Saturday, December 02, 2006

Your Home Spa Experience

If you have installed a new home spa in your bath, then you are ready to experience the most exhilarating bathing experience of your life. Of course, if you want more than just water jets massaging every pore of your body, then you must arm yourself with bath oils and spa salts for added pleasure.

This is what you must do to get the most luxurious and relaxing bath in your home spa:

1. Before you settle down in your home spa for that experience, get some exercise. Tone up your muscles before your skin starts absorbing a mixture of gorgeous bath oils and spa salts.

2. Select the spa salts and the bath oils that you prefer the most. Preference can be based on aroma, medicinal value or whatever; you decide.

3. Keep the bath temperature around 98°F, which is about your body temperature. Don’t make the water too hot because if it is too hot, then you skin will not absorb the bath oils because the extra-hot water will make you sweat.

4. Get some spa music going and you will get into a soft, mellow, romantic mood. Spa music is of the tranquil kind – mostly piano and wind instruments. Oh yeah, turn off the TV.

5. Suspend some herbal bags into the water. Get some great, aromatic herbs going for your home spa and mix and match them according to your liking.

6. Keep some home spa-compatible cuisine ready to munch on after you’re out of your home spa. Home spa cuisine is light, non-greasy, mineral-rich food – mostly salads enriched with sprouts and seeds. Imagine emerging out of the bath, fully refreshed, feeling brand new and listening to some tranquil music playing in the background, with you nibbling on healthy and light-on-your-tummy food! Mmmm, delicious!

7. Do not settle down in your home spa if you’re in a foul mood or are all stressed up. You will most likely attack your home spa instead of experiencing it! First, calm yourself down by taking some deep breaths and purging all stressed-out thoughts from your mind.

8. Do you have a romantic partner who is ready and willing to share your home spa? If the answer is yes, then there can be nothing more romantic than this setting!

9. Remember, you are about to enter an anti-aging zone – Your home spa! You should be smiling now!

10. Okay, now that you have followed ateps1–9 above, you are ready to lower yourself into your home spa. Just don’t forget to take off your clothes!

End Motion Sickness and Enjoy Traveling Again!

Motion Sickness - While certainly not a life threatening illness, it can definitely make you miserable. Do you find yourself avoiding vacations because you just know you will get sick the minute you are in motion. Cars, planes, ships, it matters not.

Lets understand why some of us suffer from motion sickness. Motion sickness usually occurs when the inner space of the ear, which also acts as a motion detector, is being tampered with. Maybe by the waves or the sea, which are irregular, or by the fact that the eyes, which are also motion detectors do not see the motion and transmits to the brain that you are standing still. The brain will get confused by two different reports that it will induce self-defense, which usually results in motion sickness.

The most common symptoms of motion sickness are headaches and nausea. Vomiting is also a symptom and you will probably not feel any better after you have vomited.

Medications are available that may help stop motion sickness. Native Remedies has formulated an all natural herbal supplement called CanTravel, it is safe and effective at stopping motion sickness. This herbal supplement is a unique formula that combines a selection of herbs, biochemic tissue salts and homeopathic ingredients to treat all the major symptoms of travel or motion sickness. Pleasant and fresh tasting granules that will dissolve when they are sprinkled on the tongue make it fast acting for quick relief.

You can enjoy traveling again once you know how to prevent it and/or treat motion sickness.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Healthy Living With a Far Infrared Sauna

The health benefits derived from use of a far infrared sauna are spectacular, to say the least. From pain relief to detoxification, a mild cardiovascular workout to an improved complexion: for certain individuals, using a far infrared sauna on a regular basis can have long lasting health benefits.

Get a workout without moving a muscle

A far infrared sauna session can stimulate your body in the same manner as mild exercise. Due to the deep penetrating heat of the infrared sauna, your heart rate increases and causes your blood to flow harder, creating an atmosphere of a cardiovascular workout, some as researchers say.

Pain Relief and pain management

Certain body pains or conditions such as back and shoulder pain, arthritis and muscle spasms are said to decrease with the regular use of an infrared sauna. Some reports state that this is mostly short term alleviation of pain, but if you are in pain: every bit helps.

Cleanse your body with far infrared detoxification

Detoxification is a said benefit of an infrared sauna in the way of increased perspiration due to the deep reaching heat of the far infrared energy. According to research, a far infrared sauna is stated to help eliminate toxins better than other heat therapies due, again, to increased perspiration.

Make your face shine - gain a healthy complexion

Healthier skin is an almost accidental side effect of using a far infrared sauna. This is due to increased perspiration; opening up your pores to help remove excess dirt, oil and makeup. Those who suffer from certain skin disease such as acne, eczema and psoriasis may also benefit from using a far infrared sauna.

Some research shows a correlation between use of far infrared saunas and weight loss. This is mostly substantiated by the fact that with increased perspiration comes loss of excess water, thus the weight loss claim. Most infrared sauna vendors are quick to point out that even if any significant weight is lost during a sauna session; the weight loss is typically temporary. Because the weight loss is attributed to the loss of fluids through perspiration, when you intake more fluids you will gain most of this lost weight back immediately.

One other mention regarding far infrared saunas and health benefits: it is believed by many that using this type of heat therapy can act as an immune system booster. This is in part due to the heat placed upon your body, creating a temporary "fever" if you will. A fever is basically a healing function of your body, thus when placing yourself in this "feverish" environment of a far infrared sauna, it can actually cause your immune system to grow stronger. It is reported that a heat treatment such as provided via far energy can actually prevent a cold or the flu from producing symptoms.

Medicine's Gilded Path

We Americans enjoy the most expensive medical system on the planet, long considered the standard against which all others are judged. Why, then, are some US companies sending employees overseas to address their health problems?

Companies such as Florida-based United Group Programs, for example, have found that individuals covered by their plans can go to foreign countries, undergo major procedures—like a coronary artery bypass—and save tens of thousands of dollars, even when the costs of travel and lodging are added to the bill. Some unnamed Fortune 500 companies are considering the feasibility of participating in similar programs. At first blush, it might seem that large corporations and insurance carriers are once again simply cutting costs by directing employees and patients toward the cheapest care available. These firms’ investigations, however, have revealed that the care in some foreign hospitals rivals or exceeds that of American institutions:

Foreign physicians are often US-trained, and many practice in America prior to returning to their native country.

Foreign hospitals exhibit a much higher ratio of registered nurses to patients.

Many overseas hospitals are far more patient friendly, boasting “five star” accommodations.

Technology at foreign institutions is equivalent to that in US hospitals.

Hospitals involved in these referral systems typically possess Joint Commission International accreditation, which mirrors accreditation required of American hospitals through the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations.

Apparently, the quality of health care in some foreign countries is as good as what Americans receive at home—at least in the minds of certain employers and health insurance companies. But does this only apply to a small number of surgical procedures being performed in a few select countries? Perhaps this is merely an aberration, an example of a few profiteers who have found a golden pond on distant shores.

Unfortunately, while we in the United States spend more per capita on health care than any other nation, we fare quite poorly when the quality of our care is compared to that in other developed nations. In 2000, the World Health Organization published the results of its first ever analysis of health systems worldwide. Using five performance indicators designed to measure the quality of health care in 191 member nations, WHO found the US ranked 37th out of all countries included in the study. In contrast, the United Kingdom, which at that time spent only 6% of its gross domestic product on health care, ranked 18th.

One of the most important indicators used by WHO to determine the health of a nation’s citizens is called the “Disability Adjusted Life Expectancy (DALE).” DALE measures the number of years a person can expect to live in good health, before illness or disability causes a measurable decline in the quality of life. When calculating healthy life expectancy for babies born in 1999, WHO found that the United States ranked 24th among member nations.

In June 2000, Christopher Murray, MD, PhD, Director of WHO’s Global Programme on Evidence for Health Policy, stated, “The position of the United States is one of the major surprises of the new rating system. Basically, you die earlier and spend more time disabled if you’re an American than a member of most other advanced countries.”

By most reports, in the ensuing six years since WHO’s original report was published, health care in the United States of America has not improved significantly. Naturally, various causes have been cited for the relatively poor performance of the US system in WHO’s rankings. Rationales range from disparate numbers of unhealthy African Americans or Native Americans within our system, to a disproportionate number of HIV cases, to tobacco-related cancers and lung disease, to a higher incidence of coronary heart disease, to more frequent acts of violence and homicide.

As a board-certified Family Physician with over two decades of medical training, rural practice, and disillusionment under my belt, I would like to add one more compelling possibility to the list of reasons for our country’s abysmal performance: Perhaps, in our headlong race to transform health care into a cash cow, we have done ourselves a profound disservice. We have forgotten the wisdom of the Eclectics, who healed before the Age of Pharmaceuticals. We have ridiculed the empirical knowledge of civilizations whose roots are much deeper than our own. And we have dismantled the foundation upon which our own medical system was built.

Without question, we must continue to perform responsible, unbiased, forward-thinking research that affords us happier, healthier lives. We must then offer the benefits of our learning to everyone, regardless of station. But we must remain reasonably skeptical of a paradigm of “evidence-based medicine,” where said evidence is susceptible to manipulation; we must maintain a high degree of suspicion for well-marketed misinformation. Above all, we must discard the erroneous notion that the path to good health lies in just one more drug, just one more biomedical contraption.

There is hope. I sense a weather change in the way health care is administered in this country. Because a few vested interests are so well entrenched, it may take time to find balance, but I believe we are on the verge of finding something new—or perhaps rediscovering something very old.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Holiday Eating Without Overeating

It’s another wonderful year of delicious foods, specially made pies, and homemade banana bread. There’s not a time we enjoy food more, then the holidays. These delicious foods feed our soul, our eyes and our bodies. There are specific tips and tricks I have for you to get through the holiday season so you can stay Thin from Within while enjoying an assortment of delicious holiday foods.

So how do naturally thin people, make it through the holidays without gaining gobs of weight or without massive overeating?

Try these tips.

•Give yourself permission to eat all these delicious goodies. It's sort of a basic fact of human nature – if we think we can't have something, we want it even more. If you have it when you are hungry, the excitement and energy around this food loses some of its appeal. You have to eat right? You mine as well eat all the foods you love during the holidays. I think it’s a really wonderful thing that we live in a place where people have the talent and the skill to make beautiful and delicious foods for our enjoyment. What a gift. Even though today's popular diets tell us we need to cut out carbohydrates, white flower, sugar and pretty much everything else from our diet, I’m telling you—there are a lot of thin people eating holiday foods that contain all the “bad stuff.”

•Eat mindfully. Stay in touch with how your body feels and how the food tastes as you eat it. Do you love the food you’re eating or is the food just so-so? If it’s so-so, throw it away and get something delicious. By staying mindful you will prevent massive holiday overeating; you'll know when you've had enough. The food will lose some of its taste and appeal. If you go too far beyond that point when it doesn't taste as good, you'll likely begin to feel like full and uncomfortable.

•Take some longs walk, or take up Yoga or Pilates. The holidays, although a joyous time of year, can be a stressful time. All the shopping, cooking, and decorating is a lot to do over a short span of time. If you are finding yourself stressed out, treat yourself to a long walk, or take up yoga or Pilates. Your body and mind are connected. If your mind is stressed, your body is also stressed. If your body is relaxed, so will your mind. Our bodies are meant to move. Walking, yoga and Pilates are some of the best exercises to reduce stress and lengthen the body. You’ll be left walking taller and feeling beautiful.

•Be grateful-Gratitude is one of the most under used feeling that we are equipped with. We live in a magnificent and abundant world. We have numerous choices that we don’t even think of. We have tons of food choices, gift choices and decoration choices. People invite you to celebrate with them, so make sure that you stay in a space of gratitude this holiday season. You are lucky, I am lucky, we are all lucky to have another season to spend celebrating. Be grateful for your body too. Your may wish to make small changes to your body, but be grateful that it breathes, your heart beats, your eyes blink and you don’t have to think for one moment about keeping your body functioning properly. Take lots of time this season to celebrate what you have been given. You are lucky!

Ending Hair Loss

Hair loss is a natural phenomenon of the hair development phase. In fact, a person looses 40-60 hairs a day. Increase in the rate of falling hair becomes the major cause of baldness. Even though there are numerous reasons for hair loss, 95% of the cases, hair loss is due to Androgenetic Alopecia, often termed as male or female pattern hair loss. This trouble of hair loss occurs frequently in males as compared to females, and this has been the major situation in the United States.

Causes of hair loss:

There are numerous causes for hair loss. Some of the most common causes are mentioned below:

1. Hormonal imbalances are a major cause of hair loss. If your thyroid glands are overactive or less active then problems related to hair loss may occur.

2. Long term illness or a major surgery.

3. Use of some medicines also results in hair loss and this type of hair loss may be temporary or permanent. Some of the medicines that results in hair loss are anticoagulants, gout medicines, birth control pills, excessive use of vitamin A and antidepressants.

4. Hair loss may occur due to a basic disease such as diabetes or lupus.

5. Another common reason that results in hair loss is use of bleaches, relaxes to color hair for fashion and style. It is often seen that hair becomes ‘soapy’ in texture and easily breaks off after use of such chemical stuffs.

How to stop hair loss?

Hair loss does not mean that you have to say goodbye to hairsprays, hair dyes or other hair products. There is no way that these items will contribute to the problem. If you intend to reduce or stop your hair loss then you need to read the following guidelines.

1 Hair loss is often caused due to lack of Iron efficiency in your body. You need to have lots of iron, which includes lean red meat, offal, egg yolks, leafy vegetables, and pulses.

2 Rogaine is also said to reduce hair loss by quite a margin, if your hair loss has just begun. It is a lotion that needs to be applied to the scalp.

3 If you still feel that, your hair needs severe measures to protect against hair loss then you might want to consider to hair transplants. Hair Transplants are a useful treatment for preventing hair loss for both men and women.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Robotic Prostate Surgery - The da Vinci System

For many patients suffering from early prostate cancer the recommended treatment will be surgery in the form or a prostatectomy, either performed using traditional open surgery or minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery. Both forms of surgery can be extremely effective, as long as cancer is confined to the prostate gland, but can leave patients with a loss of sexual function as a result of damage caused to nerves, muscles and other tissue around the area of the prostate.

A new surgical system designed to solve this problem is the da Vinci system manufactured by Intuitive Surgical Inc. of Sunnyvale California. In essence the da Vinci system is laparoscopic surgery using robotic technology.

The da Vinci system consists of a patient-side cart which stands next to the operating table and which has three or four robotic arms (the number depends upon the form of surgery being performed) which hold a high resolution 3D endoscope (connected to state-of-the-art image processing equipment providing high quality images of the operating area) and the necessary operating instruments. The patient-side cart is supervised by a skilled surgeon who will make the necessary access incisions for the operation and also supervise the laparoscopic arms, for example, changing instruments as required.

A second, again highly skilled, surgeon will then sit at the surgeon's console which is located to one side of the operating theatre. Sitting comfortably the surgeon is able to view a 3D image of the operating area and uses his own hands to manipulate the robotic operating arms of the patient-side cart.

Unlike laparoscopic surgery in which the surgical instruments are both difficult to manipulate and have a limited range of movement, robotic prostate surgery allows the surgeon to rotate the surgical instruments through a full 360 degrees of movement in a natural manner, very much as he would in traditional open surgery. Unlike open surgery however the surgeon also has the ability to greatly magnify the area that he is working on and to "scale" the movement on instruments so that he can make extremely small and very precise movements with the operating instruments. This also permits the surgeon to eliminate the "tremor" which is sometimes a problem. One great advantage of this is that it allows older surgeons who have perhaps lost some of their dexterity to return to the operating theatre bringing with them many years of surgical experience.

Robotic prostate surgery using the da Vinci system combines the best of both worlds, allowing surgeons to operate naturally as they do with open surgery and combining this with all of the benefits of minimally invasive surgery seen in laparoscopic surgery.

Home Spa Tips and Tricks

Okay, now you have got yourself a home spa and you’ve stacked up your closet with all kinds of exotic aromatic bath oils and spa salts for that ultra luxuriant bath and a glowing skin.

If you have a portable home spa, then you’re probably experiencing some of the most relaxing and exhilarating baths you could ever think of. Now, it’s time for you to know more about home spas and how to go about enjoying them and caring for them:

1. If you want to get the full benefit of the spa salts and bath oils, then you must remove the dead cells on your skin by exfoliating them before you get into your home spa. You can use a soft brush and rub it gently all over your body, or else you can rub one of the exfoliating bath salts on the skin. Dead cells block the minerals in the bath oils and the spa salts from being absorbed by the skin; therefore, exfoliation is recommended on a regular basis.

2. Light an aromatic candle in your home spa space. Sure it may not be your birthday, but the aroma of the aromatic candle, together with the aromatic bath oils and spa salts, will set the tone for your vibrant bath. Just make sure your home spa doesn’t smell like a perfumery!

3. Do not use strong cleansers on your face.

4. Do not get into your home spa if you’re high on alcohol or if you have fever. Light drinking when you’ve dunked yourself in your home spa is okay.

5. Get used to the hot water before you park yourself in your home spa. We don’t want you to be screaming when you’re inside.

6. When you’re done with your home spa bath, do not rinse immediately. Towel off the water instead. Remember, your skin can absorb the minerals from the bath oils and the spa salts up to 2–3 hours after the bath – rinsing your body will wash off the minerals completely.

7. Your body will perspire in the hot waters of your home spa. Remember to replace your body fluids after you’re through.

8. Wax the inside of your home spa tub to prevent minerals from accumulating and making the surface rough.

9. Always sanitize your home spa tub after you’re done.

10. Try cleaning yourself with warm towels after you’ve finished your home spa bath. Believe us, you’ll love it!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Surgery To Cure Snoring

Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty. Nope, your partner is not cursing you, but she soon will if you don’t get help regarding your snoring problem.

This complicated medical term is used to define the removal of excess throat tissue so as to broaden the airway. This surgery to cure snoring is supposed to provide more room in the throat for air to move through. There may be several tissues removed which includes the uvula, or that tissue that can be seen hanging from the back of the roof of our mouths; the soft palate or a portion of the roof of the mouth; and other excess tissues in the throat such as tonsils and adenoids.

Just because your partner has been keeping you up on most nights does not really require him to go under the knife. Surgery to cure snoring is only used in very severe cases of snoring. The snorer and the partner do not make the decision. Your doctor would need to know the extent of your partner’s snoring problem before he can recommend surgery to cure snoring. He may ask your partner to go under a sleep test to see just how serious his snoring is.

If your partner does not have the extreme snoring issue, the doctor will likely discourage you to have surgery to cure snoring. There are non-surgery gadgets as well as medications that your partner may be recommended to try though. If all of these fail, your doctor will be the only one who can tell if you should have the surgery to cure snoring then.

Snorers may also be made to do changes in their lifestyle before or along with other medications. Vices, such as smoking, drinking, excessive eating, and lack of exercise, are major triggers of snoring. Surgery to cure snoring is mostly advised only if all these lifestyle changes and medications have been strictly adhered to, but have not helped ease the snoring troubles of a person.

Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty is done on people with extra tissues in the mouth, nose, or throat that have the tendency to block the breathing passages. Surgery to cure snoring is said to be about 46% to 73% effective. However, it is not that efficient in curing sleep apnea which is actually the serious part of snoring. Those who have had surgery to cure snoring and still have the incidence of sleep apnea, proper treatment of the real problem is delayed because you do not snore at all.

Sleep apnea is the health risk, and snoring is just a warning bell. Surgery to cure snoring eliminates the sirens, and will only make us silent witnesses to a more dangerous problem.

Snoring Surgery Costs

Snoring remains to be the butt of jokes for some people. But for others, it is not a humorous issue.

Not everyone who snores are in grave danger. There are light and occasional snorers who are just left to worry about how to avoid keeping up their room mates at night. The other type of snorers is not as lucky. Aside from causing disruptive sleep to the other members of the family, they have medical issues to think about.

The more serious snoring condition called obstructive sleep apnea is closely associated with fatal diseases. If people know how dangerous snoring problem is, it wouldn’t be as funny it used to be.

The market shelves are flooded with various anti snoring cures. Nasal sprays or drops, anti snoring pills, dental devices or mouthpieces, and wrist gadgets, all clamor for attention. But not all are as effective as they claim to be. Since snoring has been considered a health matter, it is best to consult your doctor regarding this problem. He will not only provide you with the most reliable medical advice, but will also spare you from trying out useless products.

People with sleep apnea may require more than just a dental device to reduce or completely get rid of their snoring problem. Doctors may advice them to undergo surgery. This is not advisable to those who snore occasionally, but are mostly recommended for those habitual snorers. The snoring surgery costs are not inexpensive at all, that is probably why snorers are trying to find cure amongst the products readily available in the market.

The type of surgery to be performed would depend on where the excess tissues are located. Nasal surgery is aimed to provide more room for air to pass through by correcting the nasal septum, repairing the nasal tissue linings, and taking out nasal polyps. This type of snoring surgery costs about $ 2,000.00 inclusive of anesthetic and other surcharges.

Palatoplasty works on the soft palate as well as the back of the tongue. There are several methods in performing this type of surgery. Generally, this snoring surgery costs around $ 2,000.00 to $3,000.00, which is comprised by the surgery itself, anesthetic, and other surcharges.

Some say that a good portion of the snoring surgery costs will be refunded by the private insurance or Medicare. However, some say that snoring surgery costs are not covered by most insurance policies as these are classified under cosmetic surgery.

Before deciding to go under the knife, make sure you know the basic things about the procedure. Needless to say, you don’t want to end up paying for all the snoring surgery costs only to find out that your snore is as loud as it was before the surgery.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Snore Cures Tips to Cure Snoring Problems

It is a fact. Nowadays, it seems that women are involved in what previously were issues exclusively about men – this includes snoring. With this, a number of snoring cures have sprouted in the market as well as tips to cure snoring problems, with some having no actual medical relevance. Snoring deserves to be given full attention, as it could already be a sign of a health problem as much as it is an issue between couples. Finding tips to cure snoring problems can likewise result in a better quality of you life, including your loved ones. When snoring has not complicated to sleep apnea, these self-help tips to cure snoring problems may prove useful.

One cause of snoring is weight. Many studies have found that the heavier a person is, the more he snores because soft tissues block the air passage. Losing weight not only decreases your risk of developing diseases related to obesity, it helps reduce the fatty tissues that are blocking your airway, thus, allowing you to have better quality sleeps.

Sleeping positions also account to snoring. Sleeping on your backs causes the soft tissues on the throat to relax, making you produce the snoring sound. Changing your sleeping position effects better breathing and can alleviate snoring (but severe snorers almost always snore at any position). To achieve these tips to cure snoring problems, special pillows (available in the market) may be used. You can also do the tennis ball trick: attach a tennis ball or any ball using a sock at the back of your pajamas on the waistline. This forces you to avoid lying on your back. Soon you'll get used to sleeping on your side.

Sleeping without a pillow could also help cease snoring because it puts the neck to a flat position avoiding the neck to bend and keeping the airways unblocked. Elevating the head of your bed to about four inches may also help you breath easier as it encourages your tongue and jaw to push forward, clearing your airway. This is unlike putting a pillow beneath your head because this elevates your whole upper body.

Smoking is also associated with snoring. Aside from the benefits you get by avoiding smoking and second hand smoke, or eliminating them altogether, this reduces the intensity of the snoring sound.

Avoid or limit your food, alcohol, antihistamines, sleeping pills, and other sedatives intake before going to bed because these relax your neck muscles. It is best to avoid these within three hours before bed. Also, full cream dairy products or soymilk products can possibly minimize the mucus from being drained, and mucus retained in the throat can cause snoring.

These tips to cure snoring problems might be able to help in lessening your likelihood to snore at night. Additionally, there are products available over the counter that can possibly cure snoring. However, as mentioned, snoring may just be a symptom of a more serious problem so that it's best to seek medical advice from a health professional.

5 Keys to Great Health - How You Can Stop the Link Between Cancer and Stress

Both of my mother and father had cancer. I've always had a hunch about what might have contributed to their illnesses.

Now a new study has found a strong link between stress and cancer. Researchers have discovered there's a hormone you produce during stressful periods called Norepinephrine.

How does this hormone increase the rate of cancer?

First, the norepinephrine can stimulate tumor cells to produce two compounds which in turn break down the tissue around the tumor cells. This allows the cancer cells to move into the bloodstream more easily.

Once the cells enter the bloodstream, they can travel to other organs and tissues forming more tumors. In other words, the cancer metastisizes.

Secondly, this same hormone may also stimulate the tumor cells to release a chemical. The chemical then helps the blood vessels that feed cancer cells grow. The result - the growth and spread of cancer increases.

This news from conventional medicine confirms my hunch was true. My mom and dad, who had divorced, both certainly had an abundance of inner turmoil. This emotional and mental conflict set the groundwork for an immune system gone out of balance.

Thing is, and this is key, both never learned to handle stress in a healthy way.

The plain and simple fact is this. Stress is a key precursor to any illness. In addition, if you don't handle it in a healthy way, your brain may REWIRE itself. And actually alter the way it functions.

Again, this is something I observed in my mom and dad. Their brain connections were definitely changed along the way.

What helps you stay balanced emotionally and mentally:

1. You can do it with laughter.

2. You can do it with classical music.

3. You can do it with exercise.

4. You can do it with meditation.

5. You can do it with creative projects.

When all of the above are activated regularly, stress is eliminated.

Funny how these 5 Keys to Good Health repair your immune system. They're relaxing AND invigorating - enjoyable activities for any age. They work like magic.

If you choose 3 of these 5 activities every day, you're making great strides towards good health and happiness.

Total Relaxation.

An absence of worry.

A clear mind and a joyful disposition.

These are things anyone would want. Your road to eliminating stress and fine-tuning your health begins with just three of these magic activities a day.

It's no use fighting stress. Unless you like adding more conflict to your life. The only way to eliminate stress is to balance it with plenty of un-stressful activities. The easiest of them all is listening to high frequency classical music. I'm talking about music that is positively charged. Give your brain something to laugh about!

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Calming The Storm of Epilepsy: Is Miracle Implant the Future?

Imagine a device that monitors a patient's brainwaves. Imagine it predicts a seizure is about to occur. Imagine it stops the seizure before it begins. Imagine...

If you could have imagined such a device 10 years ago your name may have been Robert Fischell. A physicist and prolific inventor, Fischell's revolutionary firsts include the implantable insulin pump and the rechargeable pacemaker. In a 2005 article in Fortune magazine, he had this to say about the typical path of his inventive genius: "Stage one - everyone says it's impossible. Stage two - they say the solution was obvious all along."

In 1997 Fischell pursued the next "obvious" step in epilepsy treatment and founded NeuroPace, the maker of the Responsive Neurostimulator (RNS). The RNS, currently in Phase III clinical trials, is a device implanted in a patient's skull that stops seizures by delivering small electrical charges to the brain through thin wires known as electrodes. What makes the RNS so special?

The name says it all - Responsive Neurostimulator...

The Responsive Neurostimulator is the first device to respond, in real time, to the brains epileptic activity and immediately intervene to return the brain to its normal state. The RNS assesses the brain's activity, determines when pre-seizure brainwaves occur and delivers therapy to stop the impending seizure. It's remarkable technology, on the cutting edge of what scientists call "closed-loop stimulation," a treatment mechanism that relies on individualized feedback derived from implanted sensors.

Here's how it works:

The matchbook-size RNS (roughly 1.6 by 2.4 inches) is the "control center" of the process - monitoring, assessing, and treating. It is implanted in the patient's skull just below the scalp and, having a contour that matches the curvature of the skull, is undetectable once the hair has regrown. In the most common configuration, the device is connected to two thin electrodes that have been positioned in the area of the brain identified as the focal point, the point of origination, of the seizure activity. Each of the implanted electrodes contains four contact points used to deliver small electrical charges.

As in all high-tech applications, once the hardware is in place, the focus turns to fine-tuning the software. Neurologists begin by establishing a baseline of "normal" brainwave patterns based on data collected by the RNS. When the brainwaves spike beyond the normal range, the RNS shows its stuff - within less than a second it analyzes the feedback, predicts a seizure is about to occur and sends a series of tiny electrical charges that disrupt the seizure and calm the brain - without the patient feeling even the slightest tingle. A simple wireless device allows patients to record data captured by the Responsive Neurostimulator to a laptop and then email the results to their neurologist. This data is analyzed and becomes the basis for future refinements to the RNS settings - settings uniquely established for each individual patient.

This evolving technology is especially important for people whose epilepsy is resistant to medications or for whom surgery is too risky. The Responsive Neurostimulator is a welcome alternative, and a fresh breeze of new hope, to patients who had previously exhausted their treatment options. It takes a page from the Dreamer's Handbook, refines it in the still of neurological wizardry, swirls in just a touch of medical mystery and holds forth the promise of a normal life. ... Sounds like just what the doctor ordered.

Anti-Snoring Products Pick Your Choice

An anti-snoring product is usually the best recourse for a person who wants to find a quick cure to his snoring. There are many out there, especially when you browse the Internet. From nasal strips, to spray, to pillows, etc. – all claiming to remedy one’s snoring problems. Let us try to examine these products and see what they have to offer.

Nasal Strip

This anti-snoring product claims to help the user breathe easily through the nose by expanding the nasal passages so air can pass through with a much wider airway. A product under this category is the Breathe Right Nasal Strips.

Aromatherapy Anti-snoring Product

This is an anti-snoring product claiming to improve the respiratory tract function. This essential oil mixture, depending on its type, can either be applied directly to the skin, or inhaled directly.


Basing its product’s design on the premise that snoring is caused by a bad posture while sleeping; these pillows support the neck to open the airway more, thereby reduces or even eliminate snoring. One such product is DICK WICKS Magnetic Anti-snore pillow, which the manufacturer claims can prevent snoring by opening the airway thru a proper support provided by their product. With the extra magnetic feature it claims to further reduce snoring.

Homeopathic Anti-Snoring Product

On the theory that like cures like this homeopathic anti-snoring product came about. Ingredients for this product are based on substances that when administered to a healthy person will produce symptoms similar to those who have snoring problem. One such anti-snoring product is SnoreStop Extinguisher.

Above are only some of the products that claim to remedy one’s snoring problems. While these anti-snoring products claim to be effective in the treatment of snoring, one must also check whether these indeed have clinical studies to prove their claims. One must note that the manufacturers usually sponsor these product reviews. So be always careful before subscribing to claims & taking them as gospel truth. Legitimate third-party reviews are much better in providing evaluation without bias.

In the end, it is a must that you refer your snoring problem to your doctor. A good background of snoring and anti-snoring products will help you keep up with the recommendations your doctor might present to you. Your doctor can best suggest an anti-snoring product for your specific need. It is best to trust your doctor & consider seriously his advice than self-medicating yourself on the basis of some of the anti-snoring product claims out there in the market.