Diagnosis Incurable
The first thing you do is get a second opinion. Since you just paid good money for an entirely pessimistic diagnosis, the second one should be free. The second one should be much more upbeat. The second one should be your own. If there is such a thing as a mind - body connection someone just gave your mind a very bad idea. Just because it came from some professional does not demand you accept it. If you do not have your affairs in order do so. This event could have been a car crash with you dead and a diagnosis irrelevant. So take this negative diagnosis as a warning to be prepared.
There is no such thing as incurable. What there is, is little known cures. If it is little known that means: 1. Somebody knows about it. 2. If someone knows about it, it can be known. 3. If it can be known, it can be known by you. People of faith will assure you that death itself is curable. If they are correct how can anything short of death be incurable?
Now you might say, “I don’t know anything about any of this. I don’t know what to do.” And I say what you didn’t know probably contributed to your less than optimum health. That is you are very likely a victim of ignorance as most of us are, most of the time. But the cure for ignorance is as plain as the nose on your face. First, the odds that more than one cure has been published somewhere. You can read about them and decide if one. appeals to you or makes you nervous. If you make a choice here you can begin treatment immediately.
If you don’t like the sound of either keep looking. If you don’t find something right away, begin with prayer, meditation, visualization and affirmation. If these things do not cure, they will buy time. Do not panic. Do not be afraid. Both will accelerate degeneration. It’s time now to get familiar with your affliction. You can read the medical journals if you want. They will try to confirm the negative diagnoses. If you know that going in you will be less depressed by what you read. But the smart thing to do is go to alternative healers and literature. It will seldom be as pessimistic as medical journals.
Alternative sources may not expose a cure offhand but your reading itself will suggest further reading. If you learn either the cause of your affliction or the mechanism that makes it incurable by modern medicine, you are half way home to discovering a cure for yourself you could publish to help others. Helping others is that much more reason for you to succeed. Can you see how much you have already done to shift the odds in your favor? Most people have no idea how powerful personal expectation really is. It programs the subconscious to produce the expected result. Once you truly know this, you are smarter than most M.D.s.. Since you are now smarter than they are you have every right to expect better than they expect. Certainly you do not expect them to care more about you than you? That would be the definition of an unrealistic expectation.
The medical establishment has no use for unscientific data, so if your aunt Agnes cured the same affliction by eating raw egg yolks for two months, are you just going to blow it off? How much do eggs cost? On the internet there are alternative healing databases that gather testimonial evidence and publish it. No matter how improbable a thing might seem, if nothing else is working and you are dying, it could be time to grasp at a straw or two. One could save your life. So there you have it. Your affliction is ignorance and the cure is education. It can’t get any simpler than that.
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