Saturday, October 07, 2006

The Basics of Headaches

Medically known as cephalalgia, a headache is an ache or pain in the head, neck, and sometimes upper back. One of the most common afflictions, causes can range from stress, eye strain, and sinus tension, to aneurysms, meningitis, and tumors. They can also be caused by more outwardly obvious reasons, such as head injuries or blows to the neck or face.

What’s Hurting
The brain, as an organ, is not capable of feeling pain; it lacks the right nerve fibers to be pain-sensitive. But, there are areas near the brain where pain is able to be felt: a network of nerves surrounds the scalp, face, throat and neck. Additionally, the blood vessels, the surrounding membranes, and the muscles of the head all have the ability to perceive pain.

Types of Headaches
While there are many sub-categories, there are four types of headaches. These are vascular, myogenic, traction, and inflammatory.

Vascular: Vascular headaches are headaches caused by the swelling or irritation of blood vessels. They include migraines (headaches that involve severe pain, nausea and blurred vision), toxic headaches (headaches that are produced by a fever or from over-exposure to toxic chemicals, including alcohol), cluster headaches (headaches marked by clustered episodes of intense pain usually over one eye), and headaches caused by hypertension.

Myogenic: Myogenic headaches are caused when the muscles in the head and neck tighten, causing pain. A tension headache, the most common kind of headache, falls under the Myogenic category. These can either be episodic (coming on every once in a while) or chronic (occurring with frequency). They are often caused by the stresses of lack of sleep, emotional influences, nerves, bad posture, hunger, and physical exertion.

Traction and Inflammatory: Both Traction and Inflammatory headaches are symptoms of underlying medical conditions or disorders. Without treatment, these get worse and occur more often over time. An example of this is a sinus headache, a headache caused by inflammation of the sinuses. This inflammation can be the result of bacteria, fungus, viruses, allergies, or autoimmune reactions.

Diagnosis of Headaches
Though, from a statistical standpoint, most headaches don’t require medical attention, this isn’t always the case. Because some headaches may be warning signs of life-threatening conditions, a medical diagnosis may be needed, sometimes urgently.

Headaches that are persistent and worsening over time, headaches that are frequent in children, headaches that are caused by a blow to the head, and headaches that involve fever, stiff neck, confusion, or unconsciousness are just a few examples of headaches that warrant the attention of a healthcare professional. In these cases, CT scans and MRI’s of the head are typically performed.

Treatment of Headaches
Headaches that are not symptomatic of an underlying condition can usually be treated with over the counter painkillers. However, frequent and prolonged use of this kind of medication is not recommended and can actually lead to Rebound Headaches (headaches caused by withdrawal from medication). Caffeine and certain vitamins – Magnesium, Vitamin B2 – are also sometimes recommended.

Some people find that keeping a diary of when their headaches occur helps them to figure out the “trigger” of their headaches. For instance, certain foods and certain medication can lead to headaches. If a person is tracking when these foods and medications are used and realizes that they have headaches a few hours after consumption, something they are ingesting could be the cause.

Genetics and Headaches
While there is no genetic link among certain types of headaches, some types do tend to run in families. This is particularly true for migraines. Most children and teenagers who have reported repeated migraines also have relatives with the same affliction. In fact, if both parents of a child have repeated episode of migraines, there is roughly a 70 percent the child will develop them at some point. If only one parent has migraines, however, the chances of the child developing them drop to between 25 and 50 percent.

Headaches can be range from temporary pain and temporary discomfort to a warning signal your body is emitting. Anything that is prolonged or severe should never be ignored, no matter how common headaches may be.

About Us:The Center for Osteopathic Medicine in Boulder, Colorado believes in The Osteopathic Difference. In a medical industry focused on treating symptoms, The Center is more focused on finding the cause of these symptoms. The Osteopathic Difference is the application of "Hands on Therapeutics" for both the diagnosis and treatment of complaints, disorders, and pain. The Osteopathic Difference will apply the time proven osteopathic fact that function is directly related to structure, and poor structure will lead to poor function.

While The Center tries to focus on health, and above all else, prevention for all those who cross into its threshold, sometimes the best that can be done is to recognize the source of the “DIS-EASE," and to teach every individual how to manage their symptoms. Believing that it is the most important aspect of any treatment regime, and that it is the primary job of the health care practitioner, The Center works to empower the patient in the maintenance of their own health.

Achieving health is also an elusive place, and The Center will work tirelessly to create a path to health which, when embraced by the patient over time, will allow the patient to enjoy a positive return on their rehabilitation investment. The Center teaches a Mindfulness Yoga Program that aims to educate the patient in the power of the mind to minimize, if not rid the body of, aches and pain. Although the ultimate goal of health is to live without the use of drugs, natural or otherwise, The Center for Osteopathic Medicine recognizes the importance of medicinals and their appropriate use. All styles of "Hands on Manipulation" are practiced at The Center. By combining these Manipulative techniques with Structural Integration, massage, meditation and Western Medicine, The Center for Osteopathic Medicine helps people to identify disease before it manifests, quiet pains that have been previously diagnosed as Chronic, and embrace a holistic mindset to Live in the Present- and within that presence, live completely well.

The information discussed in this article is for informational and educational purposes only. If you are experiencing symptoms of a health problem, please visit your doctor. The material discussed on this website is not meant to replace the opinion or diagnosis of a medical professional.