Friday, December 01, 2006

Healthy Living With a Far Infrared Sauna

The health benefits derived from use of a far infrared sauna are spectacular, to say the least. From pain relief to detoxification, a mild cardiovascular workout to an improved complexion: for certain individuals, using a far infrared sauna on a regular basis can have long lasting health benefits.

Get a workout without moving a muscle

A far infrared sauna session can stimulate your body in the same manner as mild exercise. Due to the deep penetrating heat of the infrared sauna, your heart rate increases and causes your blood to flow harder, creating an atmosphere of a cardiovascular workout, some as researchers say.

Pain Relief and pain management

Certain body pains or conditions such as back and shoulder pain, arthritis and muscle spasms are said to decrease with the regular use of an infrared sauna. Some reports state that this is mostly short term alleviation of pain, but if you are in pain: every bit helps.

Cleanse your body with far infrared detoxification

Detoxification is a said benefit of an infrared sauna in the way of increased perspiration due to the deep reaching heat of the far infrared energy. According to research, a far infrared sauna is stated to help eliminate toxins better than other heat therapies due, again, to increased perspiration.

Make your face shine - gain a healthy complexion

Healthier skin is an almost accidental side effect of using a far infrared sauna. This is due to increased perspiration; opening up your pores to help remove excess dirt, oil and makeup. Those who suffer from certain skin disease such as acne, eczema and psoriasis may also benefit from using a far infrared sauna.

Some research shows a correlation between use of far infrared saunas and weight loss. This is mostly substantiated by the fact that with increased perspiration comes loss of excess water, thus the weight loss claim. Most infrared sauna vendors are quick to point out that even if any significant weight is lost during a sauna session; the weight loss is typically temporary. Because the weight loss is attributed to the loss of fluids through perspiration, when you intake more fluids you will gain most of this lost weight back immediately.

One other mention regarding far infrared saunas and health benefits: it is believed by many that using this type of heat therapy can act as an immune system booster. This is in part due to the heat placed upon your body, creating a temporary "fever" if you will. A fever is basically a healing function of your body, thus when placing yourself in this "feverish" environment of a far infrared sauna, it can actually cause your immune system to grow stronger. It is reported that a heat treatment such as provided via far energy can actually prevent a cold or the flu from producing symptoms.