The Secret Behind the Push in the Wellness Industry
What’s the deal all of a sudden with this Health and Wellness kick? Why is it no matter where you turn your head, you see something pertaining to either a diet, an energy drink, losing weight, no carb food, exercising, or organic food? Why are people undergoing surgeries of all kinds just to look and feel better? Why does it seem like there is a health club on every corner now? Is the wellness industry truly a 300 billion dollar industry that will soon be a 1 trillion dollar industry by 2010 as some predict? If one sits back and takes a look, the answer is simple.
I believe this trend is being propelled heavily by the Baby Boomers Generation. This isn’t just my thinking, but I have researched what trend predictors are saying about the health and wellness industry. The Baby Boomers are getting older and are living longer. They want to make sure that they can be healthy when they retire. Quite frankly, I don’t blame them. It is amazing how one group of people can change the way the country lives and functions. Fast food restaurants are smart, very smart. They understand where the money is. The fast food industry is now focused on healthy eating. Ten years ago, you wouldn’t walk into a fast food place and see a variety of salads, no carb sandwiches, and advertisements for Atkins Diet. You also wouldn’t see bottle water being sold there, but things have changed, tremendously.
There is saying that goes, you are what you think and you are what you eat. If a person wants to age well, they need to start eating healthy and exercising when they are young. The Baby Boomers have figured this out and now the whole nation is catching on. People are becoming more conscious of what they intake in their bodies. More unknown diseases are coming about because people are eating a lot of food that is processed, not drinking enough water, nor exercising at all. A lot of diseases can be avoided when someone gets older if he or she does two things, eat healthier and exercise on a regular basis.
It seems like everybody has a product or diet that is so easy. I think if it were so easy, then everyone would be doing it. Not only that but half of Americans wouldn’t be overweight. The fact of the matter is this, eating and staying healthy is simple, not easy. If we all make a decision to change the way we eat and exercise and act on it, we will live healthier lives.
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