Breast Implant Augmentation Surgery Tips To Follow Before You Have Your Operation
Make preparations at home for your life to be super-simple. For example, buy microwave meals so that you are not having to cook from scratch. Get anything on shelves down prior to having surgery, so you will not have to stretch when you get back. Have all shirts laid out that do not require stretching (ie: being pulled over your head). Make sure you have a drink, tissues, and pain killers by your bed - and do not forget the remote control!
Have your house spotless ready for your return, as you will not feel like cleaning when you get back. Make sure your car is full of gas, to give yourself the longest amount of time possible before needing to pump gas again. Water all your plants!
Buy a range of cheap bras in varying cup sizes. Pad them out yourself and wear them around underneath your clothing to get used to different sizes and heaviness. Use this to gauge what cup size you are most comfortable with, and how large you want to go. Take pictures of yourself in different cup sizes - which looks best?
It is a good idea to start sleeping on your back, as you will need to after the surgery. Try to work on your stomach muscles too, to help you get up from bed. Generally get on a health kick by eating healthily and exercising, as this will aid your body to recover much more quickly. It also helps to reduce any stress and anxiety you may be feeling prior to surgery.
Get a notepad ready or a timer so you can remember to take your medication (or remind yourself that you have already taken it). Keep a diary of your progress, and to be able to note any questions that come up after surgery. Take 'before' photographs to compare afterwards!
Shave or wax your underarms prior to surgery: you will not feel like doing this for some time afterwards. If you are nervous, ask for medication to help you sleep the night before surgery. Nausea and constipation can be experienced after surgery. Be prepared for this with some medication.
Standard advice before any surgery: leave your nails unpainted, as these are checked for problems associated with blood and oxygen circulation during surgery. Find out when the last time you can eat before surgery is, or it may be postponed, and make sure you have someone to be with you for the first 48 hours after surgery.
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