Amalgam Fillings Hidden Dangers
A sixty-five year old man came to me recently for an intensive 5-day mind, body, spirit healing experience. He was recently diagnosed with rectal carcinoma. Although, the medical doctor warned him that any delay in starting radiation was a death warrant, he was confident metaphysical healing was the answer. In the best case scenario the side effects of the radiation miracle cure is impotence, and possible bladder and/or bowel incontinence. A colostomy (a pouch carried on the body) remedies the bowel incontinence. In the worst case scenario the radiation will only delay the inevitable.
He immediately contacted a Naturopath. The Naturopath recommended dietary changes specific to his body type, energy level, overall health, and complete detox, including Amalgam filling replacements. The Naturopath stated the most toxic substance anyone can put in one’s body is Amalgam.
This is not to say that Amalgam caused the cancer. However, when the body is warding off the toxic impact of a substance it is unable to properly heal and prevent other invasive substances, such as a virus.
A World Health Organization Scientific Panel concluded that a safe level of mercury exposure has never been established, yet the majority of people are putting their lives in danger by allowing dentists to use Amalgam fillings.
Many medical and governmental studies report dental mercury Amalgam fillings are the number one source of human exposure to toxic mercury (50-90%). The studies found that mercury Amalgam fillings are unstable due to mercury’s low vapor pressure and galvanic action. Mercury continuously leaks into a person’s mouth, raising mercury levels in the saliva. This exceeds health standards.
Mercury exposure from fillings exceeds government health standards and the levels found could cause adverse health conditions. The standard of the U.S. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ASTDR) for acute inhalation exposure to mercury vapor is .02 micrograms. This translates to approximately 1.2 mg per day for the average adult. The range of mercury exposure levels found in people with Amalgam fillings by the World Health Organization Scientific Panel on Mercury was 3 to 70 micrograms per day with other medical studies finding up to 200 mg/day in gum chewers or people who grind their teeth.
Recent studies have concluded that the high mercury release levels of modern Amalgams and mercury poisoning may come from Amalgam fillings and is prevalent throughout the population. Common levels found in persons with Amalgam fillings are over ten times the Health Canada limit and more than according to the United States EPA health standards for mercury vapor.
These studies clearly indicate people with Amalgam fillings have levels of intra-oral mercury vapor and body exposure levels higher than the level considered safe. The studies found that if a person has numerous mercury fillings, chews gun and/or drinks hot liquids (and who doesn’t?), their total mercury exposure may increase up to 500%.
With these known definitive reports it is incredulous the AMA, ADA and FDA continues to allow dentists to use Amalgam fillings. This is clearly a case of buyer beware. Government agencies apparently are only reporting their findings and the buyer needs to make a decision.
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