our most primal and can be realized without any difficulty. Your friends, family, and coworkers may even notice the changes that are happening to your body due to Hatha Yoga practice.

Mental abundance can easily be seen as intelligence. However, a person’s intelligence cannot be demonstrated, unless it is successfully projected and proven through the use of good communication skills. Union by knowledge, which we know as Jnana Yoga, will also require much more work than most people would initially think, and communication is a necessary skill required in order to share knowledge.

Sadly, spiritual abundance is becoming rare in some cultures. The spiritual connection to God cannot be seen, but can be felt. Unfortunately, we try to measure the spiritual world with scientific instruments from our physical world.

How can you measure prayer or the benefits of prayer? How does science explain miracles? Science often remains baffled or claims miracles do not exist. Science is useful, but has created the “virtual world” for a generation who may end up lost in computer games, obesity, poor health, and unconstructive use of time. However, we know the virtual world exists because we can see it.

Emotional abundance is most often taken for granted. Our family and friends provide security, but we wish for more material wealth. When death or illness knocks at our door, all the money in the world may not be enough.

If you have emotional abundance, you are truly rich. When you have material wealth, emotional abundance may be very hard to find because you do not know who your friends really are. Money attracts people, but those people might not have friendship in mind. Many of the financially wealthy are givers, and there will always be someone who wants to take advantage of it.