Saturday, November 25, 2006

Home Remedy for Snoring

Snoring has its social and health impacts. Over the years, excessive snoring and sleep apnea were related with some illnesses like hypertension, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular diseases. Snoring also creates some tension in relationships. Snoring is considered a major nuisance for so long that the first anti-snoring oral device patented dates back to the 1930's. Up until now, there hasn't been a so-called "panacea" for snoring although this information on home remedy for snoring might be beneficial in the treatment of milder cases.

Any obstruction to air passage causes the soft tissues to flap as air tries to rush in to meet the body's required oxygen intake – thereby causing the vibratory sound or snoring. In some instances, anatomical irregularities of the air passages (beginning in the nose down to the throat) also cause snoring. Some people have enlarged tonsils and adenoids (the glands at the far back of the mouth) that obstruct the airway as the neck muscles relax when a person is asleep – this also causes the snoring sound. The uvula also plays a role in producing a vibratory sound.

Depending on what's causing you to snore, the following information on home remedy for snoring may be tried. Information on home remedy for snoring is just a first step in treating snoring and would provide an idea on what type of snoring you already have.

Usually, mild snoring can be corrected by lying on one side but if you're most comfortable with lying on your back, attach something on your back to create a bulk. This should compel you to sleep on your side.

Mucus that doesn't drain forms an obstruction on your airway so that avoiding creamy dairy products before going to bed may also help. A full stomach and some alcohol three hours before bedtime relax the neck muscles making the soft tissues flabby, which initiates snoring. Sleeping pills and some sedatives contain substances that are known to relax certain muscles around the neck area.

Obese people tend to snore because the fats accumulated on the neck area narrows the air passage. Losing weight gives both the benefits of lessening the intensity of snoring and reducing your risk of developing some illnesses related to obesity.

If all else fails, and you still snore profusely, you might want to visit a physician who knows how to cure snoring and give you other information on home remedy for snoring; for your condition has probably complicated to sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a sleeping disorder wherein a person would pause his breathing for 10 seconds or longer, and several times in one night. This is a life-threatening condition and can cause premature death. Information on home remedy for snoring is quite important before going into the invasive treatments.