Anti Snoring Pillows
Anti snoring pillows are available to help stop snoring and to provide comfort while on your sleep. These are designed in such a way that the central pillow area is thinner than the portions around the edges. With anti snoring pillows, the user’s head is aligned with the spinal column regardless of the sleeping position. This provides for no obstruction on the breathing airway.
Anti snoring pillows come in standard sizes and are usually white in color. The fillings may vary, and mainly covered with anti-allergy material. Below are samples of such pillows that are available in the market today.
The Snore-No-More Pillow
This keeps the airway open by keeping the jaw forward, and the chin on an appropriate distance away from the chest. This anti snoring pillow keeps your head, neck and spinal column in good alignment. This can be bought at at around 45 dollars each.
Side-Sleeper thigh cushion and knee pillow
This is angled at 29 degrees to fit the thighs just right and to accommodate the natural forms of the legs, ensuring that your sleeping on the side will be as comfortable as ever. This anti snoring pillow will also keep the normal and desired alignment of the back part of the body. Definitely this will aid in sleeping on your sides. Its dimension is 34 cm x 23 cm x 6.5 cm x 20 cm wide. This costs around 39 dollars at
Obus Forme-Anti snore Pillow
This anti snoring pillow helps in your personal anti snore campaign by encouraging a side sleeping position. This promotes proper sleeping posture and reduces chances for stiff necks and the like. It has a dimension of 14” x 19” x 5”. This weighs around 3 pounds and ideal for your comfortable anti snoring pillow needs. Price range is around 62 to 68 dollars. Visit for more information, or
There are a lot more of these anti snoring pillow in the Internet. You can browse for more and see which one you feel you can sleep with comfortably. Prices vary according to the type of material used. Consider as well the shipping charges on top of the item price set by the website selling the anti snoring pillows. If you can, ask friends who might have tried some of these products, in order to have a good idea on what specific anti snoring pillow you would want to have in your bedroom.
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